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Politics & Government - 16 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I heard from some religion that world war 3 is going to take place in the year 2008. It's between China,Russia and America...I don't know how far true is this...If you have any idea in this or your religion said something similiar....please...have some comments and I would really like to hear different views in this..I had no religion, (a free thinker ) So I would really appreciate your answers about this....so that I can be prepared about it. Thanks.

2006-10-16 20:50:40 · 12 answers · asked by Crazzeesllingg 2 in Other - Politics & Government

America is supremely powerful - BUT...! - IF most other Western countries decided to isolate Washington and stuck to it the USA would soon be rendered ineffective and driven back within its own borders, where it belongs - (instead of running around telling the whole planet what to do...!)

2006-10-16 20:47:05 · 3 answers · asked by TruthHurts 3 in Politics

"If the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake." Was anyone else having trouble with yahoo Q&A earlier???? I was, it was acting all crazy. GOOD NIGHT everyone from Frogspeaceflower.

2006-10-16 20:46:04 · 1 answers · asked by frogspeaceflower 4 in Other - Politics & Government

mom and i had joint bank acct for 40 years. i have right of suvivorship. brother won a state lottery of sixteen million 6 years ago-and started giving mom $10,000 per year over five years then started giving her $2000 a month this past year before she died. she had her pension check put in that account every month for a total of $1200/mo also. mom always said she was spending his money and saving hers for me.she passed on 6 months ago, he now wants the money that is left in the bank account saying that it is his. mom left me the contents of the house and the account.she left my brother the house and property.my brother made such a stink at the bank about the money, that the bank froze the account. who owns the money, me or my brother???? thanks

2006-10-16 20:42:10 · 7 answers · asked by chinny7150 1 in Law & Ethics

if they have paper mail voting, they should have online too...why is it that there isn't that kind of convenience?

2006-10-16 20:35:00 · 8 answers · asked by starlove2 6 in Elections

i stummbled on this and it really creeps me out. by the the way i found a map of these prisons and found the on in oxford wisconsin and the one at ft.mcoy wisconsin
http://www.lonelantern.org/femacamp.html "this is a video"

2006-10-16 20:34:56 · 3 answers · asked by Osummer 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I have a juvenile DUI warrant for not showing up to court. The judge gave me a year probation for drinking underage and got away with a couple of fines. The case was closed but i never showed up for the routine monthly check-in to see how everything was going with my probation and stuff. I called the court and they said i had a warrant and plus im violating probation because i stopped seeing my probation officer because she said if i come to see her she has to arrest me for having a warrant with the court, so she said to settle that and come back to her. OKAY, now the problem is i have to go to Washington DC to attend a funeral and afraid that something might happen at the airport like getting arrested. Im really scared but i really have to go. Am i going to get arrested? Will the airport see warrants and violation of probation? Am i worring too much? DO PEOPLE GET ARRESTED AT THE AIRPORT FOR A MISDEMEANOR WARRANT?

2006-10-16 20:29:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

2006-10-16 20:25:56 · 1 answers · asked by E-Dogg 1 in Politics

People in other countries ask why we're not like other civilised nations (a comment which irks me to no end...) but why AREN'T we in the kyoto?

2006-10-16 19:43:27 · 5 answers · asked by sparkloom 3 in Government

Could it be an October surprise?

Anyone else scared?

2006-10-16 18:40:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Now THAT was a war! Our soldiers were fighting for their country, for their families, for truth and justice, for peace, and for what was right. Not like those punks today who don't care who they fight as long as they get to shoot someone. In some ways I have more respect for the Taliban because at least they are fighting to escape from oppression. Not simply so they can feel another man ground to dust beneath their boots.

2006-10-16 18:37:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

seems like you guys can't ever answer a straight up question, you guys never have answers, are aethiest. yes liberal Christians are the spawn of atheism and you all need to get your mind right with God before cursing me and my "SIMPLE" mind

2006-10-16 18:26:15 · 18 answers · asked by donkeykong1122 1 in Politics

I have an H1b with company A and I was notified that I will have an interview for the Green card in 2 months. I have a master's degree. I got a job offer from another company B though, which is huge and I want to work for them. I am afraid to transfer the H1b to them because my lawyer told me that the immigration officers will get suspicous in the interview and will not give me the Card if a month before I have the interview I transfer from A to B. He says that I have to work for the employer that sponsored me.I filed for a consulate processing. Company B can not wait. Is there any legal way around this?

2006-10-16 18:23:12 · 3 answers · asked by Dimi 1 in Immigration

How many would you estimate?

