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Health - 20 December 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

hi. please help. im taking a progestogen only pill. means you have to take it without skip. aome say you will not get your period. isnt there any harm on this? thank you..

2007-12-20 23:58:49 · 9 answers · asked by alenah 1 in Women's Health


trying to loose weight.
how many time a week would you go to the gym per week?.

im trying to tone up and loose weight for phuket in april.

2007-12-20 23:53:32 · 6 answers · asked by mannequin.. 1 in Diet & Fitness

i have recently split up with my partner and we have a 3yr old girl 2gether i want us to get back 2gether but he needs time. i do not want to go back on my medication as i find it addictive. is there anyway i can beat it without medication

2007-12-20 23:46:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

I had a test a few weeks ago, and my BP was 145/90 which is high for me. I work in banking and work very long hours, and drink a lot of caffeine. I am 22.

I recently did it again at home with a electronic monitor and it was down to 124/75. Is this expected? I was relaxed and in bed in the morning. When I had it done the first time I was really nervous about seeing a doctor. I dont want to state the obvious; but can it be the case that you can have normal blood pressure and occasionally have high readings, but you cant have high bp and have low readings?!

This is quite normal isnt it? My resting heart rate is 51Bpm.

2007-12-20 23:42:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

like really heavy, like when i wake up the blood is on the bed :(

2007-12-20 23:21:24 · 17 answers · asked by eX0tic 1 in Women's Health

1. Are the the same condition?
2. Can Lasik surgery cure both?
3. Are there methods to reverse or minimise both?

Thank you

2007-12-20 23:10:00 · 2 answers · asked by Sheena 3 in Other - Health

I have E cup breasts which don't really hurt my back, but are just a real hassle, particularly to find decent bras for because I'm kinda out of proportion elsewhere.
What would you say, knowing what I've mentioned, if I said I wanted breast reduction surgery? And could you please tell me what I'd stand to pay for the procedure (I live in Australia).

2007-12-20 22:51:03 · 5 answers · asked by Alex 3 in Women's Health

Am 25 yrs old. Height 5.8 wgt: just 52 kgs for the past 3 yrs...
How do i gain more weight....

2007-12-20 22:27:50 · 10 answers · asked by Vicky F 1 in Diet & Fitness

I have depression, derealisation, depersonalization, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder

2007-12-20 22:21:43 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

I often get UTI's (urinary tract infection) and have been looking 4 ways to prevent it, I drink cranberry juice when available but when it it not what else can i do?, does wearing thongs or not wearing any panties cause this.....please help
p.s. can uti's cause skin rashes?

2007-12-20 22:05:40 · 5 answers · asked by kate 1 in Women's Health

What are your best weightloss tips and advice..?

2007-12-20 21:50:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

Might try to loose a bit of weight in the New Year.

2007-12-20 21:38:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

i dun no if its just me, but do people like physically examine each others "down there" before having sex...or during sex....or does it just happen all undercovers and in the dark. Like, wen it is some1'z first time, and its like spur of the moment...can they have sex and keep the covers on and then wake up and not show any part of them? Is this what usually happens on reality tv..like real world and stuff. I have always wondered. in general. What exactly happens....whther its planned or not. let me no please

i posted this in womenz too

2007-12-20 21:29:50 · 8 answers · asked by Danyella D 1 in Men's Health

I am an 18 year old male, just to clear that up in the beginning. I have always heard that masturbating helps you control when you ejaculate, but I feel like the more I masturbate, the less control I have. I guess I get off too easily because I know when I am getting close to the point of no return, but I can't seem to stop. I mean I can finish in a few minuets if I haven't masturbated in a while. I feel like I give in easily and keep going when I should hold off. Does anyone know any techniques to keep going longer? Also does anyone know how this will effect my sexual performance? For example, when I have sex will I have no self control, and not be able to please the person I am having sex with.

2007-12-20 21:27:50 · 9 answers · asked by George B 1 in Men's Health

2007-12-20 21:21:49 · 6 answers · asked by saveitok 6 in Other - Health

ok so about 4 weeks ago my fiance got this rash but its not like a normal rash...its just under his penis and on the inside of his thighs....he says its very painful....i said he should go to a doctor but he is abit embarassed any suggestions that could help ???? or does ant one know wat it could be???

2007-12-20 21:02:26 · 9 answers · asked by amanda 1 in Men's Health

When I was a kid, my family never had extra money for anything, and we didn't have insurance, so I never saw a dentist until I was in my mid 20's.

I'm 36 now and have several missing teeth, just molars, on the top and bottom on both sides.
They've rotted out years ago and eventually broke apart and fell out. But the roots are still in my gums...just the crowns of the teeth are gone.

My question is, is there a type of dental bridge that a dentist could fit my mouth with to fill in the spaces where the missing teeth are, even though the roots are still deep in my gums? Or would they have to somehow pull out the roots?

It really hurts to eat anything crunchy like tacos, or chips because I end up biting them with my gums, where the tooth should be and that hurts.

2007-12-20 20:57:40 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

How could you handle this grief, words, time,friends hugging you, a stranger grief support group? When together over 40 yrs, how can one adjust not having that person around. Is it normal to want another companion, is it disloyalty to the spouose of so many years? Does it help overcome the lonliness, or just feel guilty?

2007-12-20 20:33:41 · 6 answers · asked by shardf 5 in Mental Health

My toe nail broke deep in the middle where the flesh is. I ask my nail technician what to do and she told me to put glue on it and not to cut it so as to prevent infection and also to give it time to grow up. I am uncomfortable with this. What should I do cut or glue?

2007-12-20 20:24:13 · 7 answers · asked by suerone 3 in Skin Conditions

are there ways to improve your memory via medicine or actions like practicing something.

2007-12-20 20:16:12 · 4 answers · asked by Omar A 1 in Mental Health

i am up at 4am right now cause my vagina is so irritated. its itchy and when i touch it it hurts so bad. i cant sleep HELP ME. WHAT WILL RELIEVE ME ATLEAST TIL MORNING?

2007-12-20 20:12:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

I'm supposed to go somewhere with my mother and grandmother but I can't get to sleep! Should I try to sleep? Should I just stay awake? What should I doooooooo.

2007-12-20 20:10:16 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

I'm 15 (16 in Jan) and I plan on getting breast implants. I don't want bigger breasts (I'm a C) but my breasts are heavy and I lost weight after I stopped taking steroids for asthma so there's extra skin and they sag. I've asked my doctor and she says that the only options I have is breast reduction, breast lift or breast implants because she agrees that there is nothing else I can do. Since breast reduction and lifts don't produce very pretty results at all and the scarring is horrible, I'm going to get breast implants (I'm not thrilled about having something foreign in my body but I'm way too young to have breasts like this. There are women over 40 who have better ones than I do). I'd probably go to a D or DD (I'm tall so I won't look like Pam Anderson). Also one of my breasts is bigger than the other so it causes me to slump to the side. One woman said they got medicaid to pay for their breast augmentation? Can that be done? Also have you or anyone you know got implants? Please post

2007-12-20 20:09:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

2007-12-20 20:00:01 · 1 answers · asked by manveen k 1 in Women's Health


not those super muscular or those muscle sticking out i just want a lil muscle like that.FYI i am just abit fat not the totally fat just abit more than average abit..please help

2007-12-20 19:59:48 · 7 answers · asked by Shrizer19 2 in Diet & Fitness

Can anyone tell me that herpes on lips can be cured forever....I have it and have had it thrice and now feelin like killing myself cause it looks very bad when i go out....Plz plz plz help me with this....any remedies...???

2007-12-20 19:58:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Infectious Diseases