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Health - 8 December 2006

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health

You know how when something bad/good happens you sometimes get a rush of adrenalen and then it goes away right well i dont know for like the last month or two ill just be sitting at my desk doing my work nothing out of the ordinary happens but ill all of a sudden feel that rush like it were building and getting stronger i feel this feeling for like 20 sec. then i start having thease real bad ticks with my arms and head useually sometimes my legs join in and they last for about 5 min what could be wrong with me lately in the last week or so they have been happening more and more when they first started happening they were like maybe three or four times a day and now they are more like 15 or 20 times a day what could possibly be wrong with me? i have a doctor appointment but my doctor cant see me till after the first on the month (january) and im scared I thought maybe someone could maybe give me an idea of what could possibly be wrong

2006-12-08 06:29:31 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care


Last month on the 8th I hadmy period that day i started ortha tri cyclen which is birth control.I only took 4 pills cuz i missed two days of them so i quit...My period last until the 12th i believe.My finacee & I had sex several times between now & than & it was uprotected...Every since last month right after i got off my period & we hadsex I've been feeling different!I've been nauseaed more in the morning & nite but it's an all day thing.Than I've got light headed & dizzy.My breasts are tender & sore... So I think I might be pregrant.Which today is the 8th & I havent started & havent had any signs of starting.Because usually I get bad cramps & I havent today or any days before time for my period...So what might it be? Am i pregrant should i wait to take a test? Will my period come a day or so late or what? Note:my periods are regualr each month & come on the same day every month..So help!!!!

2006-12-08 06:27:58 · 19 answers · asked by sexy_lil_thang_alwayz05 2 in Women's Health

I am looking for alternative therapies and ways of healing breast cancer.

2006-12-08 06:26:55 · 9 answers · asked by Stephen M 1 in Alternative Medicine

One on each foot. They hurt from time to time which is good. Is there anything I can do to keep from amputation. They are just dry callouses not open lesions

2006-12-08 06:25:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diabetes

i have tried several brands, changing that doesnt help, i have to just take a pill for one month becoz of some reason & want to know what can i do to prevent nausea?

2006-12-08 06:24:29 · 5 answers · asked by sueme 1 in Women's Health

My sister and I both wear contact lenses. She keeps hers in for months at a time. She refuses to take them out or clean them. The ones she has now are probably a year old, because she refuses to go for an eye exam, so she can't order new ones. The other day I was talking with her and noticed a huge protein deposit on one of her contacts. I told her and all she said was "I know." She bought contact solution over a month ago, and the bottle is still completely full. Now she's complaining that her eyes are hurting, but still won't take the contacts out. She's not new to contacts, she's been wearing them for three years now.

Is she going to end up with a bad eye infection eventually? She won't listen to me when I try to talk to her.

2006-12-08 06:23:57 · 22 answers · asked by Me 5 in Other - Health

Hi, I'm a 19 year old, female, whom isn't sexually active. I had a pap smear that came back abnormal, so my gyno done a colposcopy on me and took a biopsy of my cervix. Today, I got the results back stating that I'm close to having cancer, so they're going to freeze it out next month of the 15th. Ever since, I've been quite devistated and distraught. You can see that I've been upset in my appearance. I have bags under my eyes, my eyes are droopy, I look pale, and as weird as it may sound, my lips are even swelled from crying so much. Also, I can't keep anything down. I've gotten to the point to where my mother had to make me bathe and do proper hygiene 'cause I'm so depressed. Now, we're talking about a girl here whom use to bathe once to three times a day, depending on how dirty she felt (I have obsessive compulsive disorder flare ups at times). So, what can I do to bring me out of this stage of depression? Something besides going shopping, realization, and breathing exercises.

