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Politics & Government - 19 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Many American citizens do not vote on election day. Although compulsory voting can increase the number of voters, it is not the most suitable solution. What other solutions are there for persuading Americans to vote?

2007-04-19 11:46:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

I am doing a report and I need this information and can't find it. I've tried the Department of Public Welfare's website and nothing is on there.

2007-04-19 11:45:51 · 3 answers · asked by Manda 1 in Government

I just wondered if those for abortion have any feelings for babies or children in general, if they planned to ever have kids and what your thoughts are on this:

Please take a look. I am not trying to get you all religious or guilt you into anything. I merely am curious about what you think.
Thank you.

2007-04-19 11:44:17 · 8 answers · asked by Star 5 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-19 11:43:14 · 24 answers · asked by ferengifighter 3 in Immigration

okay, i got a woman pregnant and we deiceded that it would be best for me to sign over rights. what i am needing to know if i am able to sign over rights for the fact that i explained that i don't want anything to do with the child or do i need another specific kind of reason??


2007-04-19 11:39:07 · 14 answers · asked by rmt 1 in Law & Ethics

My husband and I will be getting out of the military this summer. We have heard of two options. We heard that the military will hire professional movers to move us home free of charge OR that the military will reimburse us 90% if we rent a U-haul and move ourselves. Are both of these true? Does anyone know any other options? Does anyone have a suggestion? It's time for us to figure this out. Thanks!

2007-04-19 11:38:03 · 10 answers · asked by aimee_the_angel 2 in Military


2007-04-19 11:36:05 · 9 answers · asked by rmt 1 in Law & Ethics

It's the same old, same old type of Prez every time
This is just crazy to me....

Aren't we ready to see what someone new can do.....

2007-04-19 11:35:23 · 18 answers · asked by fab1 2 in Politics

In the wake of this tragedy at VT, I have heard enough about gun control to make me sick. It was a deeply sad thing, I readily admit that. However, why doesn't the media focus on the fact some crazed phsyco killed 32 poeple and not repeatedly hammer the fact that he used firearms to do it.
He should signs of mental illness for at least four years before he did this. Why doesn't Mayor Bloomberg, Rebeca Peters, Hillary Clinton, and the Brady Center get together and stenghten laws that would lock up and treat these nut cases?
If he had poisoned the water supply for the campus or used a bomb would it have been different? I nut is a nut is a nut.

2007-04-19 11:32:26 · 13 answers · asked by hitchie 3 in Law & Ethics

I often wonder in here why seemingly intelligent folk suddenly go blank when certain subjects come up? or more over, click into group think..?

You will call me a Liberal but I do not Identify myself as such.. nor do any of the other Progressives that I live near and work with,

yet all conservatives (in name only) are more than happy to assume that uniform..

Climate Change
Bush's performance

it doesn't matter what time of day.. it's always the same ..

I have proof of my position, but you won't read the link.. I am willing to debate, you are dogmatic in your insults and diatribe.. I research you repeat..

who's programming you ?

2007-04-19 11:28:51 · 14 answers · asked by sitizen_x 3 in Politics

C'mon creationists - show us the evidence.

Show us the evidence that dinosaurs and man walked together, show the evidence how adam was created from dirt, tell us why 99% of the species that existed on the earth are now extinct. Show us proof the earth is 6000 years old.

Explain to us why the creator did such a lousy job of designing us - why do we as embryos develop tails, gill sacks, and a coat of hair - that then are reabsorbed. Why did god design the prostate gland in men with the urethra passing right through the middle of it, why is the female pelvis too narrow for childbirth, why have an appendix at all?

Creationists claim to have the answers to everything - yet the evidence to back up none of it.

All they do is try and tear down science, and in the process prove what frauds they are.

2007-04-19 11:28:00 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why don’t we build a big wall at the border and send the Army and Marines to protect it?

LOL I told him I want to know the samething (as I’m dying with laughter inside). I keep this part of my life separate from my kids. I don't want them to think all Hispanics and Ceneral Americans break the law and all are illegal. When they are older I will explain the problem. Kids do not need to worry about this crap. I just thought it was interesting. He saw something on TV and asked me the above question.

So why doesn’t Bush and our lawmakers enforce the law and close all of our borders to ALL illegals?

2007-04-19 11:25:30 · 12 answers · asked by tiredofaliens 4 in Immigration

For many years, candidates for President have been very polarizing. This has not led to good results IMHO.

Do you think it's even remotely feasible that there could exist a candidate who can unite the majority of voters and not be such a polarizing figure, i.e. not be viciously attacked by his/her opponents? A figure who can unite the country behind his/her policies so we can get back on the right track?

