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Politics & Government - 7 July 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

The world has 1.3 Trillion barrels of proven oil reserves. It is estimated that world could hold as much as 700 billion unproven oil reserves.

The World consumes 29 Billion barrels a year and oil consumption grows 2.5% a year on average.

If the estimates are correct and the world only has 2.5 trillion barrels of oil, with 29 billion barrels consumed a year increasing 2.5% year that leaves us with 82 years of oil.

Source: CIA Fact Book

2006-07-07 08:47:40 · 8 answers · asked by Olivia 4 in Other - Politics & Government

will never acquire land that the USA possesses? Their fabled Aztlan is OUR 'southwest'. All your hatred for the Americans of the USA and your persistent cries of getting 'whitey' out only makes the USA more determined to tighten up on ALL Latino's, so you only hurt yourselves. We will defend our country, even if WE must go against our OWN laws to do it. We have our "Resistance" in place. <><>.Lock, load and aim straight<><>

2006-07-07 08:47:14 · 15 answers · asked by vacant 3 in Immigration

Katrina kills a lot of people, displaces a lot more, and people have cast their blames in various directions. Who is to blame?

a) George Bush Jr; the President didn't act properly, didn't take it seriously, didn't send enough resources to the region or?

b) State Officials; didn't have or get the resources to the people, didn't communicate with the federal or local government and let everyone down?

c) Local officials; Mayor, Police Chief and others in the region didn't get people evacuated, didn't tell people to evacuate in time, didn't get federal officials involved in time?

d) The people; they didn't evacuate when told, didn't have ample supplies, didn't have ample transportation and suffered the worst?

My only remaining comment is in all the news stories and editorials last year about Katrina - I saw no one blaming the people? I choose "D" because I believe we are responsible for ourselves; but what do you choose?

2006-07-07 08:47:06 · 11 answers · asked by netjr 6 in Politics

Unreal. This meth addict jerk who once was my neighbor many years ago won't leave me alone. Sunday I was going to the store after the A's-Dbacks game and he yelled "Hey Curtopia". I waved back.

Oh no, that angered him. And I was watching him. He was scoping. Probably wanting to rob my or another place.

I went back to lock my apt. He followed me and was screaming naughty words and then threw a stick at my head.

There were two witnesses. I called 911.

Cops show 30 minutes later, when I am returning from the store to buy beer and smokes ( I'm a guy dammit let me be male! ) and instantly say, "You've been drinking."

"Um, 9 innings of baseball, 3 beers in 3 hours, 2 hot dogs and 1 ear of corn."

They eventually ask me to describe the jerk when he walks down the sidewalk right in front of us all.

"That's the guy!", I stated.

"What do you expect us to do, chase after him," Said Pudgy McCop

"Yeah," I countered, "I believe I've seen you do that on TV a few times."

2006-07-07 08:46:59 · 10 answers · asked by Curt King 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

present invasion of a soverign state by Israel.Assisination of Palestinion members of democraticaly elected goverment and supporters.If Olmest were to be assinated by a Palistinion would you decry this as terrorism?

2006-07-07 08:45:28 · 5 answers · asked by spud 2 in Law & Ethics

Liberals seem to have very little regard for personal morality, but they cry buckets of tears for anyone deemed in need of ‘Social Justice’. The problem with this: my personal morality affects no one but me. Your ‘Social Justice’ requires my money and me to change. Is ‘Social Justice’ merely fascism in disguise?

2006-07-07 08:45:03 · 3 answers · asked by Day of Acerbity 2 in Politics

If the people we elect to represents us (the people) but they are not making wise choices why don’t we just keep voting them out when the term is up? It is seems strange to me that a lot of people will complain but do not vote to effect change.

I bring this up because I think that is sad that I live in a state where property tax is the highest and the “reform compromise is to raise sales tax and give property tax relief for one year and use the rest to balance the budget it is sad because I feel that there are very many way to balance the budget and cut state spending and not have to raise taxes. If I lived my life in the way of the state government (not having a buget and living within my means) the bill collectors would come calling and so why is there no fistcal account ability for the state?

2006-07-07 08:44:16 · 3 answers · asked by justwondering 3 in Civic Participation

2006-07-07 08:40:56 · 48 answers · asked by Gustove 3 in Military

Another flaming liberal asking a dumb question.

2006-07-07 08:38:29 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Some people just need a little boost now and then:
For the uneducated right bomb throwing winger the misspelling is a twist of your personality types.

Yes, it is spelled REPUGNICAN on purpose.
Right-wing bomb thrower
Non-community supporter
I support the war politics so far as I do not have to be in the war people
Community of corruption party
The party known as the "Big Lie"
2% very intelligent party
I am addicted to pharmaceutical pills party
I beat my spouse party
I kick my dog party
I shoot lawyers in the face party
I invade a country for oil party
I cannot find Bin Laudin Party
The sheeple party

2006-07-07 08:38:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I need to get an Idaho State I.D. card. I currently reside at my parents house in Idaho.

