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Politics & Government - 17 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Instead of actually forming groups, and taking action.

2006-10-17 16:41:11 · 10 answers · asked by David . 2 in Politics

2006-10-17 16:37:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Comment on how France and Germany earned the right to say, "We told you so!" (if you so choose).

2006-10-17 16:34:23 · 8 answers · asked by oatie 6 in Politics

I used to be so patriotic but now it seems to me that this country is taking better care of everyone else but us. I see all the beliefs we started this country on disappearing. My husband works in the military and he gets treated like crap! We get paid next to nothing,and they don't care about us as a family or anything. I am beginning to think that it is never going to get better, like on a down hill slope. I am almost to the point of asking, is it better to move away from all of the mess we have created or just hope that we come to our senses. Can anyone give me hope,or should I start packing my bags?

2006-10-17 16:33:33 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

How can these people expect NOT to be exploited? Why is everyone in this country so concerned about it? this is the role their government should be playing not ours. You people should be thanking these countries, without cheap labor you wouldn't have 85% of the items within your own homes. Are you upset because you do not have your grubby little hands in the cookie jar? I give to charities and sponsor a few children who make my pillows and shams...I know that without them I wouldn't be able to live the life I do. It is not my fault evolution didn't quite pan out for them. Have a goodnight!

2006-10-17 16:30:20 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

If a soldier has 5 years active duty and owes 2 more years, can he leave active duty early if he signs up for national gaurd or reserve?

2006-10-17 16:30:18 · 4 answers · asked by sirus3810 3 in Military

Studds married his long time partner in Massachusetts when gay marriages were legalized by that state.

He had sought to have his partner declared eligible for a wife's benefits on his death. The partners claim has been denied by the government.

Most pensions of this kind were intended to provide income for surviving widows and were devised when women were homemakers and mothers only.

2006-10-17 16:27:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I'm making a slight generalization here but I just have to ask, how come people lower themselves to the levels of insuluts and petty jabs when talking about politics? The whole point of a democracy is that we don't have to all agree...not to mention, when arguing a point in politics or ethics or whatever take time to educate yourself on your point. Also how come christian fudementalists insist on telling me I will burn in hell for not believeing in their god. Honestly, if you're so sure youre going to be internally happy in heaven why give me grief?...thats alot of issues for one question...

2006-10-17 16:27:22 · 9 answers · asked by Claire M 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Any links to websites with information, or, if you can, personal knowledge of the subject would be much appreciated!!!

2006-10-17 16:26:05 · 3 answers · asked by aggies_2011 2 in Military

a link woud help i just want to know that all cuz im fighting with my friend over that question

2006-10-17 16:25:41 · 3 answers · asked by darkcloudgtr34 1 in Politics

Gas prices fall to lowest level in '06, average $2.226 a gallon last week

2006-10-17 16:24:54 · 10 answers · asked by Joe_Pardy 5 in Politics

Bush signed a bill yesterday, but I confess I am not clear about what that bill is.

1. Would the present congress think it is ok, if an American was detained by Govt of other countries under suspicion of Terror and be applied the same rules of conduct?

2. What is the deatails of the bill just signed?

3. Why NUKULAR? lol ( ignore no 3. I was just being naughty )

2006-10-17 16:23:54 · 15 answers · asked by Tenzin 3 in Politics

2006-10-17 16:23:09 · 12 answers · asked by Little Mark 2 in Law & Ethics

Pretty amazing.He's been asking him some tough questions, much tougher than what Wallace asked Clinton, and is Bush crying and wagging his finger and yelling? No, he's simply answering the questions..

2006-10-17 16:22:35 · 9 answers · asked by itsallover 5 in Politics

My AP US History teacher told the class today that North Korea declared war on us yesterday. What exactly do you think will happen? A lot of people think that just because we're the United States of America, that bombs just can't be dropped on us. Do you think that they will? Could a world war be sprouting up? I know some people already think this is a world war. I don't know about that one. I'm just curious, because I don't understand this...Why did they declare war anyway?

2006-10-17 16:21:29 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I watch the news, I read the magazines and I follow the political waves. I'm a graduate student in Saint Louis, who frankly, wants to start taking matters into his own hands. I know I can't do anything big (Like become president), but I want to know about how to get started in politics. Where do you begin? How do you know if you're any good or not? I want to make a difference, and I don't mind working hard. I'm just tired of the lies and hypocrites in politics now. Any suggestions on how to get things done?

