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Cats - August 2007

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I had 2 cats. I sadly had to let one go because she would not stop peeing all over(my ex GF took her). I tried everything to get her to stop,had her the vets twice. So, I had to let her go.

Thing is, its been about 5 weeks since the other cat was here and the lone cat I have is driving me crazy. She just been nuts. I know she needs a friend. I'm moving in about a month so obviously I'm going to wait till I'm moved but I'm debating if a kitten or a full grown cat is better. I'm scared my cat will get jelious of a kitten but I'm also scared that a full grown cat will fight with my current one. Not sure what to do.

2007-08-15 01:23:23 · 11 answers · asked by BS and thats no BS 1

its sick putting your cat in the microwave. having sexuial contact with your dog. dont you think these people should be punished in some sort of way? give me your opinion.

2007-08-15 00:06:15 · 9 answers · asked by maria c 2

I got a kitten on Monday and he's four months old. He's been quite badly treated, he's got fleas, a cold and diarrhea. I think he was being fed adult cat food so I'm feeding him kitten food now but it doesn't seem to be helping. He sleeps a lot but he's generally quite active and playful but I'm getting abit worried it might be more than a problem with his food. The woman we got him off had 8 other cats and was letting him run outside even though he's not had any injections.

Any ideas what might be causing it and what I could do to help him?

2007-08-14 21:23:35 · 10 answers · asked by ? 6

I have a 16 year old cat, and we get two kittens about 3 years ago(their sisters) And one of them always hisses or trys to attack my old cat. she has stopped this now, but now my old cat hisses or moans(like a growling, haha) When she comes on the room. But i always say to puss puss (my old cat) No, leave her shes not annoying you, and its like she understands, cause she sits back down again. Also, i ask her something like, do you want to go outside? (like before im going to go to bed, just in case she needs to go outside to go toilet) and shell either walk over to the door for me to open it, or she will go off to where she likes to sleep. also, we have french doors, and my other cat will lean up again the door and like make knocking noises against the door, like shes knocking on the door to come in

2007-08-14 21:19:54 · 10 answers · asked by ilikeyellow123 3

I have used the spray that is supposed to stop them from going in the same spot again but she still wants to go there. She hasn't had her shots yet and I think this may be the reason. Is our kitten litterally retarded? Don't give me the well take her to the vet deal because obviously we know that. She came into our house unwillingly. I get mad at her when I catch her and throw her out of the bedroom. Should I dicipline her at all? She is about 8 or 9 weeks old. Please help. Also we have 2 litter boxes in the house one for each cat and she pees in our bedroom even when the door is wide open. and when the door is shut she meows at it to get out and go potty. What is going on. We got her when she was nearly 5 weeks old way too young we know but her mom abandoned her on a farm because she had an eye infection and it was the cats first litter and it only had 2 kittens.

2007-08-14 20:32:54 · 5 answers · asked by jessica_and_jay8883 3

in the morning, I get woke up to my kitten climbing up on my pillow and loudly purring and kneads the top of my shoulders.
is this a sign of affection?? or a "feed me " sign?
also she sleeps on top of my pillow right above my head!!
its cute, but a bit annoying..

2007-08-14 20:23:30 · 5 answers · asked by hopeless and curious 2

i have always owned cats , but only ever had 1 at a time , my last cat died a couple of years ago aged 17 , now its time too get another 1or 2 , i would really like 2 cats , but will 2 kittens from different litters get along , and is it best to have different sexes or is it ok too have the same .

2007-08-14 19:54:16 · 11 answers · asked by pussycat 2

My kitty has been sick 4 2 Days Now She doesn't Eat anything
I tried injecting her with glucose plz help me!!

2007-08-14 19:18:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have two very young (3 and 4) autistic kids. Just got two kittens, about 7 and 4 month old. Just wondering.

2007-08-14 18:37:41 · 11 answers · asked by may_smiles 1

My cat scratches soft against my shirt or dress or whatever while I am laying or sitting and grabs ahold of it with his mouth and just bites down and continues to scratch-like. It seems weird. He seems like he's in a trance when he does it. Kinda funny cute.

2007-08-14 18:30:54 · 8 answers · asked by may_smiles 1

Ive had him for about three years and hes about 4 and a half. He was always a pretty vocal lil bugger but now its ALL the time pretty much whenever I move or go to do something. I've always given him attention and played with him the same but now its like I cant do anything with out him being right there. Also he is running around the house jumping on tables which he has NEVER done and I quickly shoo him off. (While typing this question he has so far knocked over my printer disconnected my mouse and pounched on the keyboard causing me to have to hold it under the table which is hard to type, knocked over my screen and has not stopped meowing for 7 min straight, hes like a kid on a sugar high topped with 12 pots of coffee) What has caused him to go all crazy on me and how can I calm him down?

2007-08-14 18:24:47 · 7 answers · asked by Rebecca 3

we need help asap we called over a house vet he didn't do much and our kittens not eating or drinking and has been sick for a week or so and now hes passing out skinny as a rail and we're afraid he will die! we're scared what do we do that we can do at home we cant afford a 200-500$ vet fee our little Toney is very important to us and we're worried out of our minds, please help!

