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Dogs - December 2006

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My 1 year old Boxer was hit by a car two weeks ago. She has feeling in all legs and wags her tail wildly when she is happy. The issue is that while we saw her making progress in walking for the first two weeks, the last 2 days seemed to be a bit of a set back. Her coordination has taken a step back and she doesn't have as much control in the legs in general. She has no bladder or bowel problems and does not appear to be in pain.

Does anyone have any experience in what the healing process and prognosis look like?

2006-12-18 06:49:02 · 7 answers · asked by jrsalvati 1

My boxer is 9 months old and has been going to the dog park for several months now. However, the other day she was so aggressive to all dogs. If a dog smelled her or got to close to her, she instantly turned aggressive by snarling and trying to bite. This is the first time she has done this. About a month ago, she was attacked by another dog (not hurt) but has gone to the park since and was fine. Again, this is the first time she has done this. I would like to know what types of things can I do to stop this aggression before it gets out of hand? She is trained and is obedient. Any suggestions would be great.

2006-12-18 06:48:57 · 5 answers · asked by crys2co 1

She's 2 months old but she's very agressive with my little sister and my other pets. Is it because of her breed or is it because of her age?

2006-12-18 06:40:13 · 13 answers · asked by mssgabby101 1

2006-12-18 06:38:11 · 9 answers · asked by mikey 3

2006-12-18 06:32:06 · 21 answers · asked by katrina14778 1

2006-12-18 06:25:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Alaskan Malamute/Wolf mix dog is pregnant, and she has been throwing up lately.

2006-12-18 06:24:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

is that possible, she keeps sneezing and sometimes (i know this sounds weird) it sounds like she has phlegm on her chest
i will take her to the vet if it persists, i just wanna find out first if im over reacting and if there is something i can do (it is winter here at the moment)

2006-12-18 06:23:11 · 6 answers · asked by livinia 4

I've read alot of horrible things on websites about these auctions. I want to help so bad! Any leads would be much appreciated.

2006-12-18 06:21:22 · 7 answers · asked by Not You 2

So you think we should ban a breed of dog because one of its kind maimed or killed someone? Then let’s ban all 400-plus breeds, because aggression is not breed-specific. Outlaw the English mastiff, the pit bull, the American Staffordshire terrier and the Rottweiler, and soon it will be the springer spaniel, the Boston terrier and the Old English sheep dog. Eventually, we will legislate some of our best friends into extinction.
Breed bans don’t work. They target all dogs of a breed – the innocent as well as the guilty; are difficult to enforce; and do not end the use of guard dogs by criminals. If pit bulls in their various incarnations are banned, drug dealers and other felons switch to another breed or mix. so why banned? its not gonna help any if we do.

2006-12-18 06:07:34 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think they are both cuter.

2006-12-18 06:06:22 · 13 answers · asked by Vote for Pedro 1

exactly what the question says

2006-12-18 06:05:05 · 12 answers · asked by zitro_divad 2

Because I have a lab sharpei mix, and I think it is cuter than either.
what do you think?

2006-12-18 06:02:15 · 6 answers · asked by Vote for Pedro 1

Well I'm trying to ask for a new puppy, but I just keep thinking of all the reasons my mom might say no. I'm trying to come up with solutions to these problems and so far I'm doing pretty good, but could you possibly give me more reasons why my mom might say no, so I can solve them and so when she gives me a reason for saying no, I can tell her that it can be solved, so it'll be easier for her to say yes???? Thank you.

2006-12-18 05:58:16 · 18 answers · asked by tara 2

There's definetly no doubt about it. APBTs are gorgeous dogs. I been looking at so many different dog breeds and they all have something that's funny or weird looking.(face, coat, shape, etc) and the APBT has perfect body and facial characteristics, as well as coat, height, and shape of body....as well as the variety of coat and eye colors they have......Well, that's just my personal opinion.....Many of you might agree with me!!....I LOVE APBTs!

2006-12-18 05:53:17 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

why do you like it more than others

2006-12-18 05:50:51 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

The german pinscher apears to be midway between a minpin and a dobe in size .

as an apartment dweller who likes a rowdy , rough and tumble friend i am considering one and would like feeback on temperment , health issues etc etc .I have already gone to the gpc website and looked at offical info but wanted more of an owner perspective .

2006-12-18 05:49:23 · 2 answers · asked by bolounit1 2

I just posted about my dog's inner ear infection, and just wanted to let you all know that the amox I gave my dog was what we had left over from a previous vet visit. It is still good - doesn't expire til 2008. Secondly, this isn't the first time I've treated animals, and third, she IS going to the vet at 3pm, like I stated in my original post. I love my Grace. I wouldn't harm her in any way.

2006-12-18 05:48:22 · 3 answers · asked by lisa b 1

I have noticed that weimeraner tails are very short in William Wegman's photos, so I would like to know if they are cropped or are just natural. I have read his book about Fay, his second dog, and it didn't say anything about why the tail is short.

P.S. William Wegman is a photographer. Here is his site:


2006-12-18 05:37:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

to stop eating cat poo and is there anything wrong with her if she does this? My boyfriend and I think she does it for attention but could it be something else?

2006-12-18 05:33:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have an adorable Chihuahua that I've had for almost 9 years now. She's never shed a lot of her hair until recently. I've been giving her 3 baths a day to see if I can stop some of the shedding, but no it just seems to make it worse. I called the Vet and they said it was normal, but I just want to know if there's a way that I can get her to stop shedding so much. I'm getting tired of vacuuming my rug every 10 minutes. I thought seriously about taking her to the Doggie Parlor and getting her hair shaved off or something, but honestly she would look like a rat and never come out from under the bed. Any ideas here?

2006-12-18 05:31:21 · 10 answers · asked by ♥ LysoL 3

First of all, let me say that my dog is 13 years old and Saturday she started having trouble walking, like she was getting dizzy and couldn't balance herself. That's when we started noticing that she was shaking her head a lot, leaning her head to the right to gaurd her ear, and having pain. It's obvious it is inner ear infection. Because her symptoms suddenly showed up on a Saturday evening there were no vets to go to until Monday, unless I wanted to pay $125 to walk into the emergency clinic, so I started her on baby aspirin for pain and 40mgs Amoxicillin q 12h for the infection. (5mgs per 1lb of body weight - she weighs 8 lbs) I happened to read an old post where "kgreives" advised someone that because they couldn't afford to pay the vet's exhorbitant costs for services that they shouldn't own a dog. Ignorance is everywhere. Here's my advice - take your dog to the vet whether you have all the money or not. Pay what you can before you leave then tell them they'll have to bill

2006-12-18 05:24:27 · 13 answers · asked by lisa b 1


anyone recognize what blood line this dog is? Looking for a dog that looks very similiar to this dog in southeaster lower michigan;
i.e. Flint, Grand Blanc, Brighton, Lansing areas

2006-12-18 05:18:26 · 14 answers · asked by bbking48507 5

He was abused by my ex, I left and took him, showed him only love, hes fine in the house, and once people are in the house. but I have to show him that they are ok. But he acts like he is going to bite them at first then he just smells them and walks away... this just started a few months ago.... any suggestions to get him to let people enter freely.

2006-12-18 05:03:17 · 11 answers · asked by nichole_lalonde 2

could this be caused by another condition or is stomah just sensitive. he is an older dog and vet has done blood work and come up with nothing. drives me crazy cause at the holiday dinners everyone feeds him a little here and there then that night im up cleaning up crap

2006-12-18 05:02:14 · 15 answers · asked by wldwon2003 3

Cocoa, or Hershey?

2006-12-18 04:55:59 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

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