My pets name is Rexy and it is 51 days old,it is in my place from past 3days so initially it was biting ,and it was very angry also,when it starts biting everything we use to take it from its mouth and then for few minutes it gets angry and again it is normal when it is angry it starts biting,we soemtimes think may be she is hungry,may be it wants to play,may be it asking us to feed something,but when we give some food it will not bite. i do not want my pet to be food aggressive.And it also have so much of fleas what to do ? my pet gets itiching it what precautions can we take because we cannot take her to bath for atleast 3 months .And besides to all this both me and my husband goes to work, we want to know how does it be when we are not there at home, both go to work in the morning and come back only at the night, so there is not one to take care of it what to do apart form not sending the pet to any training center.As it is a female breed what care should we take when it gets chump
5 answers
asked by
lavanya k