2007-08-14 16:26:59 · 12 answers · asked by awsome dude223 3

Can cats get it? I have an 8 yr. old, very overweight (he's fixed) cat, and i've noticed latley that he's been drinking alot of water. But he seems healthy otherwise! He plays with the kitten, and dosent seem to lack in energy. Should I be concerned enough to call the vet?

2007-08-14 16:24:06 · 15 answers · asked by fredsredhead66 4

What should I do with them? They're kind of living in our backyard right now.

2007-08-14 16:04:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anne 2

a cat without a name tag or anything rocked up at my back door this afternoon. we gave it a good bowl of milk and got some things out of its fur. i'm not sure if its a stray or not but it doesnt seem to want to leave. anyone got some sudgestions?

2007-08-14 15:51:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 8 month cat and is very playfull and i wish he would be playfull forever but when does a cat stop being playfull?

2007-08-14 15:34:45 · 9 answers · asked by jorge289 1

I have acat and decided to brush her teeth i mixed a small bathroom cup of water with a little more then the amount of tooth paste people use and only brushed 6 of her teeth it she gonna get sick or am i being paranoid please help seriously im really scared

2007-08-14 15:20:21 · 8 answers · asked by KATIE T 2

My cat is an indoors cat. I bought him when he was a baby and was already an indoor cat, and I don't seeing him being an outdoor cat. What do you think?

2007-08-14 15:07:50 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ever since I've had this 7 year old cat, he's occassionally scarfed his food down very quickly using massive bites, then five to ten minutes later, hes in a seated position, bobbing back and forth, trying to induce vomiting. I don't think it's hairballs, because he's not hacking while bobbing back and forth. If i try to grab him before he vomits, to try to put him out, he runs and hides and finishes vomiting and then i have to clean it up. Can a cat be bulimic?

2007-08-14 14:55:25 · 11 answers · asked by idigitaldestiny 2

i need to know how to take care of it train it to use a litter box its s stray cat it came at my door it meows a lot it wont stop moving i need help plz

2007-08-14 14:02:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

my cat spottedleaf lost a tooth should i leave it and wait till the new tooth comes in or should i just go to the vet??

2007-08-14 13:13:54 · 7 answers · asked by ♥Warrior~Cats~Rock♥ 3

I have a 3 yr. old male cat who used to be very fat. He has recently began losing weight at a pretty rapid pace.

2007-08-14 13:06:19 · 45 answers · asked by Tallyh 1

I wonder if my tortoiseshell kitten could be retarded?

She has a extremely long tail,
large floppy gremlin ears,
she has a long skinny neck,
her eyes look strange (human-like but slightly lazy & sunken in), and her belly looks like a pot-belly pig.

She pisses on things (floor; herself while walking around; even her twin sister)
She eats all the food at once (cares less about her sisters needs)
She knees my boobs and licks my face raw @ night.
She don't chase toys, her hand-paw coordination is WAY off!! She only plays with her twin sis who takes it easy with her and lets her win often.
She gets spooked often (over little or NOTHING at all)
Her sis seams to look out for her.
Her twin sis meows (& she comes) and bosses her around and she listens.
Never covers her poop up.
Never listens to us (her sis does).
She either over loves us or just plain crabby.
She has a hard time cleaning herself.

Has anyone had a retarded cat? Is it possible? How do you know for sure?

2007-08-14 12:01:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My kitten has a habit of chewing on wires, and I need to know how to stop her from chewing on the wires before she hurts herself.....

2007-08-14 12:00:33 · 6 answers · asked by queenrocks12891 1

Did you do anything with the ashes?

2007-08-14 11:59:16 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

plz help me my cat has been puking 6 days straight. shes not dehydrated. but shes keeps pukin up brown stuff with hair in it. its always brown whats wrong???

2007-08-14 11:50:14 · 22 answers · asked by Jessi 2

I got an answer saying I was not a vet, thats why I take her to one and they do the same thing everytime I take her in and its not helping her. Does someone other than the last person who replyed, know of a detox program ?

2007-08-14 11:36:22 · 7 answers · asked by maryb45@verizon.net 1

My cat goes absolutely nuts when I shine a flashlight on the wall; she always has. She also loves it when I shine a laser pointer on the wall. And she gets a little nutty when she sees the reflection of a DVD on the ceiling.

I have called it the flashlight game since I learned this makes her crazy. I have two questions: Why does this drive her crazy and does anyone else have a cat (or dog, I suppose) who goes bonkers when s/he sees a flashlight shined on a wall?

2007-08-14 11:26:18 · 6 answers · asked by VeggieTart -- Let's Go Caps! 7

We just adopted two kittens, they are siblings and boy and a girl. The girl is a light grey tabby and the male is black and white. I am open to anything, but want something that "goes together"

2007-08-14 11:21:33 · 24 answers · asked by deb M 1

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