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Dogs - October 2007

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Does anyone have the links to the questions that the DP clone posted?

2007-10-23 16:11:41 · 8 answers · asked by Cryptic Shadow 3

He doesn't like dogs period. Crazy, cause i totally love em....what great friends. Anyway, the newest problem....he's mad that I let her sit with my on the floor in my bedroom. He wants the bedroom off limits. But, dang....he gives her little to no affection (he says I give enough for 2 people) and we are all unhappy when everyone is home cause I want to please him but not neglect my dog in the mean time.
Help! (No "get rid of husband answers" please. That's a silly option. I made a covenant with God....I want to make it work. The dog is honestly our one and only argument.
What cha think folks?

2007-10-23 15:53:55 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a wonderful dog (Penny) that I just found out is protective of us. My mom walked in my house today from a trip and Penny growled and barked at her while she stood right by me. She (my mom) is the first person to enter my house since I got her. I hate to say it but it made me proud that she protects her family.

My husband and I are wondering
If an intruder were to break in and she were to bite them would she be taken from her home for a 10 day hold? I say no because the intruder broke in an she was protecting us. She also is up to date on all her shots and she wears her tags. he says yes.
I want to hear what others think.

2007-10-23 15:37:40 · 14 answers · asked by momof3 6

I'm going to be in my junior year next year and I am moving into a pet friendly apartment. I was considering getting a small dog like a papillon or chihuahua. I'm not the type of person that would ditch my pet for a party, and I have had dogs in the past. I was wondering if anyone else had a dog in college and if so, do you have any tips for me?

2007-10-23 15:36:16 · 11 answers · asked by alleygatorgurl 1

I am writing a paper about dogs being the best pet, and I only have little ones so I need to know why someone would want a large dog. Thanks!

2007-10-23 15:10:06 · 17 answers · asked by lil' one 2

just curious because mine is 4 months

2007-10-23 15:07:20 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have recently adopted her from an animal rescue and we thought she had fleas (she is 10 weeeks) so we bathed her in dish soap as we were told to do by petco and she has since then started hacking and it sounds like she is going to to throw up. Do i need to go to the the doctor? Im scared is she okay? Whats wrong?

2007-10-23 15:06:03 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have two chihuahuas, one is a year or so old, the other is about seven years old; both males.

I used to let them in the house while everyone was gone, but they pee on everything, so we have been keeping them in a little cage by the dog door so they can be inside when it's too hot or too cold, and also be able to go out back and relieve themselves. The problem with the cage is, it STINKS, it takes hours to clean, and it looks incredibly ghetto behind our sofa. My Dad usually locks them in the cage so they can't go outdoors and bark at night, so they always pee and crap back there making it discusting. I'm definitly not keeping this cage idea around. Besides, it seems cruel to keep the poor mutts back there.

Is there a way of training them not to pee indoors?
Or should we just keep them outside when everyone is at work and asleep, and ditch the cage?

2007-10-23 14:55:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My family recently got a new puppy. We are in the process of training her, and though I feel it's important to all be on the same page and be consistent, it seems like my partner and I are the only one who is sticking to the rules. Is it possible to effectively train the dog on my own even if the other members of the family (teenagers) don't take part in the training and spoil the dog?
I'm hoping to train her to walk properly on a leash and learn some obedience commands like sit, stay, quiet, heel, come, fetch, crate-up and so on. I am trying to be consistent in the training and maintaining the pack leader role, but the kids laugh when she does something wrong and talk to the dog in a way that I feel encourages the bad behaviors.
My partner doesn't seem to agree that it's a big deal when they do this and thinks I am over-reacting when I get upset about it. Does anyone have any insight that could help us out?

2007-10-23 14:47:34 · 16 answers · asked by jeroisking 1

I recently rescued (and am keeping) a chihuahua who 3 weeks after her rescue gave birth to 4 pups (with 3 survivors) and when I got her I was told she would not eat dog food. Well, I put her on Canidae as I had heard great things about it and she loves it!!! I will be switching my other 2 dogs (malamute and Pit bull/golden retriever) to it as well as I would like to have the same food for both the big and small dogs. One thing concerns me and that is why I am asking here, I have done quite a bit of research and found a few links that Canidae has been making dogs sick and had acetaminophen in it recently. Then I searched again and found claims that those are false. Does anyone know any reliable resources for checking on Dog foods and recalls, or if these stories are correct.

2007-10-23 14:46:50 · 8 answers · asked by NatrGrrl 4

I have a 10-month old, 9-lbs chihauhau/pug mix. She's been wanting us to scratch just above her tail on her back for DAYS now...and it's such a strong itch that she barks when we stop. She's walking under kitchen chairs scratching on the legs, and it's sad to watch. She pants and gets so frustrated! We gave her a bath using the soothing, sensitive formula but it hasn't helped any. We think she might have some sort of skin rash, since we give her flea treatment. Her black hair is so short and coarse that we can't part it to see her skin, but when I flip her over and look down at her "female parts" where there's no hair, and it's a little red. What can we give her/put on her that will stop her itching? I feel so bad for her!!!

