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Marriage & Divorce - 18 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Me and my husband go around in circles and have the same fight over and over again. The fight is not over something major, but it turns into an exagerated fight. I think we do this because when we try to talk to eachother about this subject (spending quality time with eachother) it doesn't get resolved because we fight about it instead of talking. Therefor, we don't get the matter resolved because when we start fighting we get tired and push the issue to the side, so it can rear it's ugly head at another time.
My question- I was wondering if there is something I can do to better my communication skills with him? I get the feeling that maybe I am attacking him whith questions, or maybe I have the wrong timing, make sense? Please help

And serious answers only please, not ones like Get divorced or have an affair, I need opinions from everyone, married poeple perfferably, or people in exclusive relationships

2006-10-18 02:48:10 · 10 answers · asked by Dre 3

I have read and printed the e-mails that I find offinsive. She tries to delete them as fast as she can. she thinks that I haver been reading her e-mail and has told a friend her suspitions and about not getting over her ex. how should I proceed? am I envading her privacy? I want this to stop...

2006-10-18 02:43:42 · 12 answers · asked by Father of 2 1

handcuffs, would you let him lead you into the bedroom, cuff you around the headboard, and just have his way with you, or would you be like WTF? I'm thinkin of ways to spice things up, and was thinking of doing something like that some night this week

2006-10-18 02:28:22 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

we have one daughter, my ex wanted the divorce, and she is not able to buy me out. and she wont discuss it with me,

any ideas ?

2006-10-18 02:27:27 · 9 answers · asked by SIMON T 2

Men and women please suggest some types /methods of fore play which likes women?

2006-10-18 02:22:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do they really want from a man, a husband, a life long companion

2006-10-18 02:19:58 · 2 answers · asked by 6ft5inallman 2

I was having a conversation with my husband about a radio show that was discussing adultery. He started to talk about how sex was overrated and the majority of married men would have sex with other women if it was acceptable. Men & women are different. Men can have sex with other women without becoming emotionally attached, unlike women. Men having sex with other women doesn't mean they don't love their wives. Are there any other men out there that feel this way?

2006-10-18 02:18:56 · 15 answers · asked by BB 2

my wife and i been married for 3 years and have a 2 y.o girl weve been apart more than together..her mother has no husband and makes my wife feel guilty when shes with me....we finally decided to start a new life and moved to florida 2 months ago 3 days ago she decides to go back to be with her mother in new york and left with my baby girl without even saying goodbye we were getting our lives together.. but she does this all the time.. should i take her back, if she decides to come back? im wearing so thin but i miss my little girl any help?

2006-10-18 02:10:15 · 10 answers · asked by Felix R 1

Brought another guy into the bedroom?
What did you think?
How did she like it?
Most Importantly, how did it affect the relationship?

2006-10-18 02:03:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have been to h*** and back with him and i am suffering because of it now. the last time i thought he was cheating was in may around the time of my hysterectomy because he closed the bank accounts kept all the money and wouldnt let me pay bills. now he is at it again. i think. he closed the accounts again but opened one that he thought i would find out about. he has reversed all bill pays that were in my name so none of my bills get paid. he has been screaming for me to hurry up and die and does nothing but tell me how much i screwed up and he hates me. i know i need to leave so i got an apartment but cant move in because hubby took back all payments and i have to come into a room begging him to pay it and he refuses. now i have overdrafts and NSF fees and he dont care. he hade me thrown in jail and says that if i wont leave then he will have me taken away so he can go in peace. what do i do????

2006-10-18 02:01:35 · 12 answers · asked by anginfla 3

My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 yrs and I am 8 months pregnant with our 1st (I have a 9 & 10 yr old too). In the 1st couple of yrs I was the one that was half there then we got hit by a drunk driver (I was only very bloody and cut up) I saw him crying over me and saw how much he loved me that I finally dropped my gaurd down and over time the rolls reversed and he was the one in charge. My problem is for the past 2 yrs I have felt abandond by him he doesn't buy me b-day presents or xmas or any holiday (but he knows as a child I didn't even have a cake or someone saying happy b-day to me how can you no that and not want to make that person feel loved on there B-Day) we don't talk or go anywhere and every time I wanna talk about our problems he gets so angry he won't talk to me. I am so alone. Sex has slowed over the last couple of wks because of pregnacy but after 6 yrs we still usaully have sex 4 times a wk. He works I do everything else he doesn't even do the garbage.

2006-10-18 01:49:48 · 17 answers · asked by Christinadesdam 1

I want to do it and I am going to do it regardless because I love him. I am just wondering what some other people have done and think....

