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Fish - May 2007

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I have two red rainbow sharks. The one appears very skinny. Both swim all levels of the tank, but enjoy hidding by the heater. They hide long wise with this head up. Is this normal? They are in a new tank which has been up and running for three weeks. They are small so I'm guessing they are young.

2007-05-20 04:14:54 · 2 answers · asked by angelwings_0001 1

Ok i had two fish in one of my 20 gallon tanks and they were both victims of ick. I now learned that i should quarantine my fish before i put them into one of the bigger tanks. Now i have an empty 20 gallon tank in my room with the same water as usual, whats the next step? completely change the water? change the filter pads? And also i've heard ick would be a lot more present in a 20 gallon than a 75 gallon...true? (its a marine tank)

2007-05-20 03:53:44 · 4 answers · asked by yd3 1

I would like money,but only because I want to get a home for my betta Shila, and the boy I'm going to get named Bruiser.I'm talkin a 75 gallon tank,at the most.I mean there breeding, what do you expect? any ideas?

2007-05-20 03:51:36 · 6 answers · asked by Shay H 2

i have a blue ram in a 10 gallon tropical tank (78 gegrees)with 2 guppies, 1 swordtail, 1 cory cat
i've had her for more than a month maybe 2 months
on one of her eyes is swollen with clear stuff around it
what is wrong and what should i do?
she is acting normal and eating

2007-05-20 03:24:50 · 2 answers · asked by . 4

My goldfish, that I got yesterday at a fair, has been acting crazy.
whenever I come near it, he goes crazy and then he just sits there at the bottom motionless, he did this 2 times today. And his frequent spot was on the bottom (he has no buddy). What the heck is going on?

2007-05-20 02:54:13 · 7 answers · asked by xxtubularbellsxx 2

2007-05-19 19:04:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

We've had a 30 gallon tank for 3 years now (fake plants). All has been fine (except for a few sick fish purchases) & its been a learning experience for us to say the least but in the past month we have developed green water. I know its probably an algae bloom but we have tried everything to no avail. We've been doing water changes every other day, vacuuming the gravel thoroughly, cut back on feedings, changed food, using fiber floss, etc. We even bought some Tetra brand Algae Control that worked one time for about a week now it is doing nothing. Within about 3 hours of doing a 70% water change it looks like pond water. Tonight we lost our little Oranda we had & the larger one is experiencing flipover. (hand feeding him blanched shelled lima beans now). There were a total of 4 in the tank, the 2 mentioned, a Panda Lionhead & a Calico. Anyone have any other suggestions. We have city water & use brite & clear with every water change. Hubby is ready to throw tank out the window, not me.Thx

2007-05-19 19:03:33 · 8 answers · asked by slvrbraid 2

we have four gold fish and all of them eats every minute. when i stopped feeding them, they are always on top of the water and waiting for food. they don't move unless i drop some flakes on the tank, the water on our aquarium is getting murky, what should i do now? and how will you know if a goldfish is pregnant?

2007-05-19 18:53:49 · 13 answers · asked by askme n 1

i have a 10 gallon tank with a few rosy red minnows, guppies, and some babies convict cichlids. ( the convicts will be moved when bigger) i have a gravel siphon, but how do i clean the sand to get the guck out? is sand better to us to grow plants?

2007-05-19 18:27:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I ask this because I was told I should leave the water out for 24 hours before using it . I want to know what would happen if I didn't and just used room temperature tap water .

2007-05-19 17:42:36 · 19 answers · asked by jesterkingx 1

i just got a crayfish for my tank. he's red. what should i name him?

2007-05-19 17:29:41 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

is it normal for them to hide from me when i walk up to the tank? or are they just not used to my tank yet,? theyve only been in there for just over one day. 4 assorted african babies in a 29 gallon tank with rocks and hideouts and 80 degrees and 8.4 ph. and when its dark in the room they just kind of hide out and sit there is this okay?

2007-05-19 17:04:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I read a post here recently about a gal who has a 29 gallon tank with a 30-55 gallon filter system. Being a new fish hobbyist who is [trying to] patiently wait out and safely monitor her 28 gallon tank's initial cycling [5 danios, 3 catfish, 3 mickey platies, 1 white snail]...I was wondering if it would help the tank cycle if I were to purchase a larger filter for my 28 gallon tank?

The only problem I worry about is finding one that would fit as I only have 2 1/2 inches from the wall to the back of the tank for space.