2007-10-23 14:31:31 · 13 answers · asked by allison76217 2

He trotted in the living room last nite and hiked his leg on my recliner chair and you can only imagine. I cleaned up the mess and put him in the utility room and he left a huge puddle of wee in the floor, so now he is outdoors.
Could his medicine for kennel cough cause this? He is on some type cough medicine and is guzzling water and weeing like crazy everywhere.

2007-10-23 14:22:37 · 4 answers · asked by happydawg 6

Does anybody know the dog bread that Sandy Denton aka Pepa from Salt N Pepa Group have. I`ve been watching there show , && i fell in love with Pepa dog name "Freggie" i think =/ . Hes soo adorable :) and im going to be buying a puppy real soon , so i need your help .

heres a video of the dog its only about 2 seconds
but you get a good view of him.
also the show Salt N Pepa is on VH1 Mondays at 10 .
(00:26 , is when you see the dog )

thank you .

2007-10-23 14:20:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am suppose to give a pill to my dog and I don't know. My dad was suppose to but he went away (travel) and i forgot to tell him to teach me. My dog is 5 years old and he is a pomeranian. Can anybody help with this if they have experience.
Help please! Thank you

2007-10-23 14:05:30 · 30 answers · asked by sxydoll15 2

i need a good crate training schedule for my new labradoodle, which i realize is not a real breed but i still want one. I will be getting one soon and am gathering info so i can start out right (It's my first dog.) the thing i'm most concerned about is potty training. i plan to crate train, but i need a schedule b/c i go to school and my parents work. help!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-23 14:05:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do I get my 8 month old Newfoundland to sit? She is not interested in treats or toys during training...?

I have been trying to get her to Sit, by having her on a leash, taking a treat, and running my hand palm up with the treat just over the top of her head. She glances up, but won't follow it to where I can get her to "sit." I also have tried a toy instead, but she just looks up for a half-second and then just looks ahead. I've also tried being in front of her and on her side (in the "heal" position). In addition, I've tried backing her against the wall. We would have done it sooner - but we just got her three weeks ago.

In short, I can't get her to sit unless I give her a push on her legs from behind basically (I can't push on her back because she is a giant breed). :(

Also - She can do the down command. And, sometimes, she'll just go right to the "lay down."

Any other ideas?

2007-10-23 14:04:51 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-23 13:57:05 · 7 answers · asked by jdj606 1

I don't think so, but I'm unsure ...or is it pork in general they can't have ?

2007-10-23 13:56:31 · 9 answers · asked by lcb 1

I am preparing for my first puppy and I want to do plenty of research before she arrives.

Any advice you can give me regarding the points below, I'd be grateful for. Just to say, I am not a complete novice with animals, I breed horses and train them but I respect each animal and I know that "you only stop learning when you are dead", so I'm asking for experts to share their knowledge :-)

1) I believe I should feed my puppy several times a day but how many is several?
2) I understand that dogs should not have access to food 24/7, is this true and why?
3) Should I and my family always eat before the dog does, to show we are higher up the hierarchy than the pup?
4) How long before retiring to bed should I remove food?
5) Should ever leave my puppy or dog without water (say over night)?
6) How long should I leave it after a meal, before taking my puppy outside?

Thank you for sharing your experience with me :D

2007-10-23 13:56:23 · 28 answers · asked by Stripey Cat 4

i have a 3 dogs and they wont stop taking my ssters dipers out of the trash can and chew them up all i want to do is throw them or get rid of them wat do i do

2007-10-23 13:56:16 · 6 answers · asked by Calli B 2

2007-10-23 13:52:04 · 25 answers · asked by bleh 4

I sure think so.I would love to adopt her. what do you think??

2007-10-23 13:44:54 · 23 answers · asked by Jorjor 6

my dog is diabetic for 4 years now...my vet is telling me he will not sell me anymore insulin unless i bring my dog to him to have his blood checked...i check my dogs blood on a constant basis....diabetes in a dog is no diferent than human diabetes....can i sue him

2007-10-23 13:40:03 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

they say it will run off imediatly, never to be seen again! and attack. we recon that if you train them well then they would be fine.

2007-10-23 13:33:47 · 9 answers · asked by steve 1

The following new combination dog breeds are now recognized by the AKC:

Collie + Lhasa Apso
Collapso, a dog that folds up for easy transport

Spitz + Chow Chow
Spitz-Chow, a dog that throws up a lot

Pointer + Setter
Poinsetter, a traditional Christmas pet

Malamute + Pointer
Moot Point, owned by....oh, well, it doesn't matter anyway

Great Pyrenees + Dachshund
Pyradachs, a puzzling breed

Pekingnese + Lhasa Apso
Peekasso, an abstract dog

Irish Water Spaniel + English Springer Spaniel
Irish Springer, a dog fresh and clean as a whistle

Labrador Retriever + Curly Coated Retriever
Lab Coat Retriever, the choice of research scientists

Newfoundland + Basset Hound
Newfound Asset Hound, a dog for financial advisers

Terrier + Bulldog
Terribull, a dog that makes awful mistakes

Bloodhound + Labrador
Blabador, a dog that barks incessantly

Collie + Malamute
Commute, a dog that travels to work

Sorry guys I thought it was funny. Do you find it funny?

2007-10-23 13:29:59 · 15 answers · asked by Scelestus Unus 5

fedest.com, questions and answers