I have nineteen month old Silver Molly fry and one two-month old Black Molly fry.
1. What's the earliest I will be able to tell males from females?
2. What is the first obvious sign of gender they will show?
3. Do water conditions, feeding, et cetera affect sex at all?
4. How young do Mollies first become sexually mature?
5. Any other information on this topic. Give me everything you can find that relates.
I have one adult female Silver Molly and one adult male Black Lyretail Molly. They usually are okay with one another, however, sometimes I catch him chasing her, biting her and depriving her of food. Problem is, I want them to breed. Is he doing this because he doesn't like her? Or is he trying to mate with her? I have her in a breeding net now. I'm afraid to put them together any longer. Again, please try and give me all the information you can find.
Thank you VERY MUCH in advance.
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