use your kids as bait
2006-12-03 04:26:11
answer #1
answered by epbr123 5
Houdini will try to hide somewhere warm and cozy. He will probably venture out at night. Put noisy paper bags around the walls of your rooms, then sit in the quiet and dark at night and listen. The mice in boxes is a good idea too. I did that for another pet of mine that escaped. I closed up each room and put food in each room so I could at least get an idea of the area of the house the pet was in.
Also you can sprinkle talcum powerder in place like door openings, cupboards, or other areas you may suspect. This will help determine which way Houdini is moving.
If it is cold outside he will try and stay inside so dont worry. Keep an eye on the warmest places in your house. Snakes have been known to disappear for months at a time and just reappear for no reason.
2006-12-03 07:54:36
answer #2
answered by thoward444t 2
The mice may be a good idea if the snake is not sheeding. According to Wikipedia, the free enclyopedia, During shedding the snake may not eat, as it cannot capture prey easily due to greatly reduced vision caused by the buildup of an oily substance underneath the eye coverings (brille).
Additionally, because the California Kingsnakes grow to a length of up to 5 feet (1.5 metres) and weigh as much as 4 pounds (1.8 kilograms), it would be hard to imagine him being inside the walls, especially sleeping. Futhermore, because of This anatomical adaptation allows the snake to coil, climb and move in an S shape it wil also be difficult to imagine him "getting around" easily in the wall(s).
Therefore, as said by Elpadregrande, of King Snakes Forum, the snake will likely be somewhere where it can hide. He said that he has had them get on his DVD shelf, in a shoe, and under a stack of papers.
He also suggest: Don’t skip over something because you think it’s too small. Most times they’ll be near their cage unless they’ve been out a while.
If it is cold outside, you may want to Also check warm areas like in the kitchen and around your laundry area. However, it really depends on what size he is; so don't be discouraged of 2 weeks or six months pass and you still haven't found him.
These reptiles are secretive by nature; therefore, a hidebox is recommended for their well being. These guys are definitely survivors; you don't have to worry, but Don't give up on her though.
You will have to seach, search, and search until you find him.
However, if you contact your local Zoo or petstore, they may be able to suggest a product or give you advice on How to draw him out.
Hope this answers your question!
2006-12-03 17:06:31
answer #3
answered by bkdaniels2006 5
Man this like looking for a needle in a hay stack. Snakes like a warm dark place to coil up and be happy. So, it could be anywhere, I hope not in the walls as it will go into possible hibernation and not come out until next spring/summer, but, it may actually survive there and you find it next year. You will need to work in a systematic manner, one room at a time, starting with the room the Terrarium in. Work from one wall to the next then everything in the middle. Look under chairs, this means moving them! Looking under and behind the cushions and Feeling down in the openings under the cushions, they have the strength to push between the spaces. Turn them over and see if there any holes Houdini could get through to get inside the chair. Look behind Books in shelves, and remember, you may not think Houdini can get behind a book 6 feet off the floor, even on top of a shelf or China Cabinet, but, he got the magic! Ha! Once you finish one room, then go to the next. Good Luck!
2006-12-03 04:39:46
answer #4
answered by Snaglefritz 7
I think your mouse idea is a good one. And he will need water too.
We once had a boa get loose and he was found draped over th etowel bar by the toilet. Unfortunately he was found when my aunt got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. So watch the bathroom.
Mouse smell should draw him out. Searching a house for snake is impossible. They hide in the tiniest places!
Maybe if you could keep the roome darkened bit when you put the mice out.
Good luck! Been ther done that and it ain't easy. You have my support if not good advice.
2006-12-03 09:17:08
answer #5
answered by raredawn 4
We lost a boa around the house for a month. Finally he came back hungry. We just left his terrarium open on the floor with a couple of mice in it and eventually he climbed back in.
2006-12-03 04:28:36
answer #6
answered by tharnpfeffa 6
i think that you should use boxes with the mice in because he is bound to come out for a snack and then you hopefully will catch him in one box but if he is able to get out the box,maybe you should try a bigger box which he won't escape from but can get into.
2006-12-05 01:30:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Fill a little container with live crickets that has plenty of airholes and set it in the middle of the floor at night before you go to bed , when you get up in the morning your snake will be busy trying to get into the container , he or she can't resist crickets!
2006-12-03 04:30:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If you have another snake, or can borrow one, put it where Houdini was when he escaped. Watch where it goes.
I did this when my water dragon escaped. It took me 2 days to think of this strategy, but when I tried it, I found my missing dragon within 2 minutes.
2006-12-03 04:56:51
answer #9
answered by The First Dragon 7
truly u can't do any thing even your plan wont work only thing u can do is wait
hope u find your snake
2006-12-03 05:58:49
answer #10
answered by animalhouser55 1
try whole eggs or try mice o hamsters or rabbits birds fish etc.
2006-12-03 05:13:00
answer #11
answered by Anonymous