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Marriage & Divorce - 2 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

our family consist of 7 family members.... them 2 and 5 of us.. me being the oldest... he blames that is because of my mom's side of the family is the one responsible for our family been destroyed. i dont understand why. his family is in another state is not our fault that they moved so far that they wont be able to spend weekends with us anymore... my youngest sister who is 6 years old ( im 21) is the one getting really affected by this situation..and my parents are not seeing this!! what should i do should i be the one saving this family or should i just let my parents divorce?

2006-11-02 13:32:30 · 8 answers · asked by wickedkiwi 2

be honest

2006-11-02 13:28:10 · 13 answers · asked by alexis S 1

why do people get married and divorse it is so stupid it just proves that you didnt really love htem do people get married just to get married and people who get married like three times cant they get the picture why would you want to marry someone who has already been married and divorsed two or three times?

2006-11-02 13:24:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who out there is choosing to stay married because of their children? Whether it's so you can be around them 24/7 or you're afraid of giving them instability, whatever.

Part 2: How bad is the marriage you're putting up with and do you see anything being the "final straw" for you?

2006-11-02 13:23:55 · 17 answers · asked by You'll Never Outfox the Fox 5

he is 42 and still married she is 21 living together.he has 4 kids she has none of her own.he was married 24 yrs....cheated with this girl while still married and felt no guilt at all......will or can this relationship last?........he has no money so its not that....

2006-11-02 13:23:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have been married now for almost 3 years...a guy that is a very good friend of my family and who i sort of had a fling with before i met my husband is in the army and coming back from spending a year in Iraq..my husband knows that he is a friend of the family but doesn't know about the fling,(i didn't tell him because of the guy being so close to my family and didn't want my husband to have any insecurities or be jealous of him because i feel nothing but friendship for this guy.)anyway,,my husband doesn't like for the guy to be mentioned because if i bring him up my husband thinks that it is because i want him...i wanted to drop the guy a simple e-mail to welcome him back home to the states,but i don't know if i should or not knowing that my husband feels that way,,and if i do drop him an inocent e-mail,i don't know if i should let my husband know about it,or just keep it to myself..i don't like to lie,or to keep secrets no matter how big or small...any thoughts?

2006-11-02 13:20:34 · 17 answers · asked by whome? 1

I'm having a heck of a time deciding on how to ask my girlfriend to marry me. She has indicated that is HAS TO BE romantic. I've come up with some good and bad ideas. All I know is restaurants and sports events are out! Help me out fellow yahoo-ers!

2006-11-02 13:20:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Unless the enemy was marching down my street there's no way in hell I would let my wife go to war. She would never see action in Iraq or any forgeign land because all the wars that the US have been involved in have been surrogate wars or wars to secure G.O.D. ( Guns Oil & Drugs).

2006-11-02 13:06:20 · 20 answers · asked by St.Anger 4

He is going to try to take my l2 yr. old daughter away from me out of spite....and revenge. He doesn't want to give me fifty/fifty or child support. He doesn't want to give me half his retirement and he took all my retirement out when we moved six times from state to state due to his job. I teach
I just found out he is moving to another state and taking my daughter with him. I have to move and quit my teaching job so as to be near my daughter.
I found out that he had letters written in on him at work about not getting along with people especically women. He mistreated them and was rude to them, etc.... SO this move to another state one thousand miles away from our hometown was because of his complaints from work....his bosses told him he HAD to move.
He has attended anger management classes too.
What I am asking? Can he still get full custody of her if I fight him on it due to his work problems? Can he get full custody if I left him for another man? 23 yrs. of marriage

2006-11-02 13:06:11 · 17 answers · asked by lucy p 2

I spoke of issues in regards to my relationship to my husband of 14 years, to some girlfriends at a birthday party. Now, some of the women have repeated that conversation to their husband's. Who in turn have brought up th subject with my husband. This has made a very tense situation even worse.

I feel totally betrayed and do not know what to do.
I know 2 of the women's names who did this. One is a best friend.

I want to confront them, but am not sure how.

2006-11-02 13:03:19 · 25 answers · asked by Dawn S 1

What should a gurl do when she loves one person but has feelings for another?
Ok, I have been married for almost 11 yrs. I love my hubby. But I have strong feelings for someone else.
What should I do?

