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Reptiles - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Reptiles

2006-12-30 23:14:44 · 17 answers · asked by andrew m 2

Does any1 know anything about Dumpy tree frogs?
I think my dumpy tree frog is sick. It's abnormally swollen on the neck area. It has been like this for about a week. He is very inactive and doesn't climb to the top of the tank like it used to before. I have another dumpy in the same tank and I can tell there is a big difference in their activity level and eating habits. I think it has been over 2weeks since the sick one has even tried to go for a cricket. What could this mean?

2006-12-30 20:46:20 · 4 answers · asked by SHY 1

I've heard that you should turn the lights out at night,but I tried it for about 4hours. When the cage got cooler he looked like he had died! I got scared and now I leave all his heat lightson all the time. Is this good for him

2006-12-30 18:30:34 · 10 answers · asked by lilkismet73 2

2006-12-30 17:41:54 · 14 answers · asked by bustermars 1

we have a bunch of snakes in our back yard and i don't want my kids to get bit. so how can you tell

2006-12-30 17:24:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-30 16:34:20 · 5 answers · asked by turtlelytiger 1

If they are not fertilised, can the female terrapin/tortoise (i can't tell the difference) still lay the eggs? Do the eggs have to be fertilised first before they hatch? Or can they just hatch without fertilisation (like Komodo Dragons) as long as they are buried in a good place?

2006-12-30 15:39:20 · 5 answers · asked by shiroi-chan 1

i just got a ball python today and when i picked it up it bit me! I don't know if maybe its because it ate today or not.....Im afraid to touch it now.....I don't know how long to wait before I can held him/her without being bit again.....and I don't know if theres anything that will happen to me since I was bit...... is there any serious side affects?

2006-12-30 15:37:51 · 21 answers · asked by ixamxthexwalrusx 1

it doesnt bother them, does it?

2006-12-30 15:12:20 · 3 answers · asked by JEF 2

OK i just bought a UROMASTYX lizard and i was wondring if any one has some extra tips for care. i have a 30 gallon cage, a heat rock and a heat light and sand and crickets. that is what the pet store told me is all i needed beside fresh veggies. but it seems like i need more and i would like some more information on them?

2006-12-30 15:01:54 · 7 answers · asked by Pit Bull Hugger! 4

I have been looking everywhere trying to find out how long Bahaman anoles get and i have seen from 5-16 inches. does ANYONE have one that is fully grown and can tell me how long they get?

2006-12-30 13:54:43 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-30 13:11:54 · 6 answers · asked by Wanting a Ferret 2

I saw one in the store and they looked cool. What I have found online is that they are only 10 to 16 inches, just the size I want. Need something easy too, this would be my fist lizard

2006-12-30 12:43:11 · 6 answers · asked by whisper14623 2

I will soon be getting some fire belly newts. I have a 28 gallon aquarium. How many newts would be good?

I also would like to know what kind of land would be best. I have an old turtle dock but I have heard that driftwood and gravel pushed up to one side is also effective. What do you find best?

I figured if i used the turtle dock then I would be able to put some plants on it. Are there any types that are poisonus to newts or will effect the water?

Thank you all for your help. Sorry for being so dumb.


2006-12-30 12:06:19 · 5 answers · asked by Animals Rock!! 1

Are tortoises easier or turtles and which ones are the easiest to take care of?

2006-12-30 11:16:11 · 16 answers · asked by Benson 2

I heard youre suppose to give it to them...why?

2006-12-30 11:15:20 · 5 answers · asked by JEF 2

2006-12-30 11:10:48 · 10 answers · asked by henrycheong 1

I am 15 years old, & really interested in finding a somewhat inexpensive, easy to handle, & if possible the nicest snake for a begginer pet. I was looking into rough green snakes, but I read that they don't really like to be handled, I would really like to find something that is nice & likes to or is easy to handle.

2006-12-30 10:55:06 · 13 answers · asked by Kay.tee 1

2006-12-30 10:13:45 · 5 answers · asked by Marlene 3

I want to buy a iguana for a pet, but I want to know how much it
cost, what it eats, what I need to do for them? what? please help?

2006-12-30 09:50:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

How much does a trantula cost? or a regular spider?

2006-12-30 09:38:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

sooo.. does she?

2006-12-30 08:25:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got this Sulcata Tortoise about 7 years ago and i raised him sense he was a baby, Now he is the size of a foot ball . But he eats Alot ! Why is that? His name is Neo. And he is a really big EATING POOPING MACHINE. Why is that? and why is it when i give him pickles and onion it makes him Fart?

Also sometimes when im on the computer-lol

2006-12-30 07:55:58 · 5 answers · asked by turtlelytiger 1

i know they eat lettuce, collards, kale, peppers, brocolli. i just need to know if theres anything else! i have one!

2006-12-30 07:22:22 · 6 answers · asked by buddy_luvr 1

I'v always wurd

2006-12-30 07:14:00 · 7 answers · asked by Tinker bell 1

I have this aquatic turtle and I want to know what the average of their lifespan is.

2006-12-30 06:34:55 · 8 answers · asked by skatingshopper247 2

Well his poop is slimey and smells really bad but you cant smell it from far away...wat am i supposed to do and wat could be the cause of this??

2006-12-30 06:02:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a crested gecko {Rhacodactylus} who is about six months old. She's worth about 200 dollars because she has red spots, she is fully healthy, and she is a breedable female. I'm thinking of breeding her, as it'd get good money, but first off;;would I have to put the male in the tank, or the female into the male's? Should I change her diet? Are there certain things that would stress her?

2006-12-30 03:04:02 · 4 answers · asked by Cherrykins 2

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