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Reptiles - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Reptiles

I have a pet painted turtle that will eat any animal that we put in his aquarium.(i even put another tuurtle in the tank and he killed it). He wasnt always like this tho..... once upon a time he lived with a whol tank of goldfish. i want to add fish but i dont want him to kill them too..... what can i do to make him friends with other animals again???

2006-12-03 07:14:27 · 9 answers · asked by N!cole 2

iwant to find a site for ideas or pictures for ideas for a new turtle tank 55 gallon do not tell me petco or petsmart please

2006-12-03 05:57:54 · 7 answers · asked by IDK 2

I got this off a site...

As an immediate measure, remove the turtle from the water except for a 30 minute bath twice a day;

does this go for an aquatic turtle, such as a red eared slider? I thought they HAD to have water to be in at all times. Can I take her out and only offer a very small amount of water, and have her be ok? and for how long should I make her stay out of the water?

2006-12-03 05:30:41 · 12 answers · asked by sr22racing 5

There's a few places that he could've got inside the walls. It's too cold for him outside so I know I still have a chance to get him to come out in the open. I was thinking of putting a few mice out in little boxes through out the house. That way when he becomes hungry he'll have to run up on the boxes of mice? The vibration of the mice should attract him. What other suggestions is there? This California King earned his name "Houdini". This isn't his first escape, but we usually catch him in the act. He did this one while in th middle of the night. Please feedback is needed.

2006-12-03 04:24:40 · 14 answers · asked by My Goodness72 1

i want to buy a pet snake i had one before i loved him he was a cool pet but i,m not rich and i was hoping somone could tell me of some cheap snake like below $70 please help

2006-12-03 03:36:32 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have pics of my turtle on my orkut album. (http://www.orkut.com/Album.aspx?xid=4066576782692717546&uid=458884420554186661)

I do not know ehat type/breed it is? or if it is a male or female. Please help me be a bettr pet owner.

2006-12-03 03:28:44 · 7 answers · asked by valroysavio 1

I have another wood turtle, Bud, which I've had for over a year now, and he's perfectly healthy and growing. My friend got 2 baby wood turtles from her bfs mom, one died about 3 months later because she said it wouldnt eat, move, and had one swollen shut eye, and then died. The other one, the size of a quarter, is still living, but pretty sick. So I got the surviving one now, and both of it's eyes were closed completely shut when I got it, it's unbelievably skinny, it won't eat/drink, and hardly moves. So I put it in a very small amount of warm water and placed small drops of water over its eyes, and it also ducked its own head under the water, and when it came back up it opened its eyes, and was later running all around. But this morning, its eyes were closed shut again, and its not moving much at all. And I have a heat lamp, so its been warm. But I wont be able to take it to a vet because all the vets around here dont help turtles. Can anyone PLEASE give me info on how to save him???

2006-12-03 01:26:37 · 7 answers · asked by lm 1


2006-12-03 00:26:52 · 4 answers · asked by littlechick622@sbcglobal.net 1

I would like to buy a stick insect, but I havn't a clue where to get one from, the pet shops where I live don't sell reptiles or insects of any sort. Does any one know a place which has stores all over the country which may sell stick insects. If not could I buy one online?
Thanx in advance.

2006-12-02 21:30:59 · 12 answers · asked by NeverGuess 1

What would you suggest for a slightly bigger reptile than a green anole that isn't too fast or too difficult to care for that is easily handled to show in a classroom, i like the size of baby iguana's but i know they get much bigger and they are a rather big responsibility after a while. I'm considering bearded dragon, water dragon, or lepard gecko, but are there any suggestions closer to my specifications.

2006-12-02 20:15:21 · 7 answers · asked by Acappella S 3

he had been doing ok and was starting to go into hybernation and then i wake up in the morning and i notice he is stiff and dry so i knew he passed away. i took a look and i noticed that the bottom part of his mouth was darker than usual and i also noticed a green spot on his stomach. what does this mean he died from?

2006-12-02 18:49:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i have a new redtail boa. ive had her for about a month or so and now shes ready to shed. i know because of the eyes got all milky and everything. i kept it humid and everything. but now her eyes are back to normal and theres no shed in the tank. i watched her and kept a eye on here and didnt see a sighn of the shed coming off now i cant find it. how long does it take to shed? its been about a week now since her eyes first got grey. did she shed or will it come??

