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Politics & Government - 6 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

What? What??!! What WOULD you do? What COULD you do? And why would I even care anyway?

2007-02-06 11:19:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

After all, we did start the whole thing.

2007-02-06 11:17:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

the largest withdrawl from the federal reserve ever and its missing
whaaaaaa happen

2007-02-06 11:15:36 · 13 answers · asked by Unfrozen Caveman 6 in Politics

I spoke with an employee of the Placer County Child Support Office about filing a complaint. Little did I know at the time that the person I was complaining about was the Complaint Resolution Officer. This particular employee then took it upon themselves to write the complaint in their own words on a complaint form, sign it, submit it, judge there own determination as being fair and valid, and then dismiss the claim. At no time did I ever submit a written complaint in my words, signed by me. Judge, Jury and Executioner? I think so. After this unethical decision, this employee then requested (and did) have the interim Director sign off on this as correct, lawful and fair. It is most apparent that The Director did not take the time to investigate, nor judge his employees work. Although, I will be pursueing this situation legally, I wonder....has anyone else had problems with this particular agency?

2007-02-06 11:15:28 · 2 answers · asked by REVOLUTION 4 in Law & Ethics

Just out of curiosity, what excuses are you going to invent for this particular snafu?

2007-02-06 11:14:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

i would like to permantely move to liverpool england and i was born and am from the US

2007-02-06 11:14:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I would like to get my son a Lap Top so upon finishing Basic Training he would be able to keep in touch with friends + Family through I. M. If there is internet available would it be Lan or wireless?

2007-02-06 11:14:15 · 5 answers · asked by GerryZ 1 in Military

it came to a Draft here in the United States? Or do you think those who are for the war would change their mind knowing that maybe their OWN children and grandchildren would be at risk of being sent over to Iraq to fight?

2007-02-06 11:11:29 · 9 answers · asked by Mac 5 in Military

When did politics turn into a bunch of people yelling names at everyone who disagrees with them? I'm just going down the list of questions being asked in the politics section, and I've got to say, 75% or more of these people are just namecalling for no apparent reason. What is wrong with these people? Can they not see that comments like "_____ is stupid", "______ is a liar", "______s are nazis", and "_______s can't spell good" are just making you look like idiots? If you don't have an INFORMED INTELLIGENT opinion, then just do yourselves a favor and shut up.

2007-02-06 11:11:29 · 5 answers · asked by stickymongoose 5 in Politics

2 different wars I know, but Iraq is starting to look like another war that can never be totally won. The American people have already started turning on the war and soldiers just like in Vietnam.

2007-02-06 11:10:10 · 10 answers · asked by Metal 4 in Military

The US has way more deaths per head of population that any other developed country:

Gun deaths per 100 000 population (1999):

USA 10.58
Canada 3.34
Switzerland 6.28
Scotland 0.39
England/Wales 0.35
Japan 0.09

(Source: Harvard Injury Control Research Center, HELP Network, World Report on Violence and Health (World Health Organisation))

Having a gun is not a constitutional right - the Constitution says:-
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

A guy with a handgun under his pillow does not consitute a well regulated militia, neither does a guy with a rifle on his wall or a guy with a gun tucked into his belt.
The word is 'People' with a capital 'P'. It is not to be confused with 'persons' as in persons wandering the streets with guns shooting at anything in sight.
A shame the majority of the US citizens do not understand their own laws.
Cowboy Culture!!!!

2007-02-06 11:06:07 · 18 answers · asked by kayamat_ka_din 3 in Law & Ethics

Should a person be allowed to pass out notices on a areet corner in your town if the notices are very unpopular with the people in your town?Why?

Should a person be allowed to give a street-corner speech in your town if he/she desires?Why?

Can you please list and define key words to know if one is to understand the Preamble?

One more question:

Whar are the six goals in the preamble?

Please answer as many questions as you can.

2007-02-06 11:04:47 · 6 answers · asked by Right here Right now 1 in Law & Ethics

If i the commertial landlord ask the subleasee to pay the rent to me because the leasee for some reason never pays the rent on time or on the due date just like it is stated on the lease agreement even when the subleasee pays the leasee on time.Is it against the law ?

