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Health - 23 April 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health


I've had this terrible back-pain for the past year...but being 19yrs old at the moment, my mother doesn't believe i should talk to a doctor, and that i just need to start working out again. i can see her point, however, the pain, at its worst, will inhibit me from doing everyday-things like walking around or even sitting up comfortably in a chair. it comes and goes, and is mostly obvious when i do alot of physical activity (this case causes the pain for the next few days) or even when i'm sitting in my desk in one of my classes for over twenty minutes... is there a way i can get a doctor to prescribe me tramadol? i say tramadol because it's a non-narcotic/non-opiate but i hear it works better than aspirin and ibuprofen...which isn't cutting it for me right now. AND, if yes, is there a way to get it prescribed without my mom or our insurance know? (Mother's income has nearly ceased, i don't want any monetary stress on her right now...) please help out....it hurts... =-/

2007-04-23 13:13:35 · 5 answers · asked by zeek 3 in Pain & Pain Management

I love this state and don't wanna leave. But what the hell is going on I live with the pain not no doctor that says no. I dont know what to do? Please help me if you can.Thank you

2007-04-23 13:10:43 · 3 answers · asked by thecav23 1 in Pain & Pain Management

I Have 3 Problems please help
1) Acne i need it gone in 3 days all of it (its alot)
2)Oily Hair how do you controal it
3) how do you sceduale your day

2007-04-23 13:10:11 · 4 answers · asked by Minty Fresh 1 in Women's Health

I heard that Tampoons can cause serious health problems for some.While Pads are always safe? Why is it so?

2007-04-23 13:04:43 · 8 answers · asked by sayem_sharif 1 in Women's Health

I am going to have some surgery this Wed. and I will have to be in a wheelchair for about 3 weeks.I'm not allowed to bear weight on my leg for about 3 weeks.But, I don't want to gain any weight while I'm in the wheelchair.
I exercise daily, but with the chair I won't be allowed to.
I'm about 125lbs.5'7". 20yrs old.
But recently I've only been eating about 400 calories or so .
Can anyone give me advice on how to not gain weight?

Please Help ASAP.

2007-04-23 13:04:27 · 3 answers · asked by hwhjr1987 4 in Diet & Fitness

2007-04-23 13:04:01 · 11 answers · asked by ami s 1 in Heart Diseases


but were exactly is your vergina i need to know and if you cant explain exactly were it is then could you tell me what it looks like

2007-04-23 13:03:48 · 9 answers · asked by cuttie pie 2 in Women's Health

2007-04-23 13:03:38 · 1 answers · asked by lolo 1 in Men's Health

Is that why you're suppose to take it before you eat?

2007-04-23 13:01:14 · 1 answers · asked by Lynne 3 in Diet & Fitness

So if your ovaries hurt a little how long dose it last?

2007-04-23 12:56:03 · 1 answers · asked by chocolategoddess2008 1 in Women's Health

For guys hehe im gay

2007-04-23 12:55:15 · 4 answers · asked by fantasy gurl 1 in STDs

i have a couple questions.... i am a teenage girl and courious about some changes in my body......

if a person never trims their pubic hair , will it grow forever?

what are sighns of yeast infections?
how do u get it?
does everyone(girls) get it?
how do u get rid of it?
how long does it last?

2007-04-23 12:52:43 · 6 answers · asked by ...... 1 in Women's Health

my vergina has ben so ichy for the past few day i just got my 5 or 6th peroid and iv never had any sex an im only 11 almost 12 and im starting to get scared but i hate doctors help me

2007-04-23 12:51:30 · 18 answers · asked by Kate-Lynn 2 in Women's Health

Just wondering, thanks.

2007-04-23 12:48:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

it was very very light, like i couldnt wear a tampon...just a panty liner and there was hardly blood on that only when i wiped really. Now i just went pee and wiped clear discharge and when i wiped again it was pink blood.
What could this be? I am 20, usally my period is normal.(heavy first 2 days then slows down through out the week.) ...and always around the same time of the month.. I am not itchy, dosnt hurt when i pee, no cramps or anything..
Can something be wrong with me???

2007-04-23 12:47:13 · 1 answers · asked by Princess S 1 in Women's Health


I need to find foot lotion for my foot.
Is there a product where I can keep my feet healthy?
I'm only 20 years old.