2006-12-02 18:18:06 · 4 answers · asked by andy s 2

Do you hibernate your turtle? If so how is this done if he is kept inside?

2006-12-02 16:16:52 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Our red eared slider is approximately 2-3 inches in diameter (about the size of a silver dollar). We believe it is a female because her "red ear" is very faint and her front claws are short. Her tank is mostly water (3/4 water, 1/4 land) and she prefers swimming much more than basking usually. Tonight she has begun to burrow frantically in the rocks on the bottom of her tank (the bottom is covered with small aquarium rocks with some medium and large-sized river rocks for her to bask on and swim around). It seems as if she is trying to wedge herself in between the rocks to hide herself. The water temperature is the same as always and she hasn't been acting any different lately. We're not sure of her age (and because she's so tiny we're not sure if she's capable of laying eggs yet) and we don't think she has any reason to hibernate (she's still eating well and is active). Any advice would be much appreciated!

2006-12-02 15:56:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My red eared slider is about 5 inches around. He has never been sick yet and is really awesome. It is just him in his tank and 3 tiny fish we got for him to eat but he refuses, they've been in there for about a month. (The 12 cent ones from Petco, he ate two before so we thought he'd like them again).
I went to clean his filter today, it was FILLED with thin, tiny red worms, about 1/8 to 1/4 inches long each. Most were still alive, wiggling around.
We've only been feeding him the HBH Turtle Bites from the pet store. (He refuses romaine lettuce, little carrot pieces) He used to love earthworms but it's too cold for us to find them anymore.
Any ideas why he's getting the worms? And, is it harmful to humans if we touch him?

2006-12-02 15:23:43 · 3 answers · asked by 7aliens 3

Hey do you know if petco sells any more live feeder mice?

2006-12-02 14:35:43 · 10 answers · asked by . 2

I have had my two turtles going on 9 years now. I wanted to know because I'm dying to know, how the heck do I know what age they are? Or are they like human years?


2006-12-02 13:02:20 · 6 answers · asked by danie 2

Hi,i have rats and i couldnt find good feed for them at good price,do you know where i can find food store on the web for my rats?

2006-12-02 12:08:13 · 11 answers · asked by anine a 1

2006-12-02 10:36:07 · 8 answers · asked by emokidcrys495 1

We just got our christmas tree. I think it is a Doug fir(?) I would love to let my ball python get lost in our tree. I know they are allergic to cedar, is there any other wood they should not be around. I think this would be a fun play ground for her. And , Yes I will keep the lights off while she is in there. I will not put her in there till I get some responses. Thank you.. No rude commets please.

2006-12-02 10:33:32 · 9 answers · asked by Amy K 2

My friends female degu just had 5 pups. How can i tell between sexes of the pups? Pics would be helpful!!

2006-12-02 09:44:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i like snakes but my family think am crazy when i said am going to have a snake what should i do???????????????

2006-12-02 08:56:39 · 20 answers · asked by saires_1988 2

2006-12-02 08:49:29 · 18 answers · asked by KUkuCHoooo 2

Should a Reeves turtle have water with an area of land or land with an area of water???

2006-12-02 08:02:09 · 2 answers · asked by janzer13 1

There is a snake in my back yard he is about 4 feet and he is black. Last year we found part of a rat and recently i have been noticing snake skins. What should i do. Also i live in new york and i want to know what to do because many lil kids live in the area. Oh yeah could it be poisunious. I dont want to take it out of its habitat. But,is that the best thing to do?? Please help me with any information you can. Also what could happen if it bit a child would the blame be placed to me for not saying something. Thank you for any information that you can give and if you could please try and give me anything that you can to help me know.

2006-12-02 07:07:01 · 19 answers · asked by shoppingmaniac28 2

I posted a ? yesterday about my missing 7foot rock python.. thank you for all the good answers but i have looked in all those places. Has anyone heard of them going into toilets and getting into sewer lines? That is my last option besides tearing my walls apart

2006-12-02 06:29:48 · 9 answers · asked by inkslinger00743 2

How do i get him out and where would he be?

2006-12-02 06:04:12 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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