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Marriage & Divorce - 23 September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

that you are not a wife and this isn't a marriage, I didn't marry you to take care of you there are a lot of women out there that don't have a man and you have one. marrry 11 years and want told this.

2006-09-23 16:42:39 · 30 answers · asked by babymadison61904 1

Should I be a supportive wife and stay in the town I hate working the job with people who are annoying, or make him move somewhere else so that I can make more and be happy

2006-09-23 16:38:44 · 5 answers · asked by dzjoni 2

He's helping a friend move out of state. I miss him terribly.

2006-09-23 16:33:28 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

We have not seen each other in 3 months and I will not see him before January. I told him many times that he is doing a mistake. I think about him all day. When I do not talk or @ him for a while, then he worries and chases me. He still wants to divorce me though. He says he is happy with her but every time I talk to him, he sounds depressed. What shall I do? I want him to fall in love with me again.

2006-09-23 16:27:25 · 20 answers · asked by Frenchie 2

how old were you and how long had you been married? Thanks for your honesty.

2006-09-23 16:20:21 · 6 answers · asked by Joe Fooled 2

My husband wanted space and I moved in with my mom (with our baby). I found out after a few months that he had been sleeping with someone else in my house in my bed! He said that space means we were seperated. I don't agree. He claims he is still in love with me, but doesn't even seem regretful that he slept with someone else. We talk about trying to work things out, but now I am totally disgusted to have sex with him. I can't even stand being in my own house. We still don't live together. Should I even try to forget and forgive?

2006-09-23 16:12:04 · 32 answers · asked by golden2 1

he keeps saying he will change but never does and i can't mentally take it anymore , but the thing is i still love him!!
what should i do?
help fast!!!

2006-09-23 16:11:22 · 50 answers · asked by Babygirl86 2

If you had a one night stand a few months ago and felt terrible and was for sure that you would never ever do it again would you tell your spouse or just forget about since you know you wouldn't ever do it again?

2006-09-23 16:09:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 20, I'm a newly wed, been married for a lil over 3 months, hubby and I have been together over 3 years, and we've been "doing stuff" for over 2, I love him with all my heart and soul, but I have little to no desire when it comes to the bedroom. It's liking pulling teeth for him to get me in the mood, and honestly, I could go my entire lifetime without "it" ever from anyone, and obviously that right there shows there's something wrong with me. I know it's not him, it is me, he sweet, and tries real hard to be understanding, but i know he doesn't feel desired/love because of my bdrm problems

My libido (sp) is low to nonexistent, I know there's something wrong with me, but I want to know what, and I'd like to know how to fix it...Am open to any and all suggestions, just please don't be mean.

2006-09-23 16:01:23 · 21 answers · asked by angel_mum_13 1

the girl i love

2006-09-23 15:57:41 · 7 answers · asked by dr.dre4 1

im 46 and my girlfriend is 52. my job takes me away for 3 weeks at a time and she works in an office mon-fri. we have no kids at home and talk several times a day on the phone. heres the problem. when i com home i want sex the first night(not as soon as i walk in the door) and this seems to piss her off. i have tried bringing flowers, cards, going out to dinner, etc...then in the bedroom i try long soft kisses, gentle touching, giving her oral till she cums, back rubs, fondling, extented forplay and then after all this then we have intercourse and then lay in each others arms. then to compromise the next couple of nights we cuddle and watch tv cuz if i try and have sex with her every night im home she gets mad, then on my last day in (usually 3-4) i want sex 1 more time before i leave. i thought i was doing what she wanted but she a couple of days later said she just has sex with me the first night cux thats what i require. what do i do

2006-09-23 15:41:26 · 22 answers · asked by keithy 3

My wife started doing pot and cheating behind my back. She says the cheating has stopped (maybe I believe her?) But refuses to give up the pot... We have been married over 17 years and she only started doing pot in last 4 months same time as her cheating started. She was banging guys she was getting pot from.
She still wants to associate with one guy she was fooling with just as "friends" so she can get pot from him. I somewhat trust that she is not looking to cheat at the moment but I am afraid that this guy will prove to be to much of a temptation.
I am against drug use and she knows it but refuses to quit. She has even started growing it in places over the yard. I have killed some.

I am trying hard to make marriage work as we have a child together and I do still love her.

I have threatened to leave but she calls my bluff because she knows I do not want to.

Is this a hopeless situation? Any ideas on how to get her to stop doing pot?

2006-09-23 15:34:03 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do some men think they can have a girlfriend and a wife?

but when the wife finds out it's all about----your seeing things,your hearing things, or they put the blame on you, everything he did wrong is my fault.I would just like to try to understand .why? so please just tell me stright up ,no playing around. be stright up about it. ok thank you.

2006-09-23 15:34:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

first i heard that it's because when you put all you knuckles together and put your ring fingures together ---striaght up--- and you can't pull them apart and that is how husband and wife are together... they are tight together util death do them part...... then i had asked my parents and told and showed them that... they said that the vain leads to your heart..... what is the real answer... i feel my answer is right and not really my parents... maybe both answers are right.. please help. i'm confused about it.

2006-09-23 15:32:10 · 18 answers · asked by Gothic Girl 4

We're a fairly young couple, with a young child, but have been together for almost 17 years. We were high school sweet hearts who had some time apart in college and then realized we wanted to be together.

