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Cats - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

I have got a persian cat.Its shedding its hair althrough the year
Is there any Medicine

2006-11-08 07:50:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Whats the best way to do it. I saw powder that you put on the back of their neck toady in Morrisons, but I can't believe that it would really work, yet it would be so much easier than giving tablets.

2006-11-08 07:49:45 · 18 answers · asked by emily_jane2379 5

My kitty has a cold that has him all stuffed up, you can hear him breathing - he doesn't seem to be having trouble breathing, but you can hear that he's very congested. He can't smell his food and he won't eat it. Anyone know of something that can help?

I know I should take him to a vet, but I don't have the money, so I need other solutions please.

2006-11-08 07:48:40 · 13 answers · asked by Timberwolf 3

My kitten brought me his first pressie last night. We ended up taking it out and keeping the cat in, it clearly wasn't going to survive but should you really put them out of their misery and can you do that?

2006-11-08 07:45:25 · 23 answers · asked by emily_jane2379 5

Amoxicillin didn't work very well! But this stuff is after a couple days!

2006-11-08 07:33:51 · 4 answers · asked by RavenHairedBeauty 1

I have a female torti who always comes running if I raise my voice. I t doesn't matter what I say or who I'm "yelling" at. I could be calling my son from downstairs and the cat always comes first. If she's sitting near me and I holler out the door for the dogs she will get up and get right in my face purring like crazy. It's a little strange, but extrememly cute.

I should add that when I first got her I had roommates so I would call her to bed every night so that she would realize that I was her mom. Think that has something to do with it? She also listens to me like a dog. Yes, she goes outside (sorry for those of you who don't approve) and all I have to do is open the door and call her. She comes running from wherever full speed to come home to me.

Does anyone else's cat do this?

2006-11-08 07:25:46 · 5 answers · asked by KJ 5

My cat, a turkish van, ran away from my home today. When i went back from school, i couldn't find him, could somebody give my tips
on how to find my cat?

2006-11-08 07:24:39 · 12 answers · asked by The Big K 2

My cat has been scratching all the time lately so i figured that he had fleas. I bought some Frontline which is supposed to be the best stuff on the market and have applied it twice (about 4 days apart). I cant actually see any fleas on the cat but he's still scratching quite a lot. Any clue why that is?

2006-11-08 07:14:11 · 21 answers · asked by Kerri 4

my christmas tree? yes i know its a bit eearly but i pout it up to start training her it is not a toy, any advice on this? as of now i just grab her away from it and spray her with water from the spray bottle... its not workin so well... what else can i do?

2006-11-08 07:13:14 · 9 answers · asked by lpxerounderground 3

My cat, Cinderella, loves Bjork, Depeche Mode, and Miles Davis. I know this because whenever I put it on, she runs near the music, turns her ears towards it, and falls asleep.

2006-11-08 07:11:33 · 14 answers · asked by aqualovefire 2

Saw them getting down a week ago and want to know how long until there may be babies.

2006-11-08 07:11:07 · 3 answers · asked by aouija 3

Most of the guys I've dated were charming at first, but eventually their true colours revealed their own stupidity and shallowness.
Is it in their nature for all men who are "guys", or can it just be a coincidence.
My cat, among the stupid things he does, like dashes between my legs out of the blue when I walk across the room, or naps up on high places and rolls off (unconsciously- apparently dreaming), and chewing on power cords (you'd figure after the last few times of being electrocuted he'd know better).

2006-11-08 07:05:18 · 12 answers · asked by somber_pieces 6

well i have a big cat and she had babys she had a 2 girls and 2 boys i have a boy and a girl to of my friends took one ashley took a girl and jacob to a girl to. ashley and jacob are my friends.

2006-11-08 06:35:57 · 21 answers · asked by hannah montana 1

they have finished their medicines and still have loose stools what should i do

2006-11-08 06:24:20 · 12 answers · asked by Brandi T 1

2006-11-08 06:20:07 · 20 answers · asked by hotmail 1

2006-11-08 06:18:46 · 13 answers · asked by troynov17 1

I know I should take him to a vet.....but I don't have the money to help him. All I can do for him is put him down. And all the vets are doing are draining my of my money. I don't have what it takes to help him.......and he's my best friend. My aunt says he has cancer. I don't know what to do! I don't have the money for any kind of help and I really hope it's not cancer, bacause I just got through my Mom having Breat Cancer. If anyone knows a good vet in the Gwinnett county in Georgia. PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!!

2006-11-08 05:57:02 · 13 answers · asked by Ivy 1

My cat started peeing in some boxes or even on the floor after we got him fixed. i keep his kitty litter clean at all times. what can i do to solve this problem?

2006-11-08 05:53:39 · 13 answers · asked by acoats2006 5

2006-11-08 05:46:18 · 20 answers · asked by realityscks 1

He's a short hair tabby cat, so it's not the hair that's the issue. I was thinking maybe because he's so fat he's having a hard time getting down there, but he's always been rather fat. It's getting unbearable and I'm feeling bad having to push him away when he wants to be pet because he smells so bad...

2006-11-08 05:35:16 · 16 answers · asked by veroncervantes 1

I'm really looking for a kitten, I have not been able to find one.
Thanks so much.

2006-11-08 05:29:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-08 05:19:11 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

he always has been. he is really scared and hisses and bites for no reason. he is around 9 now. we got him at an abuse shelter. is it too late to make him nice or can we make him nice?

2006-11-08 05:04:01 · 15 answers · asked by Becca R 2

my cat doesnt meow he sqeaks...he is a tabby cat ..will he sooner or later meow or will he squeak his whole life time..?lol

2006-11-08 05:01:49 · 16 answers · asked by stevil342001 1

i have a new cat from today and she is the whole day "mau-mau" (talking) because she is sad for her old home. She is 2 months old.

I need a tip so i can teach her to make toilet in the cat toilet, because she made it in her bed. Before in her old home she made toilet in sand. I buyed a spetial sand (i even dont know if its a sand) for cat toilet and put it in the bathroom/toilet. Any advice will be helpfull!

And also one more thing can i make myself a toy for my cat and witch will be the best one. And also is it the best thing for the cat a wood for her nails? And how can i make her make her nails at the wood?

Thank you very much and sorry for my bad english! :)

2006-11-08 04:59:31 · 25 answers · asked by Mitko 3

My cat, John, is 7 years old. He's part Simese and part Russan Black and has had Entropian and Cristals. Now he's got blood in his crap and is getting grumpy. He never used to bite, but now he does. He's also acting really odd. He's being very lovable, which he never used to be, and he's got this thing for licking and nipping my dad's hairy legs. He's also acting more and more like he did as a kitten. Jumping around and crying a lot. And he's saying his little word "mama" all of the time, now. I don't get it!!!! He's normaly very quiet and reserved and never bites. Maybe it has to do with the other 2 cats we rescured when he was 3 or 4? Can ya help me?

2006-11-08 04:59:26 · 11 answers · asked by Ivy 1

My kitten does this wierd thing where it looks like he's humping my bedspread he grabs it with his teeth and purrs while arching his back for like 10 min at a time. I got him fixed and he still does it. Why does he do anyone else have a cat that does this??

2006-11-08 04:56:27 · 7 answers · asked by MelC 6

What kind of shot will she need anyways?

2006-11-08 04:38:37 · 6 answers · asked by Heather W 2


We have several, anyone heard of them before?

2006-11-08 04:25:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

what can I do for it I have tryed to wrap it but he took it off and please no rude answers thank you

2006-11-08 04:13:09 · 9 answers · asked by dizzy76 3

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