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Politics & Government - 25 December 2006

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Just anything in general, an occupation name would be most appriciated.

Will choose best answer :)

2006-12-25 06:55:33 · 8 answers · asked by pmwschoolstore 1 in Military

Its not in my contract that I can repay the bonus, but I was wondering if anyone else has heard of doing this. My friend's recruiter told him that it was possible.

2006-12-25 06:51:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

what can i do to resolve this and how

2006-12-25 06:50:56 · 9 answers · asked by billmc81 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

i need the frequencies for kings mountain, nc. radio shack programmed my scanner, but i still can't pick up much at all

2006-12-25 06:47:59 · 7 answers · asked by Angela C 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

,hoping to get it approved,so the Dems get blamed for it and,Bush gets his troops,will the new motto be "bring on Iran??

2006-12-25 06:36:46 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I just was conned by someone who has a 30,000 dollar bond on him from a nearby state. I spoke to the Bounty Hunter the Bonding company has hired. He offered me a pathetic sum of 500 dollars to tell him where ot find this person. Im being told I should be entitled to half of the total bond. Is this true?? If so how do I endure i get what im promised? THis is a non violent criminal. IM trying to recover what he conned out of me. Time is of the essence. What do I do?

2006-12-25 06:34:44 · 7 answers · asked by 2nice4owngood 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

After I earn my Associates degree I'll still have 2 years before I earn my Bachelors, and I was thinking about joining the national guard. I want the experience and I think that becoming a solider would allow me to gain a different perspective on life. As a communications design major I feel that gaining any experience in a media or journalism position in the army will improve my chances of acquiring a decent position in the private sector. Does Army experience translate into better civilian opportunities, for those with Bachelors degrees? Are media and journalism soldiers deployed often?

2006-12-25 06:33:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

,hoping to get it approved,so the Dems get blamed for it and,Bush gets his troops,will the new motto be "bring on Iran??

2006-12-25 06:32:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Hey fellow American - do you know that your tax dollars are being spent to put a roof over the heads of these animals in the Cuban detention areas.
Do you think they thought of the families of the bread winners that were butchered by the filth in some foolish belief that they will meet 72 virgins when they are in hell.

The had no consideration of the families that were left behind. But you are supporting them with YOUR tax dollars-- What a joke -- You pay for their foom and board every April 15 th. They should have been addressed on the battlefield--in my OH most humble of opinions.

2006-12-25 06:31:28 · 11 answers · asked by caciansf 4 in Politics

I am wondering because I am not sure if the movies were owned or rented by her. Would it make a difference?

2006-12-25 06:27:13 · 7 answers · asked by Sarah 3 in Law & Ethics

There's no question that their government (republicans or democrats) are a bunch of liars who don't care what their countrymen want. They don't care that the American people don't want the Iraq War. They don't care that American soldiers are being killed in the name of oil. They don't care about the welfare of sovereign countries including allied nations.

2006-12-25 06:22:10 · 19 answers · asked by pnatt89 1 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-12-25 06:19:23 · 12 answers · asked by tec3 1 in Military

how do i find people that were in jail in the past?

2006-12-25 06:14:16 · 7 answers · asked by kimmishell57 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

he was drink driving twice his got caught didnt even attend court the first time how can i get information on it?

2006-12-25 06:13:22 · 9 answers · asked by UZMA P 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Maybe this is obvious, but I just realized that most places where Marines live and train are called "camps", and most places Soldiers live and train are called "forts".

Is this due to the fact that Marines are a smaller force geared toward quick response, kind of "get in, do your business, and get out"? A "camp" does denote transience and mobility. Set up shop, do what you have to do, pack up and move on. And the Army has "forts", a more permanent fixture, because they are large and tend to dig in for the long haul when they go somewhere?

Or do these characteristics have nothing to do with the nomenclature?

2006-12-25 06:11:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

i just wanna know since he will be getting a housing allowence after basic if i could use that to stay close to him. i want to know if he will be able to see me and our kids at all during the 21 days that he is there or do i have to wait until he is in his schooling?

2006-12-25 06:09:24 · 10 answers · asked by rose 1 in Military

Western diplomats and experts are warning that the U.S. policy in the Horn of Africa, said to be aimed at rooting out radicalism, may be fueling this newest conflict, giving a boost to Al Qaeda influence in the region
For more www.islamonline.com

2006-12-25 06:07:55 · 6 answers · asked by Ahmad 4 in Politics

My 16 year old nephew nephew had a back surgery just a 2 days ago, and you know that ivy they stick in your arm, and you know how they leave it in while the ivy is still going and when it stops or empties they are suppose to take it out, he told them he wanted it taken out because it was itching and hurting his arm, well an hour and a half after the ivy stopped sending ivy, his night nurse came by and took it out. Can he sue for pain and suffering.

Another thing, when my mom called him and told him that she was on her way, he told them that he was needing some help and they told me they would be right back and no one ever came by to help him so he had to help himself. Can he also so for that.

Doesn't this border on some kind of abuse. Can't remember the name for it or what they called it. But can he so the hospital for neglect.

2006-12-25 06:06:47 · 12 answers · asked by Sherman81 6 in Law & Ethics

we live together for 4 years, have a child 17 months old, I am Italian and have for me and my daughter resident permit for 5 yerars

2006-12-25 06:06:44 · 19 answers · asked by Adam T 2 in Immigration

Why is it that you don't support welfare? But you support the war in Iraq? Welfare helps millions of needy people especialy children. The war in Iraq dosen't help any one but big oil and the military industrial complex.

What moral values does the republican party have that the dems don't? Dosen't helping the needy and supporting the middle class seem like a pretty good moral value? I don't see how starting a preemtive war is a good moral value. If you don't like abortion or gay marrage don't have one. Live and let live. I thought freedom was what this country was about. Why do you choose to focus on two issues. When there are so many other "moral issues" to complain about.

What makes you a christian? I hear so many neo-cons talking about how they have deep faith and that is why they are republican. Sense when is killing people a christian value. Isn't helping out your neighbor a central part of christianity. Isn't fighting for equality and justice a more chritstian cause?

2006-12-25 06:06:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-12-25 05:58:18 · 8 answers · asked by betty 1 in Military

For a class we are running a mock presidential election and i am with the Republican Party. And one of the things we are promoting is for "People donate money and time to others so the gov't doensn't have to, thus lowering taxes". Everything else in our "platform" is pretty conservative. What do you think about it

2006-12-25 05:57:31 · 12 answers · asked by stewbiscit 2 in Politics

Will he even be able to hold his seat for senate in the next election???

2006-12-25 05:53:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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