LBJ President, states after the Civil Rights bill is enacted
"We have lost the South for a generation"
The bill was sent to the House of Representatives, and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Emmanuel Celler. After a series of hearings on the bill, Celler's committee greatly strengthened the act, adding provisions to ban racial discrimination in employment. The bill was reported out of the Judiciary Committee in November 1963, but was then referred to the Rules Committee, whose chairman, Howard W. Smith, indicated his intention to keep the bill bottled up indefinitely
Howard W. Smith. Virginian Democrat
Final Votes for Civil Rights act.
By party
The original House version:
Democratic Party: 153-96 (61%-39%)
Republican Party: 138-34 (79%-21%)
The Senate version:
Democratic Party: 46-22 (68%-32%)
Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)
The Senate version, voted on by the House:
Democratic Party: 153-91 (63%-37%)
Republican Party: 136-35 (80%-20
15 answers
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Dina W