I only ask b/c it occured to me after reading that post on here that it would be a great idea and help me deal with the ammonia problem I have to wait out while the tank cycles - it's been two weeks and I assume I have 4 more weeks before it finishes cycling?

Bigger filter a good idea or should I wait until the tank finishes its first cycle?

2007-05-19 16:36:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

...and currently, I have a filter that uses two cartridges, one on each side, and when turned on, creates a lot of current and some bubbles. I also have an air stone on inside the tank as well as three live plants. I was wondering if I could take out the air stone and just run the tank without one. Is this possible? Will no oxygen/air stone affect the fish in my tank?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

2007-05-19 16:22:44 · 6 answers · asked by pnoiz1 2

need any info on upside catfish

2007-05-19 16:19:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, I have a gravel vacuum but inside the tube part (some parts) are really dirty. How can I clean the gravel vacuum or do I need to buy a new one???

2007-05-19 16:15:08 · 6 answers · asked by MusicalHeart 5

i just got a small tank with three small goldfish. it has a filter and now has little bubbles covering the surface of the water. what should i do?

2007-05-19 16:11:25 · 7 answers · asked by Kristin G 2

2007-05-19 16:05:15 · 8 answers · asked by Renee H 2

Just curious.

2007-05-19 15:54:50 · 7 answers · asked by lilem16_i_luv_u 1

What tetras or rasboras show the best schooling affect

2007-05-19 15:47:29 · 9 answers · asked by Cosby the Demon Lord 3

and any thing else i need to know

2007-05-19 15:24:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

the past 2 days my fish is all the time on the bottom and it bearly eats, i dont know whats wrong with it. Some times it will go up and then it just goes down again, and its skin is loosing color any advice you can give me

2007-05-19 15:23:18 · 8 answers · asked by marija t 2

2007-05-19 15:22:30 · 3 answers · asked by jeffdarlenesunny 1

I'm a beginner in this fish thing and i have a list of fish that i'd like to have but i'm not sure if the're all compatible or not. I'm getting a 46 gallon tank soon. I'd like to have 5 male guppys, 5 neon tetras, 5 zebra danios, 5 swordtails, 5 tiger barbs, 2 balloon belly mollys, 1 clown pleco, and 2 khuli loaches. are these all compatible, and is there enough room in the tank for all of them? Thanks!!

2007-05-19 15:20:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tomaorow I am getting 4 or 5 fresh water fish. I have set up the 10.0 gallon tank , rocks and all. I already have water cleaning drops, for my betta fish. I think I am getting neons, and some other types. Can I just put strate tap water in the tank, or do I use my water cleaner? Also, What are some nice not too big not to small clorful frest water fish?

2007-05-19 15:15:14 · 10 answers · asked by ~♥~♫~Jess~♫~♥~ 2

I have a bubble-eyed goldfish and the inside of the bubble has a blood clot in it and is bleeding. I also noticed that there are more bubbles growing within the larger bubble. A while back I could see little white specs inside of the bubble and I figured it was ick so I treated the tank and the little specs were gone. But for some reason they keeping coming back into the fish's bubble. What should I do?

2007-05-19 14:57:03 · 7 answers · asked by LP 1

what freshwater aquarium fish are mainly wild caught and which are captive breed?

2007-05-19 14:54:36 · 3 answers · asked by Cosby the Demon Lord 3

He has a Betta container with a filter.

His Betta died.

Could he just get another Betta?

In the winter, his house goes down 68F for about a day sometimes.

Can a Betta survive for a day in that temp for a day?

2007-05-19 14:42:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a Tiger Oscar that I got a few months before Christmas. It was about 2" long when I got it. It was housed in a 30 gal hexagon tank and shortly after I got an Albino Tiger Oscar a tad bigger. The Albino was more agressive than the Tiger but died in January. Since then my Tiger has been alone. A few weeks ago my tank leaked so I quickly put him (and his water) in a 10 gal tank. He was about 5" long at this point but I had no choice until I got another tank. He was doing fine, then about last week started laying on his side a lot. However when I fed him he'd hop right up and gobble his food. I was feeding him flakes and minnows then switched him to Cichild Pellets. They made the tank orange so I changed his water weekly. I just got a 40 gallon set up for him the other day and put him in tonight. He just went to the bottom and back on his side. His color is bright and he shows no signs of any physical problems except this. Think he'll perk back up?? I'm very worried :-(

2007-05-19 14:36:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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