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Marriage & Divorce - 18 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce


to see a woman play with a vibrator and do they like to join in and use it on her?What are some fun things to try in bed?No porn I'll be the star of the show hehehehehe

2006-10-18 16:42:20 · 11 answers · asked by SHENA B 1

I am 22 and he is middle of 30’s. I have known him for 4 month. He is very mature and kind guy, I have always dreamed of. I did not know when this relationship started, he is still regally married because of his children and he asked me to wait for 2 years, until his first child gets 12 year-old. He also told me that he married his wife, because of pregnant and he had to be responsible for that. Yes, he is hopelessly in love with me, however, I sometimes doubt he really would divorce within two years. I also have problem that he always told me what he wants to do, such as paying cell phone bill or basically financial support for me, since, I am college student and he is layer. He is very sweet and I am always enjoy the moment with him, however, sometimes, I can not see his promises would be kept. I need to know, I should trust him or not.

2006-10-18 16:41:55 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

i love my husband but tired of faking it.i just one to know what its like.but i never thought it was gonna get to the point i was gonna wish to be with another man.am i losing interest in my husband?

2006-10-18 16:38:53 · 19 answers · asked by super girl 3

I found out almost a month ago that my husband stayed at his ex wife's house 2 days after our 3rd anniversary. Then after further prying he finally admitted to sleeping with her. I am good to him and the kids that he has, she treated him bad by going out on him and taking money from him all the time not leaving him any to go on the rest of the week I mean really bad to him. I have always been there for him and his family. Will I ever completely trust him again? and how long will it take? We have started going back to church, we had not been for a few months. He is treating me better I don't know if it is just guilt or what. Has anyone out there been in this situation before if so please HELP ME..

2006-10-18 16:37:57 · 16 answers · asked by short but sentimental 1

Marriage is always said to get boring after a while..
say, when u first start the honeymoon or whatever ur all excited & turned on..
how many times do u "do it" before it seems boring with this person & u get all turned off?

2006-10-18 16:29:03 · 16 answers · asked by Whatever 3

2006-10-18 16:20:01 · 17 answers · asked by ltlwestblnde514 1


2006-10-18 16:13:27 · 6 answers · asked by saires45 1

Ill try to make this short, I was at work one night and the phone rang....this lady said"you dont know me but i need to tell you your husband is cheeten on you with a nurse that works at the nursing home (hes a emt). well i totally freeked out because nothing erks me more than a person who cheets. I went home and said are you cheeten on me simply tell me and ill leave before you crawl back in bed with me we argued for hours no he said so to try and get the truth i told him i cheeted on him(i didnt) this made him mad enough to say: i didnt cheet on you but i have been talking to a nurse named penny nothing ever happened(i flipped) i walked out the next day i called and talked to this woman she said no nothing ever happened they were just friends they had went out to luch one day the unknown caller had said they had kissed and he brought her flowers they both denied it this happened last year were back together but i think about it all the time did he cheet you think or am i dwelling???/

2006-10-18 16:09:05 · 26 answers · asked by rachel h 1

2006-10-18 16:08:42 · 19 answers · asked by Onjel 2

People used to get married and stayed married trough thick and thin!!! now these days when there is just a little trouble they just leave each other, like what's up with that! Time's haven't changed people and society has!!

2006-10-18 16:04:29 · 13 answers · asked by sb photo 1

2006-10-18 16:02:55 · 31 answers · asked by cela 1

2006-10-18 15:58:35 · 18 answers · asked by Jessica 2

I got married at a young age. At the age of 18. Please don't tell me that I got married 2 young. I'm now 19 years old and after I got married my husband started to act different. He wants me to 2 spend time with just him. He don't want me to spend time with my friends. He manipulates me. he always accuses me of cheating and always say "please don't leave me." I'm sick of the things that he does. I cry over the things he does at least once a week and he totally stresses me out. When he's around, he distracts me from my school work. Today, I told him that I need some time apart. Do you think that was a good idea or what would you do in this situation.

2006-10-18 15:54:29 · 11 answers · asked by mercedes t 1

sin is sin, why would any man of god,,want to marry anyone who is not of that faith or belong to that church.to me this is a mock wedding.gay marriages are no different tham marriages of straight people if they arent christians,,any one that is performing an act on someone else that is not normal to Gods words is a sin,,so what the big deal with the gays

2006-10-18 15:52:23 · 13 answers · asked by cletus_fraley 2

2006-10-18 15:45:21 · 21 answers · asked by stephen n 1

2006-10-18 15:44:01 · 7 answers · asked by hpz ftw 4

wow what a strange call i got last night by my exhusbans girlfriend she said she caught him with a 62 year old woman..i just said its not my problem no more and hung up eas this wrong of me?

