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Maintenance & Repairs - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

what is dry mode ?

2007-07-13 08:17:40 · 5 answers · asked by bbq 6

I have to repair a patch of plaster on the ceiling on a corner of the room, about 1.5 metres square. The surface is paint on plaster on concrete. My questions are:

1) Is masking tape on the walls close to the edge with the ceiling a good idea for gauging the depth of the plaster and helping with getting a clean line?

2) Should I rub down the paint on the surrounding sound plaster? If I did this it would give a better key for any overlap, but then again perhaps I shouldn’t encourage this and any surplus plaster will be less easy to wipe off.

2007-07-13 07:38:39 · 10 answers · asked by Rickyboy 2

2007-07-13 07:17:21 · 2 answers · asked by dartsport 1

When I manually turn on the switch on the electrical panel in my house that controls a water pump, the switch immediately returns to the middle position and the background turns orange inside the switch. The pump doesn't start. What does this mean?

2007-07-13 06:41:46 · 6 answers · asked by Eze 3

My plumber is dumbfounded. Once the thermostat triggers the pump to turn on, the heat turns on. Once it reaches the right temperature in the zone, the termonstat sends the signal to turn off, and the pump turns off. However, the baseboards remain hot, and the temperature in the zone continues to climb. I have to manually close the valve on the pipe in the basement to kill the heat. Once cool, I can open the valve again and everything is fine, until the heat is triggered to turn on again by the thermostat.

2007-07-13 06:26:13 · 2 answers · asked by Chris L 1

My saw top got rusty due to my dehumidifer being placed too close to it. I moved that, but want to know what to do about the table top. I don't want to run wood threw it and get it all rust stained.

2007-07-13 05:53:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there some kind of internal adjustment to prevent a good solid flow of hot water? Perhaps some kind of anti-scold mechanism? I know that my shower was hotter before installing this new faucet. In addition, I have a dual shower, I installed the same exact model in both locations and both of them only get warm, not hot.

Thanks Plumbers!

2007-07-13 05:22:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

how does it cost to have septic system installed?

2007-07-13 04:07:27 · 1 answers · asked by teknosk1 1

I have a brand new 3 ton unit. (house 1350 sq ft) I had all my duct work replaced. Both inside and outside units run but my house is very hot. There is R 30 insulation in the attic, too. I need to be cool and stop wasting electricity. Help please.

2007-07-13 03:31:24 · 10 answers · asked by T L 1

so there's no suction to squirt the feul into the carb. Is there an easy fix for this? Glue? Tape? Can I find this part & repair this myself, or will I need to take it to a repair shop?

2007-07-13 02:59:15 · 4 answers · asked by yowza 7

2007-07-13 02:44:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 5 horse Briggs and stratton running an atco lawnmower. The battery had been removed when I got it.

As soon as I fitted a battery (assumed negative earth) motor not running the wire which runs to the stator via a diode heated up and started to smoke on the battery side of the diode.

The diode has 4 wires coming from it, 2 going to the stator 1 earthing on the starter body and 1 to the battery as mentioned.

I think I have a faulty diode, but not sure.

If possible I would like to replace the diode with a two wire one as the 4 wire is astonishingly expensive (£27) is this possible, and what do I connect to where.

2007-07-12 23:00:25 · 1 answers · asked by bikerjb1000 1

my T.V is a 68cm 1976 model. my heater(Vulcan) is about 14 years old (1993 model) When the fan clicks in after the furnace is heated up, there is a brief bzzz sound from the fan? is the T.V and the fan in the heater nearly had it and why does this happen? Help!

2007-07-12 21:29:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in Nasik Maharashtra India. Nasik has a history of thunder-storms and Lightning Strikes in the start of pre-monsoons (first few rains of the season). Last month my building got hit by Lightning and the corner of the roof parapet wall was totally destroyed. In total 10 people (including 4 members of my family) of our building miraculously escaped death that day when there was a shower of rubble from the roof (6th floor) of the building.

Is there any way I / My building society can pressurise the builder and / or the town planner to erect a lightning arrestor on our building.

Our Building is of ground + 5 Floors is there any other security equipment required on such tall building. Is there any website where i can see the rules and regulations of buildings and safety procedures to be provided by the builder in case of fire, lightning or any other eventuality.

2007-07-12 20:16:27 · 6 answers · asked by amit kushwaha 2

The order is strongest in the bathroom sink and shower drains, but occasionally comes through the kitchen drain too. The pipes are probably 40+ years old and I have no idea how long ago they were serviced. Bathroom cleaners poured down the drains help temporarily but it comes back.

2007-07-12 18:35:35 · 10 answers · asked by hbangelicat 2

I received an aluminium door from a friend right at the height of summer & would love to install it - problem? the screen door is a little too tall for existing frame. Can you skillsaw the height down w/o damaging the aluminium frame?

2007-07-12 18:35:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are all using the same GAS MIX. Its not the GAS MIX. Why would mine smoke more than my co workers saws?

2007-07-12 18:21:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

A local plummer has been advertising that his competition shows up with 'plummer's cleavage' and a 'pocket donut.' They never do explain what a pocket donut is, though.

2007-07-12 17:27:25 · 5 answers · asked by joeyamas 2

2007-07-12 16:00:39 · 16 answers · asked by rayhab 4

We live in an apt.

******If I call to get it checked out will* it* show* something if it only does it somwetimes.

I know how dangerous it sounds but trust me it I am THAT afraid of this guy and his crew.

The back door even gets stuck to the point where we can not open it and when we called he just opened it up now it is happening again.

2007-07-12 15:41:38 · 14 answers · asked by sweet pea 3

i am looking at buying a home and the garage floor has what i would call a hump in the middle. one part of floor raises up. i am having the house inspected, but i was just curious if anyone had any expeirence with this. if you know what causes this, if it is structural? also if you have had this problem and had it fixed what did it cost? thanks

2007-07-12 15:32:23 · 3 answers · asked by erika c 2

the knob is turning but its not catching internally or something cuz the door isn't opening. taking the door off its hinges really isn't an option. i've got the cuff of the knob removed but not much of the internal fixings are visible. i've tried jiggling between the door and frame. i've even given it a few whacks with the hammer. i've tried the obvious stuff. i'd hate to bring the door down. is there a magic hairpin trick? there is no keyhole or locking mechanism on the door. both sides of the knob are smooth with no holes of any kind.
i can go around the house to get to the other side of the door. however, its getting dark quickly and i'm single. (eek!)

2007-07-12 15:26:25 · 14 answers · asked by Informer 5

2007-07-12 15:01:50 · 5 answers · asked by trickyr361 1

I am fixing up my front porch and I would like a rug at least 5x6 to go in front of the Glider I just bought. I do not want anything like Jute. Where can I look and what exactly do I look for... I really want something I can walk on barefoot and not have it be so rough it hurts my feet. Thanks

2007-07-12 14:33:33 · 3 answers · asked by Terry R 4

It is craftsman 32 cc 2 cycle

2007-07-12 14:16:13 · 2 answers · asked by roughnek18 1

It has been working fine for the past 10 months. Now, all of a sudden- it's dead. The gears don't even attempt to start up. It's as if it's been disconnected. I checked the plug and the fuse- both on and ok. Could the motor be fried or is it possible that there is another cause for its malfunction?

2007-07-12 13:54:55 · 7 answers · asked by princesslks 1

I just put in my water softener and now my water pressure is low. Is this suppose to be like this? If not, how can I increase the pressure?

2007-07-12 13:32:33 · 3 answers · asked by pacuce 2

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