2006-09-23 15:29:06 · 7 answers · asked by casey p 1

this has to do with divorce papers

2006-09-23 15:28:59 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

My divorce is finalized tomorrow and If I know my ex wife and her parents, they will throw a divorce celebration or party. They have money and for eleven years they would throw parties for stupid crap. Party for the after dance performance for the girls, parties for each tooth they lost, parties for a class I took to get my Commercial Drivers License, hell I think they even threw a party for her little brothers third girl friend after his first two marriages in two years and it was because she was his girl friend. So, should I exspect them to throw a divorce party?

2006-09-23 15:27:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just had a huge argument with my husband. He asked me to return a book to the library and I did. He put another book together with the one he asked me to return. As he was leaving I asked himwant this one too he said "Do as I said" ...Now he asked why did I not return both.... I am so mad. But this is not the first time, he is always hang-up on small details and makes me so mad... HE DOES NOT SEE that I work, clean take care of the kids and him too.... WHO TAKES care of me??? Why are husbands a bit dumb at times and do not understand that they too have to apologize if they did something wrong? He is wrong how the hell am I suppose to read his mind. SO my question is why don't husbands apologize when they are wrong?

2006-09-23 15:23:28 · 33 answers · asked by Marina 1

We have moved from another state, where common law marrage was legal. We now want to get married for "real". What are the steps we need to take on the legal side?

2006-09-23 15:12:57 · 4 answers · asked by Tom G 1

Him and his wife don't have a great relationship, but he says he still loves her, he just don't know if he loves her because of loyalty or because of the kids....but he is head over heals in love with his girlfriend...he hates it when he can't spend time with her, he thinks about her endlessly and they have the best sex either one of them have ever had...The problem is he doesn't know if he can leave his wife...20 years is something. But he is not happy. I do not know how to help him, any ideas?

2006-09-23 15:06:32 · 21 answers · asked by ~hopeless love~ 2

I have tried counseling (2 times), written love letters til my fingers are tired, bought flowers and candy, called fifteen times a day for no reason, "Talked to her about it" talked to her for that no demand crap... tried to just get away... tried helping out around the house more... bought her a nicer newer care, furniture and a brand new gun.. we already live in a 5 bdrm 3 bath house and she has more jewelry than Solomon did... if the problem is on my end.. then tell me what more I can do to make her horny... she is a homemaker I make all the money and I take an allowance every week she can have whatever she wants as far as getting it... it is not stress over bills.. (we do not owe a red nickel to anyone)... if you have no ideas how to make it better .... uuuuuhhhhhggggg I will take any suggestions but please do not be mean... I am 35 years old and I fear I will go blind. (ummm that last part was a joke..)

2006-09-23 15:02:10 · 26 answers · asked by 57chevy 3

I am not very well endowed, and i am the only guy she has ever been with. she would never say anything, but i can tell she gets fustrated with my ability to satisfy her. I don't think I would do it for real, but it is a turn on to think about.

2006-09-23 14:56:52 · 15 answers · asked by Steve J 1

It's a weird ? but i was wondering if the person who get custody of the child doesn't want to receive child support can the court force you to pay it? I would think that you should be able to choose exspecially if you didn't want the other person in your childs life or your own. Also is there less child support when there is split or joint legal and physical custody. I know there are different laws in different states but i havent seen any info on these ?'s

2006-09-23 14:55:01 · 26 answers · asked by ajmarti82 2

2006-09-23 14:50:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been married for 13 years .. sex life is pretty much nonexistant... I find myself fantasizing about women that are 36-48 that take good care of themselves.. I never have any particular woman in mind it is the idea of a skilled woman... you know what I mean... Do any of you in a similar situation think like I do? when things do not go well with you and your mate do you consider other people especially those who you believe are "highly skilled"?

2006-09-23 14:42:48 · 24 answers · asked by 57chevy 3

I am 19 male...from INDIA...i saw one really nice girl..but the thing is..she is..not married but have to kids by accident..we have a lot in common......

So do you think my realtionship...of marriege..with her..would be...good...or...am i doing some thing wrong..

2006-09-23 14:41:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-23 14:38:49 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

the reason i'm asking is because over this past summer i met an arab man or should i say boy. he's 19 and i'm 15. the guy totally took me by suprise by asking me to marry him. first i refused, i couldn't beleive my ears. he told me he loved me etc. i asked him if he beleived in haveing more than one wife, he said no. "theres only one love for me" all while placeing my hand on his chest lol. then i brought up religion, he's muslim i'm christian. he said i could convert, i told him no. then he said he'd convert, i said fine. he asked me again would i marry him. i kinda sorta said yes when i let him slip the ring on my finger. i told him i wasn't legal yet. he said "will you wait for me then". i'm sure you know what means. i said yes, and asked him if he'd wait for me, he said yes.we said that when i was 18 we'd marry. i dont know what the hell i was thinking. since the summer i've thought about what our marraige would be and possibly telling him i cant.he's so serious its scary.

2006-09-23 14:33:22 · 9 answers · asked by ~SWEET* SWEET *T&T~ 2

tell your wife you want a divorce.i feel that our marriage was over 3 yrs ago. because she got to where she did not want me to touch her in any way whether it be romantically or just show her i cared.i really want it to be over but don't know exactly how to get it started.
serious answers only please

2006-09-23 14:22:43 · 21 answers · asked by wantachevy 2

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