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Marriage & Divorce - 15 August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

i have mentiond it to them and they say he will change but hes been in and out of jail and i dont love him, to tell you the truth i hate him and i no ur not suppose to hate anyone but i do this man he has made the past 6 1/2 years a living hell for me and now i want out while i can! how do i tell his family and them not try to make things hard on me and my children?

2006-08-15 08:24:35 · 12 answers · asked by oh how sweet 1

2006-08-15 08:15:14 · 24 answers · asked by john_0502000 3

we both decided on getting married but now it is like when are we going to get Engaged

2006-08-15 08:11:17 · 8 answers · asked by Samaria's mom 1

We are from 2 different countries and our culture/communication styles are becoming more and more different. We have tried couples therapy and do not know what the next possible step could be.

2006-08-15 08:10:14 · 11 answers · asked by LAURA 1

my husband is going out with his couisins every fridays and saturdays and sometimes he doenst call me to let me know that he's ok and he comes back at 5 or 6am and he takes my car and he doesnt have a license he got a prepaid cell and he did not tell me about it untill yesturday when i told him im fed up with his crap and he wants to work things out with our marriage but he says with the condition that he keeps going on on fridays and saturday's. the thing is that i get to stay home and do nothing i go shopping and come back at 10pm and he is still not home he says that he likes to go out his boys becuase he works verry hard and he desrves it and also that he can spend time with me on sunday-thursday becuase he works grave yard shift so i dont sleep with him and when he goes out he doesnt even come to sleep untill is day time what should i do ? do i put my foot down and say no stop or hang out and keep quite and live with it? he tells me to deal with it!if you love me!

2006-08-15 08:08:11 · 8 answers · asked by bronze23 1

How well do you know ur lover?

2006-08-15 08:07:51 · 10 answers · asked by ladylove 2

Been apart for a whlie and finally be back together again. Just some fun, creative, romantic ideas I can do.

2006-08-15 08:06:31 · 24 answers · asked by texanmedic 2

can anyone recall if they feel the medication during injection into their body? I don't really recall? My wife says she can feel the injection. Any opinions?

2006-08-15 08:01:23 · 15 answers · asked by Sausage Fingers™ 3

The plan was for me to get a good new job, move all our stuff to a new state, and get an apartment until a house could be found. The wife and 2 kids would follow. Now my wife is deciding she wants to stay with her mother indefinitely. The wife is having post-partem depression and is not easy to talk to or rationalize with, and I am not happy not having my family with me. I held up my end of the bargain. It is difficult working on the marriage from afar. I am having doubts about the marriage also. I have been paying for all the family's normal expenses and medical expenses still, yet my family is being extorted from me. This has been going on for 3 months and I am getting resentful and losing patience. I am wondering if I should be talking to a lawyer. I've been to marriage counseling, but that did not help much. I really want to keep my family together, but I don't know what to do. The love for my wife is dying because of this. I am not getting to see my newborn or my older child.

2006-08-15 07:55:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Four months ago I found out that my husband cheated on me a year ago. I also found out that he did it again with a woman he used to work with. He says he did it because he was frustrated with me becauce I don't initiate affection. The reason I'm not affectionate is because he's mean most of the time. Who wants to hold hands or kiss someone who's mean? When ever we do have sex it's because he started it. The sex we have is good. I just can't look past this betrail. I do love him. I sent the woman he used to work with an email to get some answers and to try to get closure and it back fired. She made it seem like it was my fault because I was not submissive to him. She even gave me addvice from the Bible. She didn't even appoligize. I love my husband but I hate him at the same time. How do you get over something like this? How do I trust him again? BTW we've got 4 kids together and he's in the Army. I only started working 2 months ago. What do you think I should do? Help

2006-08-15 07:54:57 · 67 answers · asked by vitamin D 2

Been with partner for 8 years and all we do is ever not talk or argue.hardly any spark tried talking to him but nothing chances or if does only for short time then back to how it was. feels like if not for my daughters would have ended it a long time ago.

2006-08-15 07:46:52 · 43 answers · asked by pixi_kitten2006 2

1. Do you think it should be obvious to your spouse that your cheating and they are just clueless ?
2. Do they suspect something is not right or do they have no clue ?
3. If open marriages were more common and accepted, would you rather your marriage or relationship be open rather than you cheating ?

2006-08-15 07:46:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

She is a great person with 2 adorable boys. I've never been married and have no kids, but we are so in love. The issue is her ex-husband - He keeps asking her back all the time and he calls her at work to ***** about stuff that can wait until after work or not at all. She assures me that she is over him and wants to be with me and I am trying so hard to believe that, but we live a long ways away, so I can't be with her all the time. Me and her boys get along great and the sex is awesome, but I wish her ex would just move one and she is always complaining about how much of a jerk he is to me. I really don't want to hear about him, I want to work on us, but I don't know how to tell her. She does have several girlfriends that probably know more than me, so whey does she have to tell me all of this stuff? If anybody can give me and advice, it would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much!

