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Cats - February 2007

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My tabby tomcat (3 yrs and spayed) will straddle himself in the opposite direction over a teddybear we have (i really dont want to go in detail) and he will put a sock in his mouth and molest the poor bear. He does this when he thinks no one is watching!

I caught him in the act one day and came in the bedroom with a camera. All he could do is freeze. He stood there with his eyes wide open and didnt move a muscle with that sock still hanging out of his mouth. and i snapped a photo. haha it was great.

I really dont have a question to ask because i know what he's doing... just wanted to know if anyone else's cat is like this? lol

2007-02-16 02:27:17 · 9 answers · asked by Autumn 2


Ok, my adult male Ocicat has been behaving strangely lately. He's been acting like he's a kitten, running around all day, picking fights with our other male cat, throwing up everywhere, and has become pretty fond of boxes. So is their anything wrong or is he normal???

2007-02-16 02:25:59 · 8 answers · asked by raea815 1

Everynight, my cat likes to crawl under his arms and lick his armpit. Does she like his deodorant or what is going on?

2007-02-16 02:25:26 · 9 answers · asked by Stacy K 1

Well we have two male tabby's, two years apart, and non-related.

They both LOVE it when you swing them in anything that has handles. If the bag is laying on the floor they will crawl in and lay there until you swing him. They act like they really enjoy it.

I think that if they didnt like it they wouldnt keep crawling back into the bag. If I'm swinging one of them, the other will awake from his nap and come over so he can be next. WEIRD I KNOW.
Has anyone heard of doing this to their cat?

2007-02-16 02:21:06 · 5 answers · asked by Autumn 2

i recently found a kitty and im keeping him how can i train him that the litter box is where he needs to potty, i have 2 other cars and they use the box.

2007-02-16 02:14:29 · 9 answers · asked by smittysmitty333 1

clean? Does anyone know what is going on with my cat?

2007-02-16 01:45:03 · 12 answers · asked by lashes 1

My boyfriend and I both have cats, and since we are going to be moving in together in about 3 months we have been trying to get them used to eachother. I will bring my cat to his house some nights and they just do not get along. they sit and stare at eachother with their hair all fluffed up. My cat has slowly been trying to get closer to my boyfriends cat but his cat will just not have it. She hisses and scares my cat off. It seems that she is the meaner one and mine is trying to get along. Also, every time that they have met it has been at my boyfriends house so it would be his cat's territory. I cant bring his cat to my house because my mom is allergic and while my cat dosent shed, his cat leaves hair wherever she goes. When we move in together we are planning on bringing the cats to the new house at the same time so that it dosent seem like it is one cats territory more than the other. Also, my cat is about 2 years old and a male and my boyfriends cat is about a year and a female.

2007-02-16 01:41:09 · 7 answers · asked by Lissa 2

mine weighs 10 pounds (last time he went to the vet which was about 1 month ago) is that overweight and if so, what can i do to help him get healthier

2007-02-16 01:35:24 · 9 answers · asked by Lissa 2

2007-02-16 01:33:08 · 34 answers · asked by Mrs.Florence E 2

so, i've had my kitten for about 3 months now (he was adopted out WAY too young, i know) and he is doing great. however, i think he's hitting puberty too early. the vet won't fix him until he's 6 months old, but hes started displaying some male behaviors and humping things (chairs, blankets, etc). he isn't spraying, or anything like that, but i'm concerned he may start. what do i do for the next 2 months?

(he JUST turned 4 months old today.)

2007-02-16 00:55:10 · 2 answers · asked by kylexo 2

If it does mean they are self aware, does that mean they are conscious in the way humans are conscious and aware of themselves?

2007-02-16 00:54:16 · 6 answers · asked by IslandGuy 1

2007-02-16 00:08:11 · 23 answers · asked by gemma w 2

She is 2 and half years old and we have her sister as well..both very different personality wise! Is she jumps on my lap and I fuss her she will immeadiately start licking my top/jumper..if you try and stop her she will just keeping trying!! We end up soggy with her dribble! Her sister doesnt do this!

