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Pets - 20 January 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

I have a 3 and a 1/2 month old pug who eats her own poop. She has done this since we had her unless pulled away from the poop immediatley. What can be done to stop this behavior?

2007-01-20 13:08:22 · 9 answers · asked by dream109893 3 in Dogs

my dog had a stroke, his head has a little tilt to it, the vet said he could recover 85 percent. he is going blind but he is having surgery to fix that. I dunno, he is so full of energy and love. he has diabetes to.

2007-01-20 13:07:52 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

My dog has her milk & she discharged her mucus plug about 24 hours ago. She is a black lab, and we are not sure when she became pregnant...we have a pretty good estimate which is around November 21st, but we aren't positive. Oh, and she is acting like she is in pre-labor. She is panting also.I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE ANY HELP!! ~Thanks~

2007-01-20 13:04:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2007-01-20 13:03:53 · 15 answers · asked by kerry p 2 in Birds

2007-01-20 13:02:32 · 5 answers · asked by Sara B 3 in Reptiles

What is the dead giveaway you have squirrels in your attic ?

2007-01-20 12:58:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

My cat had his shots last week. The doc said that he has a murmur and we need to do xrays to find if this is a big problem. I want to have my 6mth cat fixed before he starts spraying. The doc said that he could dye on the operating table. This cat is in heat, attacking my kids all day and I am afraid he is going to get more aggressive as he gets older if something is not done soon. I really need to have him fixed asap or I will have to drop him off at the pound. Any suggestions and has anyone had this problem before?

2007-01-20 12:58:01 · 10 answers · asked by Girls M 4 in Cats

can a dog(yorkshire terrier)/ 5 lbs be litter trained. He is 4 and has been very diffi cult to house train. I'm wondering if a litter box may be better for him.

2007-01-20 12:57:12 · 17 answers · asked by gerber baby 3 in Dogs

2007-01-20 12:56:14 · 15 answers · asked by superstar 2 in Cats

2007-01-20 12:56:09 · 23 answers · asked by untanuta 5 in Dogs

what is the best obiedient dog to have I want a good smart family dog one that is easily trained and house broken one that is not too aggressive any suggestions??

2007-01-20 12:55:41 · 26 answers · asked by socalgal 1 in Dogs

i just got a very cute small chow chow, he is only four weeks old and i dont know what to feed him, i fed him some "puppy food" mixed with milk. Please give me some advises on what to feed him, Thanks.

2007-01-20 12:55:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

So I have been talking to different people to get opinions on training dogs/puppies.
I have heard so many different things.
We have a friend who trained their german shepherd by using a rolled up newspaper, which they call the old fashioned way.

And other's I have talked to at work (customer's), who actually spank the dog, just like they would a child.
Then, there are other's who just use words, and teach them from scratch what these words mean.

I just wanted to get a poll on how everyone trains their dogs/pups now...
I believe things have changed since 10-20 years ago, lol.
Why does whichever method you use work for you and/or dog? And which ways do you use?

2007-01-20 12:52:36 · 12 answers · asked by Kimberlynne 4 in Dogs

I'm thinking of hand raising a pigeon and I might be able to get an egg from a friend of mine the next time I go to CA. As far as an incubation source goes I have an adjustable desk lamp with a 20 watt bulb that gets to be about 90 degrees. Would this be warm enough to incubate a pigeon egg or would it be too low?

I'm also concerned it would be too warm and accidentally 'cook' the egg. But if anyone can give me a good answer that'd help. But would the temp cause a problem or not?

would like advice, thanks!

2007-01-20 12:51:51 · 10 answers · asked by Checkers- the -Wolf 1 in Birds

my one year old cat is soooo fussy with wet food i dont know what to do,i have tried and tried many different types but they have all failed,i have even tried that fresh meat stuff for fussy eaters,she is constantly nagging for food ,there is always food avaliable but she is a fusspot,please help....

2007-01-20 12:50:36 · 12 answers · asked by sandra k 3 in Cats



refusal to eat


the dog is around 5 months old.
what is this illness called?
besides taking him to the vet, what other things can i do for him?

2007-01-20 12:49:14 · 18 answers · asked by kaz 3 in Dogs

Im gonna get a 20 gallon. What gonna be the quickest way to cycle this without biospira? Im gonna put my old filter in there, and probably some gravel. Then what? How long is this gonna take?

2007-01-20 12:45:33 · 6 answers · asked by Skittles 4 in Fish

So, I had a transport and he had to stay over night with a friend. He yelled all night. Now he hollers every time I am away from him, even if it is just to take the other dogs for a walk. I have tried praising him for not screaming and ignoring him. This is not the whine or the broo. This is the full monty screaming! HELP!!!

2007-01-20 12:44:53 · 2 answers · asked by dedum 6 in Dogs

I had a goldfish and 2 plecos in an aquarium and the goldfish died the other day. My mom mentioned that the plecos might not have enough to eat now that the goldfish wasn't making the aquarioum dirty. I've always fed them 1/2 an algae wafer every night. Should I give them a whole wafer, or should I give them to someone I know who has an aquarium? I just don't want them to starve to death.

2007-01-20 12:44:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

2007-01-20 12:44:01 · 12 answers · asked by Marc R 1 in Dogs

How can I clicker train my dog to get chickens off of a porch without motivating it to chase them or bite them.

2007-01-20 12:43:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

This is more like an answer than a question,but its something that I believe people with small children should know.When my youngest was 3 months old I took in a stray kitten.I gave it a flea bath & set up an appointment at the vet the following day.It was very gentle and the baby just loved her!When I took it to the vet I was told that the kitten had tapeworm and they treated it and told me tthat cats get tapeworm from swallowing infected fleas when they bathe themselves.I asked if me baby could get it and the vet told me he had never heard of that happening.About 3 months later while I was changing my daughters poopy diaper I noticed small worms in her stool.I freaked out!I took her to the doctor & they said it was most likely pinworm and they gave her pinworm medication.It didnt work & the tests came back negative for human parasites.Her doctor thought I was crazy!!! Finally I took her to the local childrens hospital where I was told she somehow swallowed a flea which gave her cat

2007-01-20 12:42:49 · 10 answers · asked by mom of 2 girls:) 1 in Cats

My cat keeps shaking and won't stop.He is a five-year-old male. Whenever I am holding him, he won't stop shaking. He isn't purring, though. I don't know what's wrong with him! It's mostly his left front leg. What's wrong with him? Is he okay?

2007-01-20 12:42:38 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

my friend just gave me alot of hamster bedding, and i threw away the package, but i dont know whether its pine or aspen bedding, because i dont want him to get sick, does anybody know what the difference is, and how do i tell?

2007-01-20 12:41:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

2007-01-20 12:41:21 · 8 answers · asked by luvnuttydog 3 in Other - Pets

2007-01-20 12:41:11 · 6 answers · asked by sasquatch5607 1 in Birds

2007-01-20 12:39:52 · 8 answers · asked by Dalton W 1 in Fish

Now, don't just say "mean ones' or something just as stupid! Give me examples backed up by FACTS! Data should come from a reputable source.

So, I want to hear, what makes a dangerous dog? Why do you think _____________ is dangerous?

2007-01-20 12:39:51 · 25 answers · asked by Katslookup - a Fostering Fool! 6 in Dogs

She Is Not Fit And I Have Her Jump 3 And 1/2 Feet. She Seems To Like It Though. I Think Its Ok If She Likes It. I Need YOUR Opinion.

2007-01-20 12:38:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

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