Hi all. I am really not sure how the complexity of Feng Shui works in my case. I have those low modern beds with no springboards and chairbacks as headboards. The bed was very expensive and I really like it. I feel good in it despite it doesn't have a real headboard and it's low. Any cures?
Also, I have a 30 inch screen tv. It makes me feel relaxed to watch something and fall asleep to unwind from the day. The TV however is on it's own stand and an armoir wouldn't fit here, any clues to cover it? It doesn't sit directly in front of me, but to northeast to when I look up from the bed so I do see myself.
My bed is positioned correctly, commanding & all but where the windows are on my right, it forms 3 sides, like a side of an octagon, three single windows in each wall. Is this considered an auspicious corner?
Lastly, My walls are blue and green. I feel good. I have red too, should I add more red?
Let me know if anyone can help me solve this puzzle!
I thank you for your help!
5 answers
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Decorating & Remodeling