2006-10-16 18:22:34 · 12 answers · asked by Gaspode 7 in Elections

i mean seriously, i'm as patriotic as the next person but they really take the piss like, i reckon they have only themselves to blame for being so hated. arrogance doesn't go un-noticed america!!! a prime example of their arrogance will be realised in a few of the answers i'm gonna get

2006-10-16 18:21:45 · 22 answers · asked by splodge3 1 in Military

Man in infamous hate-crime killing arrested on violation of parole terms
Racism - The ex-skinhead convicted in the 1988 beating of Mulugeta Seraw could end up serving more prison time
Saturday, May 20, 2006
One of the three men convicted in the 1988 Southeast Portland killing of Ethiopian immigrant Mulugeta Seraw was arrested Friday on accusations that he violated his parole by contacting members of a white supremacist group, authorities said.

Kyle Brewster, 36, was arrested without incident during a routine visit with his parole officer Friday morning. He was booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center with no bail allowed.

The county Department of Community Justice is recommending Brewster be sent back to prison for the rest of his parole, which expires in 2008, said Robb Freda-Cowie, a spokesman for the agency.


Brewster spent 14 years in prison for taking part in one of Oregon's most notorious hate crimes. The former skinhead was convicted of first-degree manslaughter in the 1988 baseball-bat killing of Seraw. While the conviction put Brewster and two other members of East Side White Pride behind bars, the slaying cast a shadow on Portland, which was branded "Skinhead City" by one of the nation's leading civil rights groups.

The crime prompted the enactment of Oregon's groundbreaking hate-crime law. It also set the stage for a civil trial that financially crippled one of the nation's most influential racists.

Brewster's arrest comes amid a significant increase in activity by white supremacist groups nationwide and across the region, a trend that observers have called alarming. The groups have become savvier about recruiting, harnessing the Internet and creating record labels that promote rock bands, said Robert Jacobs, the Anti-Defamation League's Pacific Northwest regional director.

"Many of these people are plain unstable," Jacobs said. The instability adds to the potential for violence -- "you don't know when it's going to happen."

The groups also have drifted into drug dealing, home-invasion robberies and graffiti, crimes more traditionally associated with African American and Latino gangs, said Steven Stroud, a former skinhead who co-founded Oregon Spotlight, a Portland-based organization that tracks hate groups.

Law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and Portland Police Bureau, increasingly have seen a rise in assaults and vandalism connected to white supremacist groups, Freda-Cowie said.

Parole officials warned Brewster when he was released Nov. 19, 2002, that they would revoke his parole if he associated with gang members. Since then, Freda-Cowie said, "it's pretty clear he hasn't changed his ideas."

2006-10-16 18:21:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

IT seems to me that it is ok in the current US society to discriminate against whites blatantly and openly. The Supreme Court even upheld a Michigan university's decision to ban a girl from attanding there even though she met the guildlines, because she was white. So her only reason for denial was her race. This appears as discrimination to me. Whats your take on it?

2006-10-16 18:20:32 · 7 answers · asked by Ben 1 in Law & Ethics

California White Supremacist Arrested for Assault

Posted: September 1, 2005

The leader of a racist skinhead group has been arrested in Ventura, California, on suspicion of assault.

Ian Morrow, 36, was arrested on August 25 for his alleged role in beating an off-duty security guard at the Sans Souci bar in downtown Ventura five days earlier. Racial remarks were directed at the Latino security guard and Morrow, one of several people involved in the skirmish, punched the guard in the face and head, according to authorities. He was charged with assault by forceful means likely to produce great bodily injury and was released on $130,000 bond.

During a search of Morrow's home, police discovered white supremacist literature and paraphernalia, which was apparently part of Morrow's white supremacist internet business, White Devil Industries. A leader with the Confederation of Racialist Working Class Skinheads, a racist skinhead group based in Ventura, Morrow sold racist t-shirts, stickers, patches and other items, which he apparently purchased from Panzerfaust Records before it went out of business.

2006-10-16 18:18:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I hope not!

2006-10-16 18:18:33 · 12 answers · asked by Max P 1 in Politics

I am referring to Dick Cheney and George Bush, of course. And to think, when they started, they had a Colon, I mean Colin, with them.

2006-10-16 18:18:06 · 12 answers · asked by DLUVDAIMPERIAL 3 in Government

who gives a damn what amendment it violates, if you are not doing anything wrong then why should you worry about it you dumbasses, when the founding fathers wrote the constitution they didn't have radical islamic terrorists destroying everthing they were writing the constitution for in the first place. common sense will tell you that if you are worried about the patriot act then why don't you just join the terrorists cause thats what you are doing by voting against it

2006-10-16 18:14:08 · 12 answers · asked by donkeykong1122 1 in Politics

We are being accused of requiring N. Korea to stop her Nuclear proliferation, while we maintain our nuclear "threat".

If we are such a threat, whom, may I ask you, is truly at risk from this threat?

2006-10-16 18:14:03 · 8 answers · asked by Lion J 3 in Military

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