2007-04-23 12:45:37 · 3 answers · asked by korean_girl101 2 in Skin Conditions


2007-04-23 12:45:05 · 2 answers · asked by Dillon M 1 in Other - Diseases

I've recently applied for social security income because since I was little I was in some slow classes, like in reading and math, and I'm currently on medication for anxiety and bi polar, plus paranoid skitso, which I'm not really that but the medication is for that too. I'm also in counsiling and about a year ago was on meth really bad and I'm still recovering. I haven't heard anything yet but I was wondering if that would be enough for me to qualify for SSI, and also, I'm single so about how much would I get a month?

2007-04-23 12:44:26 · 7 answers · asked by xhollyosx 1 in Mental Health

2007-04-23 12:42:41 · 3 answers · asked by Justin S 2 in Other - Diseases

so im on birth control and have been since i was 11 for irregular periods.. throughout the years i have messed up sometimes on them by forgetting to take them... and then i'll just skip that month.. and then start up again on them the next month.. is this bad?.... and have you heard of this leading to problems down the road?... and as far as taking them for a long period of time [ever since i basically got my period] could this lead to any problems.. ive asked my doctor by she just kind of dances around the subject..

.. any info would help. thanks :]

2007-04-23 12:41:26 · 3 answers · asked by dani 2 in Women's Health

2007-04-23 12:41:00 · 8 answers · asked by Dillon M 1 in Pain & Pain Management

I just had cosmetic surgery done a tummy tuck and lipo. The concern that I have a part of my wound didn't heal correctly and they had to cut part of it open and they are packing guaze inside so it can heal from inside out. Is this normal? If it is how long does it take to heal?

2007-04-23 12:40:06 · 2 answers · asked by ivonne 2 in Injuries

I found out recently that I have a small cyst on my cervix. I have not had a period since Feb. The Dr. said all this was normal. I just don't know how normal this is. I want to have kids one day, this will be cyst number three, the others was on my ovaries. I have been on birth control for years with regular cycles, I'm 24, not under or over weight and not pregnant, I made sure and got that checked. Endemetriosis runs in my family, should I be concerned? Has this happened to you?

2007-04-23 12:37:32 · 2 answers · asked by MIN MIN 4 in Women's Health

My nephew is young and handsome and wants to have a relationship, his medication causes impotence and he has met a nice young lady and wants to lead a normal active sex life. He has to take his medication to keep him on track. I want to help him and do not know what to do. Is anyone out there in this situation and found an answer??

2007-04-23 12:27:50 · 6 answers · asked by Happy1 1 in Mental Health

I've been dating my bf for four months. Everything's great--he's wonderful to me, and his parents really seem to like me. We often spend time at his parents home, and they're always genuinely kind and gracious toward me. There is one thing which bothers me, however. I was hospitalized for depression 1 1/2 years ago. My boyfriend knows this, but his parents and brother don't. I'm worried if they find out, they'll think I'm some sort of crazy person and will forbid me to see him. If we ever were to become really serious (getting engaged or married), I think it's possible they would want to call things off.
Should I tell them only if things get serious? They are great people, but I'm not sure how they'd react. I don't want them to feel I lied to them.
I went to get the help I needed, not to have this hang over my head like a dark cloud. I would hate it if I were judged for being diagnosed with a disease I never asked for, and is incredibly prevalent in this country.

2007-04-23 12:25:47 · 9 answers · asked by curiogirl84 2 in Mental Health

My friend has an abbcests tooth I am scared that she might die becuase I recently heard about a boy who died from an abbcest tooth because the infection went to the brain. She puts numbing stuff on it and takes perscribtion pills but she needs to see an othidontist. She knows how serious it is and I maybe just paranoid but I don't know how to deel with this!!!

2007-04-23 12:23:36 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

I wanna lose some weight. I've been spending less time on the computer and more time outside, but I still wanna know some ideas on how to get rid of the extra weight.lol

2007-04-23 12:23:00 · 33 answers · asked by The King 3 in Diet & Fitness

i ordered my food(fries, with chilli and cheese on the side) the lady gave me a vibrating alerter for when my order is ready. instead of making that vibrate she then brings my food to me, which is fine but i was pushing her stroller and had 4 other kids around, me we were at a birthday party.! Whill i was juggling the food and dealling with kids the chilli and cheese was spilt on my daughters arm and head.

2007-04-23 12:05:33 · 17 answers · asked by Susie F 2 in Other - Health

dude i have sum good days but as soon as i think of it my palms sweat so much they drip as well as my arm pitts what can i do against this or will it natrually go away besides what is it any way

2007-04-23 11:55:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

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