2007-02-15 23:11:06 · 14 answers · asked by kimothyp 1

I sometimes drive my cat to my parents' place (about 40 minutes away), and put her in a pet carrier on the seat next to me. She would meow about every 10 seconds, and looks to be kind of worried or insecure. I was wondering whether certain music would calm them down or maybe there's some good ways to make them comfortable travelling in a car without being so scared?

2007-02-15 22:59:46 · 16 answers · asked by Lilliana 5

My cat has bad habit of weeing in our house first thing in the morning and its nearly always on my husbands clothes! He wont use a litter tray and i have tried shutting him out but with quite a hectic life we sometimes forget where he is. Any suggestions?

2007-02-15 22:34:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat brings me sometimes a mouse or a bird as a trophy. Full of proud she show me her chasing results.

Now I am afraid, that she can get the bird flu

2007-02-15 22:33:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

my cat is about 7 months old, she gets outside of the house sometime during the day. recently i found her belly was a little 'bloated', i am not sure if its a full belly from eating 2 meals a day, or pregnancy? her fatty part of the belly doesn't shrink

2007-02-15 22:23:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-15 22:21:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

He 13 years and was diagnosed with a stomach cancer a few weeks ago but he was still happy to be here. The vet said to take him home and bring him back when it was time!
Over the last couple of days apart from when we have been cuddling him he has spent most of his time in his bed under a radiator, only getting out for food, water and the toilet.
He still purrs like mad, he doesn't seem in pain and when we're cuddling him he seems to be really happy. However last night after feeding he had a shake, seemed to lose his balance and fell over, he got straight back up and walked over to his bed, it didn't seem to bother him at all. This morning he is still the same.
On one hand I feel it is time, but on the other hand I feel he still wants to be here. How do I make the decision?

2007-02-15 21:54:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i jus got a kitten last nite and she is realy sick she sneeses contenly and she looks like she is constantly crying its really sad and i was wondering what i can do to make it go away other then tha vets because i have no money right now

2007-02-15 21:48:17 · 9 answers · asked by playgurl3615 1

i dont know what the fasination about the sink is but lately i am always catching her in the sink. i'm not sure if she is trying to lick water from the tap, but she always has fresh water in her bowl. or sometimes she just sits in it. i want to stop her from doing this as its not very hygenic. does anyone know why she is doing this or any tips on how to get her to stop?

2007-02-15 21:07:50 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-15 20:58:48 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-15 19:45:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

A box of catfood says chicken flavored...does it really taste like chicken?

2007-02-15 19:33:11 · 13 answers · asked by gary w 2

I have a 6 year old Calico female named Casey. We took her in off the street when she was 5 and she was so tiny when we got her, we thought she was about 4 months old. I took care of her and fed her and it looked to me like she was just growing, when we took her to the vet I was so surprised when he said she was 6, they said she was so malnurished, she looked like she was growing, but that I was doing everything right and that her nervousness would eventually go away. She is so afraid of the vacuum, my other cat (who just died last week), the rustling of plastic bags, even when people sniffle loudly! She doesn't like to be held and I try to hold her a lot for short periods of time because I love to give my animals constant love and I want her to get used to it, she also throws up her food almost every other time she eats, and I'm very concerned for her. Also, she is an indoor cat now. How can I help her?

2007-02-15 19:20:26 · 8 answers · asked by &hearts Emmy's Mommy &hearts 2

I really want a dog, but I'm a poor college student and don't think I can afford it. Also, I don't have a fenced back yard Here are my questions:
Is it hard to potty train a dog?
Will he run away when I let him out or will I have to stay with him on a leash?
Will he shed and tear up my house?
If I shouldn't get a dog, would a cat be as bad?

Just looking for pros and cons. Thanks!

2007-02-15 18:44:44 · 16 answers · asked by Arnold 4

I have a black and white kitten that is male, but so many people asked me what kind of breed he is and I don't know. I'm trying to find out on the internet, but can't find anything.
I also wonder what kind of breed my other kitten is. She is grey with very weird white, browness stripes. Hope that somebody can tell me!!!

2007-02-15 18:15:16 · 13 answers · asked by Adz 2

She jumps on them and rolls around for a while before laying on them. Usually she starts running wildly around the house as well.

2007-02-15 17:48:31 · 16 answers · asked by popisdead89 1

2007-02-15 17:29:10 · 27 answers · asked by Bennett 1

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