2006-10-18 01:45:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know i really sound confused but i feel thats it....im a confused soul....i know that having sexual relationship with guys other than your husband is a SIN with a capital S....but i dont know why i just cant say no when somebody asks me out....not that i need it...but i just feel that nothing will change if i say yes...im still a sinner...and one thing i noticed also is a get a certain fascination with doing it with someone with a brusque personality....i know im not giving my children a very good example with what im doing....but honestly im trying my best to be a really good mother to them and they accept that...they cant find flaws with my role as a mother coz i really love them so much...and my husband also doesnt have even a hint that im cheating him., i still perform my duties as a wife..but im really confused...i dont feel any affection with all these guys....and i dont also feel hurt if they dont call me after we did "it"...am i demon possesed or what...please help....

2006-10-18 01:45:18 · 13 answers · asked by Me 1

my boyfriends ex is trying to get more money from him. She is on wellfare and is unemployeed(her choice) her boyfriend who jhas lived there 7 months is also unemployeed(his choice) ex is saying power is being shut off this week. Two kids live there. Doesn't wellfare take care of most of the power bill? should he give her the money or is she full of S**T and just trying to get some play money?

2006-10-18 01:44:45 · 12 answers · asked by mnm4213 2

if you c a silver volvo about town help me out and let me know please
or have you been in the car. lost beads, or put a lip liner in a ashtray or even took the child safety locks of the rear door of a volvo

2006-10-18 01:36:16 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am so in love with my husband, and he with me. We have been married for 3 1/2 months. I was with my first husband for 20 years, and never felt anything like this. We like the same things, share the same faith, values, child-rearing ideas, we like the same foods, music, movies, when we make love it is out of this world, we make each other laugh, and we have cried together as well. When it comes to money and material things, though, things get weird. He felt like our house should only be in his name for now, since he was the one who had a down-payment. That was weird. He wants to count the $725 monthly child support that he pays out as a household "bill", but acts weird whenever I spend money on my girls (their dad pays me $400 per week child support). Whenever I bring up money, he gets defensive. His ex screwed him over, and I think that is spilling over into our relationship. He won't go to counseling. Should I go without him? He thinks a counselor will tell me to RUN!

2006-10-18 01:27:12 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-18 01:14:42 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been married for 9 years not all happy. My husband has cheated before and I think he might be again. Dont know if im paranoid or my feelings are right. What should I do?

2006-10-18 01:12:03 · 37 answers · asked by pinky perky 2

hi iam an indian woman coming to USA with my husband . He is working as a Software engineer and we are coming there for his project work. We may be there for 10 months probably. Iam also an engineering graduate but not working , since i have a kid iam looking after him. i would like to know whether i can earn online (some internet jobs) from home. Please give me your suggestions regarding this

2006-10-18 00:45:37 · 11 answers · asked by hi 1

Do you realise just what your dealing with!!?? lol

2006-10-18 00:22:55 · 15 answers · asked by Susie2 4

I have worked my butt of for this woman and she wants to take my kids and all she has to say to me is that she is sorry she hurt me. I dont understand how a woman could do this and want to move herself and my kids to another state and ask for me to fill the bill. Do you women understand where she is comming from because i sure dont. I feel let the reson shes leaving pay for it. I.E another man, family or whatever i dont really care about that. I am tryin to do this without fighting but i can not just lie there and help her destroy me. Money is no issue to me but its the fact that she slaps me in the face with this and then askes for me to pay for everything. I already had given her everything through our marriage and everything through our separation she has it all..... What should i do??? should i bury her in court or kiss her A**. all i see from that is getting a mouth full of shi*????

2006-10-18 00:21:16 · 10 answers · asked by Joe B 1

2006-10-18 00:17:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dont mix the 2.Cant you love 1 person and also have sex with many many others.Why dont women understand this?

2006-10-18 00:15:45 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ten points to the best answer... guaranteed. Thanks to all who take the time to answer.

2006-10-18 00:14:32 · 16 answers · asked by Mike S 7

My boyfriend has his own place yet he is still paying all the bills of his ex and his young son. He goes over there 4 times a week to visit with his son and is still doing work on his house. He says he's having a hard time because of his son and is afraid if he makes her sell the house she'll move away with his son. He is still doing upgrades to the house and doesn't seem on a rush to settle things.

When I approach him he begs me to wait as he's going to settle things. He says he's considering giving her the house so that she won't move away with their son. He's great when we're together but usually distant after coming from the house. Seperated only 5 months.

I have tried to break it off several times yet he keeps making promises and I'm a sucker as all our mutual friends want to see us together (they don't openly know we're seeing each other). I can't see other people as he gets jealous and knows all my hangouts.

I am frustrated and he won't leave me alone.Help me please

2006-10-18 00:10:25 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

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