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Home & Garden - 10 March 2007

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Cleaning & Laundry · Decorating & Remodeling · Do It Yourself (DIY) · Garden & Landscape · Maintenance & Repairs · Other - Home & Garden

We are planning to move and would like to find the cheapest long distance removal company. We will only need a large van size because it is mainly boxes and bags and no heavy furniture. Can anybody help??

2007-03-10 03:12:03 · 5 answers · asked by stacey f 2 in Other - Home & Garden

Can anyone give me step by step instructions on prepping the ground before seeding, and what is the best seed for sun and shade in North Georgia?

2007-03-10 03:07:54 · 2 answers · asked by dmndlil527 3 in Garden & Landscape

I have a Cinderblock / Cinder Block wall that surrounds one of my horse pastures and the horses have kicked a hole in one section of the wall. Before I bought the property quite a bit of the wall has been filled with mortar or concrete so I am not sure if I can dissemble and rebuild the section of the wall that has failed.

Can I add re-bar and build forms on the outside of the wall and fill it with concrete or ??? so it would become solid again ?

Thanks, I am not much of a mason so any help is appreciated.

2007-03-10 02:59:51 · 1 answers · asked by YTroy 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I need to replace the garage doors in my garage. Is there a DIY web site that shows the steps involved? Even a book like those "Sunset" books that show the steps for ensuring correct track alignment would be helpful. Thanks

2007-03-10 02:59:24 · 4 answers · asked by Earl Y 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have to do a project for my landscape design class and I need to use river rock. Does anyone know how much ground will be covered per bag of (.5) cubic feet of river rock? Thanks.

2007-03-10 02:50:42 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Garden & Landscape

2007-03-10 02:49:51 · 17 answers · asked by chickadee 4 in Garden & Landscape

and how do you wash a down coat is it the same way you wash a down comforter?

2007-03-10 02:46:16 · 3 answers · asked by sweetness 1 in Cleaning & Laundry

Already checked both toilet and loft water tank, changed ballcock in water tank, doesn't look like these are now overflowing but still getting water out of overflow pipe. Overflow pipe is on the side of thehouse 3/4 way up.

2007-03-10 02:35:40 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

i want to run a spur off a single wall socket how is this done please

2007-03-10 02:28:22 · 10 answers · asked by martin b 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2007-03-10 02:24:43 · 9 answers · asked by Twofcastro 2 in Decorating & Remodeling

I've set out wooden and disposable traps and caught a few. But I still see more mice. So i set out more traps but somehow they are not getting trap. How? Im tired of mice! Please help me!

I dont want a cat and im not using poison

2007-03-10 02:17:40 · 7 answers · asked by heyheyhey 3 in Other - Home & Garden

For growing in front of a fence of large garden.Preferably flowering.But the faster the better.

2007-03-10 02:07:18 · 1 answers · asked by patsy 3 in Garden & Landscape

I recently noticed that the water in my wash machine tub is discolored (light reddish brown). I suspect that the tub may have rust. Is there a way to remove rust? Any other possibilities for the discolored water? Thanks!

2007-03-10 02:07:02 · 6 answers · asked by Suzy Starbucks 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have a outlet, thats is in my kitchen, that is plug to the microwave and the water dispenser and yesterday it made a loud pop then it went dead. I tried flipping the swtich and nothing. Plus a outlet, which is on the same wall, is also dead. What to do?

2007-03-10 01:57:45 · 8 answers · asked by lilwill4102005 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

I have a tile floor in a basement bathroom. These are small 2 inch tiles and I would like larger 8 by 8 inch tiles on the floor. Do I need to remove the old tile or can the new tile be laid right over the old tile? The subloor is concrete slab.

2007-03-10 01:57:31 · 6 answers · asked by Charlie P 1 in Decorating & Remodeling

I am considering building a prefab house as my own contractor and with a help from friends and families as a way to afford a big home in these inflated times. Is there any downside? Financing, appraised value quality etc???

2007-03-10 01:56:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Do It Yourself (DIY)

I planted a lovely little herb garden in about June last yeat, full of mint, oregano, marjoram, chive, parsley and so on and so on.
It grew fantastically, but then over winter, I just neglected it and left it to die.
Will it re-grow? will the herbs be safe to use in my cooking?
Or should I pull the lot up and start again?

2007-03-10 01:51:52 · 11 answers · asked by mrssandii1982 4 in Garden & Landscape

Checked battery, cables & safety cutoff switch under seat. They are not the problem. Have not located other switches on clutch and blade. Was mowing and shut engine off. Engine would not turn over when I tried to start it again.

2007-03-10 01:40:10 · 2 answers · asked by James P 1 in Garden & Landscape

ok now my new question is ..please give me some "home remedies" on how to keep flies and misquitos off you while sitting outside on the patio,or cooking out on the ol grill.besides useing expensive things,or the typical lotions and sprays you buy at the grocrie stores, i have heard of placeing a fabric sheet for the clothes dryer in your pocket does it ...any other ideas?

2007-03-10 01:38:18 · 5 answers · asked by itsme 3 in Cleaning & Laundry

every room in the house is a off white. my family says to paint with some color, tan. Others say stay white so who ever wants to buy the house can paint in there colors. What do you guys think?

2007-03-10 01:31:13 · 13 answers · asked by mdwain2 1 in Decorating & Remodeling

I just bought some flowers seeds and am wanting to know how I can plant and keep them sucessfully. So if you know of good tips or websites please share.

2007-03-10 01:24:32 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Garden & Landscape

I have a hanging house plant that was my motherinlaws. I think it can be saved because the vines are still green but theres hardly any leaves left. I plan to trim dead roots and replant it but want to know how much can I cut off of the leaveless vines they are extremely long(they almost touch the ground while hanging from the ceiling). I want to try to revive it as much as possible and dont want to do anything to jepordize it . Please help. Thanks

2007-03-10 01:23:28 · 5 answers · asked by justwaswonderin 2 in Other - Home & Garden

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