2006-11-02 13:02:56 · 11 answers · asked by ? 2

2006-11-02 12:49:25 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband works in a mostly male department. Over the past year or so he has increasingly received emails with dirty jokes,
pictures etc. from one of the ladies he works with. He is really on a list of several others and they just forward it all to everyone on the list (a few women, but mostly men). I do not mind them to a certain extent but some are really too graphic to forward to a co-worker, I feel. Yesterday I happened to see one of a woman with a thong on and it was pulled up so you could see the whole front of her private area. There was a supposedly cute joke with it but I feel that is not something appropriate to be forwarding to a co-worker.
My husband says I am over-reacting and there is no harm.
I trust him totally so its not that. I just feel like this kind of activity
progresses over time and should be addressed.
What should I do? Is it me?
Thanks for your reply.

2006-11-02 12:45:51 · 19 answers · asked by Patti Z 2

This is a serious question for all you great guys, and any women who feel they have an answer for me...we are seperated 3 months now. He hasnt filed for divorce. I havent filed for divorce..why can i be honest with everyone, and say I am seperated...but he tells everyone he is divorced. Not to mention its on his yahoo profile, and his my space profile. He honestly feels this way, but there have been no papers filed for divorce, or seperation...just living seperate lives in seperate houses? Can anyone tell me what his way of thinking means, and how this approach could possibly make any sense to him? Thanks to all!

2006-11-02 12:41:34 · 11 answers · asked by Elly 3

2006-11-02 12:39:57 · 6 answers · asked by Angel 1

Ex spouse is also remarried.

2006-11-02 12:30:33 · 10 answers · asked by chappy 1

2006-11-02 12:29:19 · 22 answers · asked by scantelly 1

is the one being accused?? This is happening to someone I know...he is afraid to file a report! He is embarrassed....and he is also confused! What should he do? His wife hits him when she's angry...he does'nt hit her back...he's afraid she'll report him! I mean, if he does file....will it be treated seriously??

2006-11-02 12:27:54 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My husband loves to see me gagged. He loves movies and TV shows that show women bound and gagged. Kidnap stories! He loves the sound of my muffled voice through my gag. We use a bandanna,a slip or a pair of my panties to gag me with. Once in a while duct tape. I know it's not normal., but what's normal? I enjoy it so much and it pleases my man. How can that be wrong?

2006-11-02 12:21:05 · 9 answers · asked by Sami 1

People say I love you,but at the same Time the tell some one else the same,how come,do we need that,what happen with honesty?
what can we do to change that?

2006-11-02 12:17:54 · 7 answers · asked by karl s 3

married for twelve years, and never felt like this since I married my husband. Oh, and I am still faithfull.

2006-11-02 12:16:15 · 40 answers · asked by himalayas2198 1

Do women cheat more then men or are they about the same. I can tell you that ‘most men will cheat, but only physically, not emotionally. Please don’t lecture me on statistics, I am aware of the some and some not. I just want to get a general overview on how common do women cheat on their spouse, and for what reason. Is it for physically stratification or emotional.

I am not bashing women for exploring her sexuality, I just want to get an overview of how often do women cheat. Please answer honestly, and don't brag about how good is your marriage.

Q1) Have you ever cheated on your spouse?

Q2) If so, for what reason?

2006-11-02 12:08:41 · 21 answers · asked by Inquisit 2

loaner who would be so greatful if someone would give her the time of day.I really think slippery if your reading this you need help

2006-11-02 12:04:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today’s culture seems to show the single life as being so sexy. So I ask do you feel that marriage is just as sexy?

2006-11-02 12:03:26 · 16 answers · asked by Ant O 2

I'm pregnant, and my bf wants to have sex all the time, but I really don't want to. I feel like he isn't happy with me anymore. What can I do to make him feel better, and to keep our relationship steady?

2006-11-02 11:58:32 · 8 answers · asked by HU4L 2

her rich parents didn't even pony up a decent dowry....how should I handle this woman because I am losing it very fast! (she's also very messy and stinky sometimes)

2006-11-02 11:57:34 · 18 answers · asked by saskugd 1

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