2006-07-07 08:37:54 · 9 answers · asked by Kuroi 3 in Other - Politics & Government

If the United States suports the self-determination claims of Kosovar Albanians, should this government give the same right to the people it controls (Native Americans, Puerto Ricans, Pacific Islanders...)

2006-07-07 08:37:08 · 4 answers · asked by urosandrej 2 in Other - Politics & Government

1. Why dont we send the black ******* back to slavery. (STROM THURMOND=CONSERVATIVE)

2. If you want to stop crime abort all minority babies(Bill Oreily= NEO CONSERVATIVE)

3. Why cant we be like the liberals smart intellegent and caring (Sean Hannity= Ultra Conservative)

4.Why cant I keep my pennis up I need viagra, and then a pain killer to give me a booster(Rush Limbaugh=Stupid Conservative)

5. I ask congress that u give me authorization to kill arabs and muslims(President Bush Jr=Natzi Republican)

2006-07-07 08:37:07 · 7 answers · asked by Mary D 1 in Politics

My brother in law went to jail today for child support but my sister got a lawyer 3 weeks ago and payed 1000 to get the warrent taken away..so how can he get out of jail

2006-07-07 08:36:12 · 8 answers · asked by bradleylover_2006 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

1. The man has nuclear weapons

2. The man has threatened to bomb the west coast

3. The man oppresses his people and is a " Tyrant "

4. The man has had many chances to act correctly and makes promises to do so but repeatedly disregards them. ( for over a decade )

5. The man has violated agreements not to test missiles

6. Commits numerous crimes violating human rights.

The actions of Kim Jong-il are just as bad if not worse than Saddam so why are we not treating him accordingly? Why no " Shock and Awe " Why not send a clear message?

2006-07-07 08:35:57 · 35 answers · asked by The Angry Stick Man 6 in Government

The arguments flying between liberals and conservatives (not to be confused with democrats and republicans who are two sides of the same coin) has gotten so bad that it appears there is a new Civil War looming, and if you don't believe me, read this crazy anti-liberal's post:


Yahoo has even kept the post up on their servers despite the fact that instigating some new Civil War in America is a worse threat to national security than terrorism. Historically, the American Civil War was fought over values such as the "right" to own a slave (an obvious distortion of rights) and today people are arguing over the "right" for Americans to defend themselves against terrorism by taking the war to a country like Iraq and turning Iraq into a host nation for the war on terrorism, and there are many Americans supporting this despite the thousands of Iraqi civilians known to have died.

2006-07-07 08:32:44 · 17 answers · asked by What I Say 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Okay, abortion is murder, should be outlawed, anyone who has one is going to hell. I get your message loud and clear and I'm not saying I necessarily disagree with you, but why are Pro-Lifers against birth control and sex education? You keep insisting we only teach abstinance in school. Um, maybe if we taught sex education and different forms of birth control there would be fewer abortions, fewer people on welfare, fewer people living in poverty, fewer STDs, and fewer people dying from AIDS. The government should provide FREE birth control to everyone!

2006-07-07 08:32:24 · 19 answers · asked by Salem 5 in Politics

According to a federal affidavit, Green and other soldiers targeted the young Iraqi woman after spotting her at a traffic checkpoint near Mahmoudiya. Green is being tried in federal rather than military court because he no longer is in the Army. Green stated it is the American way to do what he did. He said the Military is proud of him and his men.

Based on interviews and records, the U.S. military now believes the young Iraqi woman Green is accused of raping and killing was between the ages of 12 and 15, Army spokesman Paul Boyce said Friday. While they initially said she was 20, Boyce said he has now seen documents that indicate she could have been about 14.

Military officials concluded Thursday that since Green had received his final discharge papers, he was no longer under the control of the Army and would not be subject to a court martial. No other soldiers have been charged in the case. However, other soldiers enjoyed watching Green. It's the American Way.

2006-07-07 08:30:59 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

My girlfriend, in the Borough of Queens in New York City, wants me to move in with her. The landlord says that he will double the rent if I move into the apartment she now occupies by herself. Can he legally do that?

2006-07-07 08:30:06 · 15 answers · asked by Tall Hammer 1 in Law & Ethics

Please! Pretty please! I'm really insecure and I need to surround myself with sheep.

2006-07-07 08:29:10 · 2 answers · asked by All that fancy paints as fair 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-07-07 08:28:17 · 23 answers · asked by Mystery 2 in Government

The Treaty of Versailles was nothing short of genocide for Germany. Jews typically send their kids to become doctors/lawyers/businessmen, and not unskilled labor.
Unemployment and inflation crippled native Germans.
People make excuses for black crime saying it is because of oppression, why not make the same excuses for the Germans?

2006-07-07 08:28:16 · 27 answers · asked by Jawhn K 1 in Politics

Do most people think that Other races as presidents are not worthy enought to become even Vice Presidents?

2006-07-07 08:26:10 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2006-07-07 08:25:59 · 73 answers · asked by anothersomeonenew 5 in Politics

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