I have a Jack Russell who will be 2 in Nov. He is my life, my baby, my sweetheart! If you can't tell, I'm a HUGE dog lover! Always had at least 2 growing up. So, now I work full time and go to school in the evenings 2 times a week. My bf (I live with) helps out a lot because of my busy schedule. However, I will be done with school this Dec. and home right after work every night. A freind of a friend, etc. has a girl Jack Russell who is fixed, trained and 3.5 yrs. old and needs a home. They can't keep her because she doesn't get along with cats. I don't either- I'm allergic.My bf isn't too happy w/the idea, but he said its up to me.Snoopy gets along GREAT w/everything he comes into contact with. I am debating it because:1) My hours, but they will change soon-I'll be done w/school soon. 2) $- I'm not rich and dogs are costly 3) If I go on vacation, my mom has 1 too, so I bring Snoopy there.She said she wouldn't mind both, but her mind can change. 4)Will Snoop like a newcomer? What to do?
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