2006-12-08 06:19:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

ok don't get ittwisted, I love my mom and dad too death and would die and fight for them, but......whenever we are home and I am just chillin up in my room or asleep or just home chillin in general and they call my name. They can just be wanting to tell me something, it does not have to necessarily mean they need meto do something, but in any event when they call my name I get soooo ******* piss, I am talking rageing mad for no reason, and it can be anyone else who do the same thing and it will not even bother me at all. Why do I get that mad for no reason, like I said I love them to death but I just dont know what ticks me off when they call my name, pleas ehelp I am dieing to know what casues this. Thanks!!!!!!

2006-12-08 06:18:58 · 20 answers · asked by bandmember18 1 in Mental Health

I didn't want to hit him and cut my hand with his blood. He was saying he was going to F my wife and mother, and I just yelled back, but feel like I am not a man now for not punching his lights outs! What should I have done?

2006-12-08 06:18:45 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

My husband and I are debating about many calories a person burns when exercising.

My stance:
A bigger person burns more calories doing the same exercises a thinner person does for the same amount of time.

His stance:
All people burn the same amount of calories no matter their size.

What do you think?

2006-12-08 06:17:28 · 40 answers · asked by KJ97Y100 2 in Diet & Fitness

I have had injuries to my hamstring, calf, and illotibial band and they are all extremely tight. They are so tight that they are extremely hard to stretch without hurting my muscles more, thus making them even tighter. Anyone experienced this or no what I should do? Thanks.

2006-12-08 06:14:28 · 6 answers · asked by pfr305 3 in Injuries

I always have lots and lots of blackheads on my back. I tried proactive but didnt do much. My pores are real big. My blackheads are size of grain of rice. How can I reduce my pores to stop having blackheads?

2006-12-08 06:13:41 · 2 answers · asked by A M 2 in Skin Conditions

Hi WeLL i'Ve BeEN To aMeRiCa MaNY TiMeS aND i'M a MiDDLe eaSTerN BuT i'Ve NoTiCeD WHeN i See woMeN THaT aRe eVeN FAT I ReaLiZe THeY HaVe GreaT THieS wHaT i MeaN iS THeRe Not BuMPY THeRe STraiGHT SHiNY aND HeaLTHY LOoKiNG eVeN THouGH THeRe FaT So HoW CaN i GeT TO Be oNe oF THose LuCKY LaDieS CaN u HeLP Me iTs MY Desire To HaVe oNe oF THoSe CuTe THies...WHaT SHaLL i Do?!

2006-12-08 06:12:50 · 6 answers · asked by helper 1 in Women's Health

He claims he was a virgin and that i'm his first and i've had 2 sexual partners. He's getting extremely upset with me and telling me that i'm accusing him of having HIV. He said he took a test 5 years ago for it before he came to the U.S. and is upset with me that i won't take his word. I've tried to have him take this test even when i didn't know what my results were and he refused then and even now. What should i do?

2006-12-08 06:07:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

i am a patient of lukoderma form 5years and it is continuosly increasing every month plz tell me some definet cure

2006-12-08 06:05:28 · 3 answers · asked by pramod m 1 in Skin Conditions

she was very outgoing, a cheerleader, popular, and honor student. Her parents have always been proud, & never been pushy or demanding. She will be 21 next week, a med student wants 2 be a nurse/midwife.The first attack came when we were going out shopping but ended up in the ER, she felt she's having a heart attack. it was low potassium, & these attacks. Since all this started, she has left her college apartment moved back home & her mother is having to sleep w/ her because shes scared something is going to happen to her medically. Now she is worried about her breathing and repsirations & heart.
Shes on adavant & effexor but it seems its not helping, and she is even scard of the side effects, this is the 2nd meds becos she read the lables on the other & was even to scard to take it. She wont leave the house scared of having an attack, & is losing weight. She doesnt want her mom to leave her either. She has never been this way & it scares all of us w/ this constant worry she has. ??

2006-12-08 06:04:33 · 7 answers · asked by bex920 3 in Mental Health

I was diagnosed with PCOS/Insulin Resisitance in Feb of this year after trying to get pregnant for almost 3yrs. Thankfully I got pregnant that same month due to going on the low carb/sugar diet and 1500mg of Metformin...I now have a healthy and beautiful 1 month old daughter.

