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Marriage & Divorce - 18 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

She left me because I yelled and cursed at her regarding my frustration regarding her daughter. She has sinced moved out and filed for an anullment. I spoke to her about two weeks ago and she told me how much she hates me. I then called her this past friday, and it was a calm conversation, i asked if we could talk, and she listened. I was wondering what others steps i should take to try and get my family back.

2006-10-18 05:26:25 · 9 answers · asked by john d 1

Me and the Wife are seperated. She had an affair and is now pregnant and there is a strong possiblilty it is not mine. So there is all the ugly stuff. We have a 7 year old daughter together also. My family seems to have put thereselves right in the middle of this. I know this is a messed up situation, but I would not feel right if I did not atleast give my marrage a chance to be reconciled. I do have alot of anget towards my wife, but we still have a connection and we have had many long open discussions with each other and we are willing to work on things. I am not saying I am taking her back I am saying I am willing to go to counselling try to sort things out and take it from there. We know that this is a difficult situation and my wife knows she created an awful mess, but that has already been done and can not be taken back. The baby will be born in January so there is no abortion or adoption going to happen. Has anyone ever tried to save a marrage in similar situations.

2006-10-18 05:24:09 · 6 answers · asked by cheeks230 3

Why or why not? Was it a certain occasion or anniversary?

2006-10-18 05:20:32 · 9 answers · asked by TML ♥'er 3

My wife filed for divorce less than 2 months after we separated- She told me over the phone she had... She moved out in June and filed in August 2006. She is now dating a person she works w/ . Sounds like a dumb question BUT she thinks it is OK do this, I don’t- any OPINIONS??

2006-10-18 05:19:58 · 33 answers · asked by carpet man 2

He cheated a year ago and has changed his ways alot, but now we want a baby and I am not sure what to do. Is it to soon?

2006-10-18 05:13:36 · 29 answers · asked by Kendra M 2

How does the judge decide the property distribution if the divorce papers were served by publication and the other party does not respond? I have a house in both our names, I pay for it all myself, but will I have to give my ex half even if she does not show up?

2006-10-18 05:09:13 · 3 answers · asked by fatsomoe 1

My boyfriend watches almost every single night and it breaks my heart, what do Ido?

2006-10-18 05:07:59 · 24 answers · asked by Miss Kelly 1

I have a good paid job which I never like it, I have a husband who loves me very much, but I am not in love with him anymore, just very comfortable live with.I am really bored with my life, what am I going to do??? help!!!

2006-10-18 05:02:13 · 13 answers · asked by Tomorrowalwaysbetter! 2

Tonight while in the car my husband decided to drive a different direction because he heard on the radio that their was an accident. I did not understand the way that he told me he was going to drive he repeated it to me like 3 times, but I still did not understand and was questioning him about not going another way. He decided to tell me to "SHUT UP" he said this to me many times. I have a form of Austim and sometimes I have a hard time with listening comprehension and understanding. My husband knows this but still tells me to shut up, and its not the first time he has done this to me. When I tried to stand up for myself, he said he didn't care and if I did not get the hint to stop talking he is going to say SHUT UP. I feel trapped, he doesn't care about respecting me and only cares about what he wants.I love him so much but feel that I cannot have him without the disrespect because he does not care. Please help, is this love???? He says he loves me.

2006-10-18 04:54:43 · 19 answers · asked by ilih2006 1

I have been married 6 yrs and she doesn't want to have any kind of intamacy except for you know what.I am at my witts end and need help

2006-10-18 04:48:13 · 19 answers · asked by Albert W 1

I am 6 mo. pregnant and ordered to be on bed rest. Which I haven't really been doing. My husband is having a hard time with me not working. Since I have come home from the hospital he has voiced things that I do or do not do that he does not feel is fair. I have a hard time talking w/ him and suggested counseling. He does not want to go. He feels that wont help. I tend to cry when he voices his opnion and he gets frustrated with that. He has told me that if things dont change dont be surpised when he ends it. Can counseling help us, what should I do? Please help

2006-10-18 04:45:52 · 32 answers · asked by compgirl_geek 1

Are there any laws for adultry? And if so, is there a punishment? Should there be?