2006-08-15 07:45:25 · 11 answers · asked by just a guy 1

I been separated now for 2 years and going on year number 3! Most times dating sites and personals require you to be single, divorice or widow. What do you do when you are in limbo due to the process? I live alone and have my own place.

2006-08-15 07:43:03 · 8 answers · asked by chancesare45 4

I am madly in love with my first cousin and we plan to marry each other.Can any one tell me how can I go about it?What problems may I face in terms of physical,emotional and social scenario?We are both from Indian Hindu families.Will there be any problem in concieving a child?

2006-08-15 07:33:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

not to be disgusting i just dont know what to do and dont know what it's going to feel like is what im scared the most about so girls who have done it before tell me if i should or not !!!

2006-08-15 07:27:25 · 31 answers · asked by Jerry L 1

Isn't it the truth that the simple things make you smile....

Write about some events or moments in your life that you were so glad happened, or you loved to experience....

Let's get something positive going on :)

2006-08-15 07:27:01 · 8 answers · asked by Rachel 7

not to be disgusting i just dont know what to do and dont know what it's going to feel like is what im scared the most about so girls who have done it before tell me if i should or not !!!

2006-08-15 07:24:35 · 14 answers · asked by Jerry L 1

How often do you masterbate?I masterbate about 3 times a week.

2006-08-15 07:22:43 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Everytime I try to talk about us or about how I'm feeling he always changes the subject. I feel like this relationship is all about him and that I'm just along for the ride! He's a great father, but I need more than just my baby's dady! The only attention that he's up for is about sex, or anything that is related. He has a one track mind when it comes to paying attention to me. How do I get him to to listen to me?

2006-08-15 07:19:58 · 46 answers · asked by depressed 1

I guess we have no other option, she basically has to be on top to clean the gutters, I'm too heavy for her to lift.

2006-08-15 07:17:37 · 21 answers · asked by Sausage Fingers™ 3

my friends wife walked out on him last month, she doesnt live there at the monent they dont have sex but still keeps contact with him any thoughts?

2006-08-15 07:16:31 · 5 answers · asked by lou k 1

never want to have sex with him . would you leave him?

2006-08-15 07:08:01 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-15 07:07:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have been married 6 years and have 2 beautiful children together.We fight alot and are sex life leaves something to be desired.In fact i just cant get into sex anymore.I am becoming very unhappy with our relationship im sad to say.I have tried everything to make this work but its not.I have been corresponding with someone online for a while now and we are very good friends we just chat on a daily basis thats it.There is no cyber sex or anything.I have never cheated.I know chatting isnt bad but why do i feel so guilty about this then.Can anyone help please

2006-08-15 07:04:50 · 54 answers · asked by Anonymous


9 years ago when i was in my late teens i had every girls fantasy...........me in a bedsit with 11 men at the time i was single so this was not wronge,that night i basically let them all run through me and take me in every hole that was moist enough at the time i loved it and ****** and sucked the same men throughout the year,then i discoverd i was pregnant i was shocked at first but now love my little girl so much,recently she asked who her daddy is im lucky cuz i know its 1 of the 11 and still see them now and again,should i tell her the truth,please help

2006-08-15 07:03:13 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would think that if someone in a realtionship is no longer feeling the other person, instead of cheating on them you should end the realtionship for both peoples' sake. No point in staying in a realationship that's not working, right ???

What's all this NONSENSE about getting revenge and messing w/ his life and breaking his stuff, etc... What's that all about ???

2006-08-15 07:00:59 · 9 answers · asked by Ain't Not Cool 3

My wife likes to go to sleep early on the weekdays and I'm a night owl. She prefers sex in the morning. It's usually a turn-off for me, because we're both puffy, bad breath, night oil on the face, etc., plus it takes me a half hour to get my bearings going in the morning. I like being clean and fresh, thus I prefer the evening after a shower. Anyone agree?

2006-08-15 06:55:50 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Husband And I DO Not Have Sex Any More I CAn Start Something Like Rubbing Him And Caressing Him And ThatIs Enough He Rolls OverAnd Goes To BedBut The Problem Is That, THat Leaves Me Unsatisifed You KNow What SHould I Do

2006-08-15 06:52:51 · 25 answers · asked by Shanana 2

After having children, I am not happy with the way I look and am uncomfortable being intimate with my husband. Tried excersize and diet and even counseling, but still cannot get past this........

2006-08-15 06:49:40 · 10 answers · asked by Koozie 2

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