I'm not trying to get pregnant obviously, but am concerned about the insulin resistance. My OBGYN said I dont need the diet or the Metformin unless I'm trying to get pregnant. But if I have insulin resistance, I was told that it can lead to type 2 diabetes if I dont continue the diet or meds. My dr wont prescribe the Met again until I'm trying to get pregnant. Should I be worried?? Should I be back on the medication??

2006-12-08 06:04:02 · 2 answers · asked by alexis73102 6 in Diabetes

I have to answer phones professionally all day at a business and deal a lot with the public. I also like to sing. How can I get rid of the raspy sound I always get this time of year?

2006-12-08 06:04:02 · 10 answers · asked by famous 1 in Women's Health

Moreover, is it safe ? Does it hurt ? Will there be the possibility to heal any complications that there will probably be in the future ?

2006-12-08 06:00:05 · 7 answers · asked by Nils D 2 in Men's Health

I have a thyroid problem that resulted from lack of Iodine . . my doctor gave me supplements but it seems like so much . . does anyone have the normal healthy dosage?

2006-12-08 05:59:42 · 3 answers · asked by Kris 2 in Other - Diseases

2006-12-08 05:59:32 · 8 answers · asked by Brian 4 in Other - Health

2006-12-08 05:57:19 · 6 answers · asked by gurl 1 in Cancer

Anyone know what is the most recommanded hand cream for professional chefs? my friend is attending a culinary school and her hand gets extremely dry and cracks for exposure to frozen food, cold water and spices. I want to buy her a medicated cream to help cure her dryness and protect her from future damage. Any suggestions? thank you.

2006-12-08 05:56:58 · 1 answers · asked by ltlnizi 2 in Skin Conditions

My youngest son was born with an arrhythmia. He only spent 4 days in the regular hospital before he was transferred to a NICU at the University Hospital where we live. The NICU pediatricians and cardiologists decided that they were not going ahead with his circumcision given that the pain might possibly throw his heart back into the bad rhythym. Fast forward 2.5 years: The cardiologist NOW sees no reason why he should be restricted from obtaining the circumcision. But now that I have gotten used to the fact that he has the foreskin, I see no need to get him cut. The Amercian Academy of Pediatrics no longer maintains that removing the foreskin is necessary for a male baby's health, and therefore I am leaning to their side of the argument. THE PROBLEM: Obviously, I don't have a penis (lol). My husband is PRO-CUT, and I just don't want to put my son through such an unneccessary procedure. I also don't want my son to feel like a WEIRDO, because his penis CLEARLY is different.

2006-12-08 05:54:09 · 20 answers · asked by clever nickname 6 in Men's Health

I'd like to be a size 5. Is this possible? Thanks

2006-12-08 05:53:53 · 11 answers · asked by A06 1 in Diet & Fitness

I had my gallbladder removed (laparoscopically) in August this year. Prior to having the surgery, I'd been having digestive issues for years. My issue is extremes; I won't go for several days and then I will have diarrhea all day long. I go back and forth -- I'm either constipated or I have diarrhea. It's never "normal." Also, the diarrhea begins right after I eat on day 3 - 6. It seems to be a reaction to me eating. Sometimes (sorry for how gross this is) I have noticed that I do not digest some food that passes through (no, not just corn). So, having my gallbladder out was due to gallstones, but shouldn't that have helped? Why is my digestive system still causing me so much misery? I'm so tired of feeling so awful all the time. I've lost 50 lbs because I'm afraid to eat anything (I'm not too thin -- yet!).

2006-12-08 05:53:51 · 8 answers · asked by ? 6 in Other - Diseases


I've been married for a little over a year now and about a month ago my husband and I decided that it's time for us to start a family. I have never had sex without a condom before then and now whenever I urinate right after sex, it burns. But a few hours later it doesn't. Is this normal?

2006-12-08 05:52:37 · 11 answers · asked by Justagirl 1 in Women's Health

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