I have another wood turtle, Bud, which I've had for over a year now, and he's perfectly healthy and growing. My friend got 2 baby wood turtles from her bfs mom, one died about 3 months later because she said it wouldnt eat, move, and had one swollen shut eye, and then died. The other one, the size of a quarter, is still living, but pretty sick. So I got the surviving one now, and both of it's eyes were closed completely shut when I got it, it's unbelievably skinny, it won't eat/drink, and hardly moves. So I put it in a very small amount of warm water and placed small drops of water over its eyes, and it also ducked its own head under the water, and when it came back up it opened its eyes, and was later running all around. But this morning, its eyes were closed shut again, and its not moving much at all. And I have a heat lamp, so its been warm. But I wont be able to take it to a vet because all the vets around here dont help turtles. Can anyone PLEASE give me info on how to save him???
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