2006-10-17 16:21:02 · 4 answers · asked by carlos1485 1 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-17 16:19:01 · 17 answers · asked by monkey11 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Last year it spent 7.3 billion dollars just on enforcement. This year it used 10 billion dollars just on an on-line screening program. This list goes on and and on. Billions and billions of dollars spent(wasted, actually) on border security.
Shouldn't this money be spent on education?
Or at least something productive...

2006-10-17 16:18:24 · 20 answers · asked by rdsm 2 in Immigration

How would a UN look that actually fulfilled its charter? What would need to change in order for it to stop being a laughing stock?

2006-10-17 16:17:00 · 4 answers · asked by WJ 7 in Other - Politics & Government

My husband added his ex girl friend to his bank account when they broke up so that his daughter would never go with out. It was an innocent mistake he was trying to do the right thing. After she cleaned out his life savings she reported to child support that she received nothing, (that is fraud) and he was sent a bill for $15,000.00. Upon showing bank documentations he was told that they were irrelevent. He is not allowed custody because of this back owed amount and was orderd to pay $1200.00/mo. My children and I were forced to live in our car in the parking lot at the beach. When I went to welfar I was told my husband made too much money. This girl has her parents raising her children while she lives it up for free, on my kids money. I have written congress, I have requested a lower amount and they gave him $527per mo. He had to quit his job in San Diego, and move in with Satan (mother in law) We are unable to rebuild what was destroyed, I don't have $527/mo for my two children.

2006-10-17 16:16:57 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


2006-10-17 16:15:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Because the Bush administration knew that bringing them here would trigger their full rights under the constitution. In other words he pulled a fast one - a legal trick. It blinded the US public by burying them under a legal morass that they knew would take time to unravel. Legal? Maybe, but I doubt it. Ethical? Absolutely not.

2006-10-17 16:15:00 · 11 answers · asked by notme 5 in Politics

Are Democrats lying when they say that George Bush is lying about Saddam Hussein having WMDs?

Here are many quotes from 1998 of Bill Clinton saying that Saddam Hussein had WMDs.
Our intelligence community simply believed that Saddam had WMDs and George Bush believed them.

2006-10-17 16:14:18 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-10-17 16:14:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Why do illegal aliens get benefits like welfare, food stamps, school lunch programs. And, free education? For example, an illegal couple in California with two anchor babies can get as much as $12,000 in public benefits." "In Arizona, at the Maricopa County Medical Center, an anchor baby is born every three hours. Two out of three births are to illegal aliens, 2,900 each year. It's a huge part of the $28 million overall spent treating illegal aliens at just one hospital."(25) When was the last time your wife, sister, daughter or any other family members received FREE prenatal care and delivery? Illegal aliens, expect to, and get, what you and your family cannot, and to add 'insult to injury,' their babies are paid for by YOU! What say you?

2006-10-17 16:11:46 · 17 answers · asked by Zoe 1 in Immigration

hit the "watch on line" link and read the descriptions of the main participants in the 1st 2 years of Iraq and understand that Iraq may be considered in the future as the worst fiasco in American history. I have always been against the Iraqi war intellectuallly (not emotionally) because it just seemed too simplistic...that the Administration was not only duping everyone, including premeir career government bureaucrats, but themselves as well. I actually don't think so lowly of Bush, it's just the people surrounding him that seemed to be incompetent or just so stubborn as to bring us all down to justify their actions. But after watching Frontline on PBS, I am left with my mouth agape at the sheer stupidity of the whole thing. according to the show, we have been operating in fantasy land the last 2 years.

2006-10-17 16:10:15 · 6 answers · asked by Ford Prefect 7 in Politics

im a 19yr old single female soldier. i live in clarksville right now (outside ft campbell) and have been looking at reviews for other bases, but its all military wives bitching about how bad housing is. they sound like a bunch of spoiled brats to me. anyways, i know im gonna be living in some crappy barracks. i want to know about the surrounding cities; where i can escape on my off time..

2006-10-17 16:09:26 · 9 answers · asked by Danielle 1 in Military

2006-10-17 16:09:12 · 18 answers · asked by soundlady 5 in Elections

Im doing a report on the opinions of what people have to say aboout the fears of the government so yeah...

2006-10-17 16:05:59 · 18 answers · asked by Devin B 1 in Other - Politics & Government

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