2006-10-18 04:45:10 · 39 answers · asked by Asia 4

My ex and I broke up a week ago. He broke up with me! We own a condo together and have been together for 5 yrs. We didn’t break up of the common issues such as cheating and stuff, but rather his parents. They hate me. No one is good enough for their son. I am an independent controlling ***** in their mind because I like to be included in decisions that are made regarding us. It was 50/50. He’s been having my cousin (a guy) who is also his friend calling me all the time questioning where I am at and if I am with a person that he knows he would just show up!

On Saturday I wrote a poem and I left it on MY desk NOT his…Well he found it and read it…put a post it note saying ‘truly nice’ And on top of that wrote me a poem back…Pretty much saying ‘you don’t love me any more, you’re getting over me so easily and quickly because you never loved me.

2006-10-18 04:42:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

It can be anywhere mall, store, internet, work.......etc

If yes, why and does it cross the line sometimes?? If not, why???
Me personally, I dont get that far in a conversation with guys. Im always talking to my husband.

***Another "Chillin @ Work" question from SJ***

2006-10-18 04:40:21 · 30 answers · asked by **What??** 4

Don't even mention anything sexy. She's got "that time" goin on, and she won't have anything to do with it! Believe me!
My whole plan was ruined! I had a bed & breakfast suite for a night and then horseback riding in the smoky mountains on Sunday. Gone! Had to cancel. Fortunately, she didn't know about my plan. Now, I don't know what to do. Any suggestions would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.

2006-10-18 04:39:16 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am in a small group with 3 other women. They have all been married for around 5 years, have 2 kids and are stay-at-home moms. During our small group, they were all discussing how they feel that their marriages are falling apart and that their husbands want to have sex with them, but they just don't want to.
I am a newly wed, so I know that I don't have the experience of being married for several years and going through a slump....but I just don't understand. It seems to me that a lot of the relationship depends on the woman’s mood. It's like that saying, "If mama's not happy, no one's happy."
So that being said, why don't women in this situation let their marriages fall apart? Why don't they take a more proactive approach? Is there anything that I can tell them or any books that I could recommend?

2006-10-18 04:38:47 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

any1 kniow of any?

2006-10-18 04:38:01 · 13 answers · asked by ian w 1

I'm 40, and I've only made love to two different men in my whole life. Do all men feel the same?

2006-10-18 04:36:29 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

had experience swinging, are currently in the lifestyle, or have thought about doing it? Pros vs. cons etc. What are your overall thoughts on the matter?

2006-10-18 04:35:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

and did it come true :)

2006-10-18 04:35:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, this goes with my first question. I was just want to know if someone can do that or is insane enough to do it. Because, i dont want a baby that may not be his ( there still no proof she had a baby, but im worried) to be in his family tree............and her to say she had something special with him.............so has anyone ever had this happen to them and what would you do to protect your last name and family tree?

2006-10-18 04:33:09 · 13 answers · asked by jessy 1

morning? I find as soon as I am out of the house and on my way to my bus to New York City my blood pressure drops significantly.
When I am home I feel like "what is she going to complain about next?" As soon as I am out the door the feeling leaves me and I am actually much lessed stress out about work. Is this the sign of a marriage in trouble? Do a lot of other guys experience the same thing?

2006-10-18 04:29:30 · 17 answers · asked by jeremy k 1

2006-10-18 04:28:32 · 4 answers · asked by dani g. 1

If your woman asked for your hand in marriage?

2006-10-18 04:22:28 · 13 answers · asked by fiestylady 3


2006-10-18 04:19:11 · 6 answers · asked by thereallady1 2

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