2006-10-18 15:39:30 · 18 answers · asked by mary c 3

my parents got divorced in january 2006 and its been real hard for me now i caught my mom on the phone and she kept leaving rooms and i kept following her. she told me it was a guy named Frank and so far im am thinking of him as a total friekin dick! i asked my mom if she liked him and she said yes and i finally got her to fess up that she is going on a date tommorow.I AM PISSED! WHAT THE HELL DO I DO?

2006-10-18 15:33:41 · 28 answers · asked by Jonathan R 1

The joke years ago was how women weren't happy and so they repainted the house different colors every few months, moved around the furniture, had another baby, got an animal(due to being emotional, which this also makes them great, good mothers,...)...
Now it's "I'm getting a divorce" or "having an affair". He doesn't hit you, verbally abuse you, or cheat buy you're unhappy...
Don't get me wrong... guys have always had their problems(but not all of them), but instead working towards the better, it seems to be moving to the worst.

2006-10-18 15:27:12 · 4 answers · asked by Nep 6

I took my ex-husband to court for more child support. I won a substansial increase. 2 days later ACS was called with allegations that I was a neglectful mother. They have since recieved numerous anyomjous calls, ACS found allegations unfounded. Within same time period my ex husband sued for full custody of my children and his mother has filed police report that I harass her by phone. None of this is true and I believe is motivated by the fact that he has to pay more child support.

2006-10-18 15:19:07 · 7 answers · asked by deedee 2

married 24 yrs he cheated with some 21 yr old that he now lives with.....my question is after 6 months of silence between us.........we have 4 kids to boot who live with me.......he is asking questions like..........where is mom............is mom home.......is she on the computer...............why now?....am i reading more into it?

2006-10-18 15:14:27 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Very close friend is married for 3 years. When she married him she was going thru a very tough time and we all told her to wait. It was a very unstable courtship - they guy was always hot and cold on his feelings for her. Well, finally after they were engaged - he went cold again and then he came back and asked her to elope with him. She did it! She's been pretty unhappy for the 3 years with some good times here and there. Now she's telling me that he told her that he loves her, but that it's very difficult for him. He says he only feels love and connection with her about 50% of the time and he doesn't really desire to have sex (make love) to her that often. (She suspects it is because of emotional issues in his past). She is really sad, hurt and comtemplating whether to just call it quits. I hesitate to be sympathetic with her because we all told her not to do it - but now she is realizing that maybe she made a mistake. What do I tell her? He wants to make it work and keep trying.

2006-10-18 15:14:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-18 15:12:48 · 16 answers · asked by sprtek 2

It seems like when your roller coaster of a happy relationship is at it's highest it always seems to fall, you see my girlfriend for 2 years (WHO I LOVE WITH ALL MY LIFE AND HEART) is back to believing that I am going to cheat on her....She found porn on my computer but I DID NOT and I swear look at anything like that nature that could jepordize our love, She thinks I am going to cheat on her with someone on the computer or just overall but That is the last thing I want to do! The last few nights I have felt the love like NEVER before she has told me she wants me in her life and it has moved me to tears, the other night she said she wants to get a house and be together and get married and have kids and that is what I am striving on right now the dignity to get her dream on the move, CHEATING is the last thing I would think about and it is something I wouldn't ever think about! I LOVE HER to death and couldn't live without her, she is beautiful in every way......

2006-10-18 15:11:59 · 10 answers · asked by E.F. Landeros 3

i need help dealing with my husband's infidelity especially at this terrible time in our lives when i am undergoing cancer treatment. i need an online support group to chat with......help. i want to keep my sanity intact

2006-10-18 15:07:42 · 9 answers · asked by karma2007 1

Is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with?

2006-10-18 15:02:51 · 12 answers · asked by G 6

I am a stay at home mom to a 3 and 5 year old. My husband travels frequently for business and my marriage is pretty much dead. When my husband comes home I'm sad to see him. I've never even considered cheating until the last month and I still don't agree with it. However, I've met a man who I really care about which has made all of these feelings about my husband surface again. I guess my question is do I stay in a marriage for financial security & for the kids, or do I leave him and be true to myself? I no longer love him and don't think I ever did. I feel bad and don't want to hurt him, I am terribly confused!

2006-10-18 14:57:29 · 20 answers · asked by ohm2007 1

Am I wrong for not wanting to invite my Mother to my wedding because she is a stinking drunk. The last time we at a party was a Family reunion and she got so drunk sge started to take her clothes off and would have been completly naked if we didn't stop her. At a Block party a few years ago she got drunk on Malt Liquor and we found her in the Garage peforming Oral sex on our Neighbor. She has been like this since I was a kid and my father Died in Vietnam. It's a big day and I don't want her to ruin it by taking her clothes off or trying to blow the minister. What should I do?

2006-10-18 14:55:42 · 13 answers · asked by mrharderson 4

she grab my nuts to find out i had three balls and said it scared her to feel a extra nut in my sack should i get it cut out of my sack

2006-10-18 14:43:55 · 10 answers · asked by PATRICIA P 1

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