I am truly meaning to be apolitical here and would appreciate the same in your responses. Thanks!

2007-04-19 11:24:36 · 33 answers · asked by Abby O'Normal 6 in Government

I think it is a double edged sword. You can't ban all guns and you can't hand them out to every single person. It's complicated and there is a benifit and consequence to each. But what do you think of the gun control laws.

People say give guns to law abiding citizens, but you aren't born a criminal. You have to BECOME one. Each person that obtains a gun could possibly be on the verge of commiting a crime.

2007-04-19 11:23:50 · 13 answers · asked by Koko Butta Kream 4 in Law & Ethics

Libs are always saying humans are destroying nature and that we should protect nature. Since when did humans take a leap outside of nature? If you believe in survival of the fittest or in darwinian principles then shouldn't species that were suppose to survive be able to survive with humans. Humans are part of nature. People say that without humans the earth could continue, well without bears the earth would continue just fine too, so what? Isn't the earth suppose to change and adapt with our presence since we are just as much a part of nature as any other animal or as a volcano erupting or an earthquake occuring? You can't have it both ways. You can't believe in the concepts of survival of the fittest and then turn around and say that humans have no right to change the landscape around them.

2007-04-19 11:23:36 · 15 answers · asked by cadisneygirl 7 in Politics

mission, to form a democracy? We beat the Germans and the Japanese on different continents in four years, explain to me why the greatest military might on the earth cannont "win" in Iraq.

2007-04-19 11:22:05 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

It would be interesting if everyone had to prove who they were, where they live and maybe even who they work for or what they do (students etc) to post on the Yahoo Answers Political Discussions. Would you bet the answers might get a little different if those answering couldn't hide?

2007-04-19 11:21:38 · 12 answers · asked by netjr 6 in Politics

2007-04-19 11:21:19 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

my friend was driving to a job site today, when out of nowhere he was slammed into by a small car, the small car sped of before he could get the plates. the work truck is in bad condition and my friend was hurt. minutes after he contacted the police he called the office. unbeknownst to him after he called our boss the boss clocked him out, even though the accident wasnt his fault and he was two hours away . my friend lost four hours of pay without knowing. what is the law in this sitiuation? thanks for the help.

2007-04-19 11:15:23 · 5 answers · asked by CM 2 in Law & Ethics

...what about those of us who hunt for food? Are you going to *force* us to eat that Frankenfood crap that passes for beef in our stores?

If *you* want to eat meat that's packed full of antibiotics and hormones, that's entirely up to you. But what gives you the right to tell the rest of us that we have to? Not like you can take down a moose with a knife, and a bow and arrow really have a lot of the same potential "problems" as a firearm.

No flaming, please - this is a legitimate question.

2007-04-19 11:11:55 · 24 answers · asked by Jadis 6 in Politics

They will do anything rather than blame the failure-in-chief.

2007-04-19 11:09:44 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

She did when that Colorado thing happened a few years back.

2007-04-19 11:02:42 · 21 answers · asked by Frank 2 in Politics

I feel that if the place of business that sold the firearms to Cho Hui,had excess to his mental records from the state of Virginia, they wouldn't have sold him the firearms.It should be the law for those places of businesses that sell firearms to have excess to those records.Does anyone else agree?

2007-04-19 11:02:19 · 3 answers · asked by Yorkie Lover 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-19 11:01:40 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If 1 is philosophy and 10 is mythology, what number is your religion?

2007-04-19 10:56:28 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


Got that arwen??

"A volcano gives off more co2 in a year then every factory on earth combined. "
- arwen = CON

2007-04-19 10:54:14 · 9 answers · asked by soldier_of_god 2 in Politics

I'll give my two cents on one opinion:

The LA Times predictably condemns yesterday's Supreme Court decision as "unconscionable."

What's truly unconscionable is that the newspaper would oppose a reasonable piece of legislation that both outlaws a barbaric procedure which is never medically necessary and which was also supported by 70% of Americans at the time of its passage.

In the Times' world, apparently, the Supreme Court solons are supposed to tell us that it's unconstitutional to prohibit plunging scissors into the base of a baby's neck in order to kill it. Hey, that's "choice," at least as the Times sees it.

Extremism at its finest . . .

2007-04-19 10:51:33 · 8 answers · asked by Whootziedude 4 in Politics

I read on AOL news a small town ( I forget where) made it mandatory for adults without a criminal or mental record to own guns in 1982. And ever since crime has been at a record low.
Should owning guns be mandatory. I know if i wanted to rob someone i would think twice if i knew they had a gun.What do you think???

2007-04-19 10:51:10 · 3 answers · asked by iceblendedmochajavo 5 in Law & Ethics

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