~~~ thank you for all your answers,,,My new husband of 7 years treats me wonderfully,,,,like a queen,,,and I have told my daughter that I am so happy,,,,she is only 23 and in her 2nd marriage,,,,my first marriage was abusive I stuck it out for 20 yrs. I love my grandaughter, 4 yrs old,,,she use to come over every few weeks to have fun spend the night,,,my daughter is in her 2nd marriage,,1st one very abusive,,,new one of 9 months he is hard working,,but I never saw the " love " aspect ,,,now she is pregnant again,,,she wants me to be there for her and her daughter 24/7...did my job,,,raised my 2 children,,,she still resents my new of 7 years husband....my son,,,he does not get along with his sister,,,he says she has anger issues,,,still,,,,what ever I say or dont say,,,,do or dont do she is angry with me,,,,she is angry because I did not bring a camera to her wedding,,,,I dont own a camera,,,I worked 10 hours drove to vegas,,,was tired,,,didnt want to party with everyone,,,,she is mad
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