2007-02-06 11:02:03 · 4 answers · asked by imnoscared 1 in Law & Ethics

Every time the government forks over $500 for an abortion it saves thousands of dollars on welfare and education and child tax credit.

2007-02-06 11:01:45 · 25 answers · asked by Emily 3 in Politics

2007-02-06 11:01:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

my husband divorce me and wrote me a letter promise me that if i sign the divorce paper, he will return $1700 loan for me and transfer the title of the vechicle to my name after i signed the divorce paper.

After I signed it, and the divorce is final, then i can never reach him anymore, and the settlement of divorce didn't cover this loan, so do i have enough prove and evidence to prove that it's a loan? will i have good chance to win?

Thanks and i appreciate your help!

2007-02-06 11:00:24 · 13 answers · asked by dayme 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-02-06 10:59:40 · 14 answers · asked by wahid d 2 in Military

That's what Karl Rove said.

2007-02-06 10:59:18 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


2007-02-06 10:58:26 · 11 answers · asked by rap3io4 1 in Politics

Is anyone reading this who is a trooper in the states of NJ or PA and could advise me on the best way to go about getting hired, I know appling is the first step, but I'm looking more towards how to make myself a more attractive canidate\.

2007-02-06 10:57:07 · 1 answers · asked by Joe 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Why not set an example as the die hard feminist she claims to be. Or is she just a flip flopper?

2007-02-06 10:57:00 · 11 answers · asked by oh beehive 1 in Politics

if they are on your property and was starring in your wifes dressing room window

2007-02-06 10:55:42 · 13 answers · asked by showgirl 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Bills weighing a total of 363 tons were loaded onto military aircraft in the largest cash shipments ever made by the Federal Reserve, said Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government reform.

On December 12, 2003, $1.5 billion was shipped to Iraq, initially "the largest pay out of U.S. currency in Fed history," according to an e-mail cited by committee members.
It was followed by more than $2.4 billion on June 22, 2004, and $1.6 billion three days later.

The special inspector general for Iraqi reconstruction, Stuart Bowen, said in a January 2005 report that $8.8 billion was unaccounted for after being given to the Iraqi ministries.

How much money are we going to allow to be stolen by the administration and it's "partners"? This money may have been diverted to buy the weapons that are killing our soldiers! How much is enough?

2007-02-06 10:55:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

like if you had a warrant how many years does it stay

2007-02-06 10:55:09 · 4 answers · asked by marlaLoe 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

This gentleman is the trustee of an insurance trust of which I am the income beneficiary. He is the managing partner of a large accounting firm in New York.

He has only sent me the income once out of the four years I have been eligible to collect. I do not want have to incur anymore legal expenses trying to get this guy to comply.

Is there a State Board of Accounting in New York?

2007-02-06 10:54:55 · 1 answers · asked by charlotte q 2 in Law & Ethics

I see it all the time on TV. (i.e. Defendent must post $10,000 Bail.) How exactly does that work? The defendent pays $10,000 to the state to be free only until the trial date? Please explain.


2007-02-06 10:52:38 · 4 answers · asked by Vegas♠Bound 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-02-06 10:52:10 · 10 answers · asked by bearcatz_07 4 in Law & Ethics

We all have a right to drive BUT before we can excercise that right, we have to pass a test.

SHOULD we have to pass some kind of test to demonstrate that we can understand complex issues and apply logical soloutions before we can excercise our right to vote?

The one person, one vote system ( 100% fair in principle ) would choose a charismatic leader ahead of a competent leader of integrity. It therefore follows that an elloquent conman could get elected ahead of eg. a great economist or somebody who could help resolve global issues.

I once heard a girl say she cast her vote for a certain candidate because "he's kind of cute" !

The role of Predident or Prime Minister is a JOB. No employer would get away with hiring staff on that basis !!!!!

I guess Hitler was elected by one person one vote - a great leader but look what happened ...............!!!!

( Of course, I am not suggesting that charisma and eg integrity are mutually excusive ! )

2007-02-06 10:50:09 · 14 answers · asked by Clarke K 1 in Elections

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