Ive been dating a married man. From the start he told me: his marriage was a sham, it was for a green card. Its almost over and he will be divorcing soon." I did not belive him. I started to. He calls me 4 times a day. We go everywhere. Ive been to his house and after thoroughly checking for women items, and photos I have found none. His brother is his roomate. After a month of investigating I spent the night w/him. That morning I used his phone since I lost mine, I did not realize i did this but a call came in and I hit the answer button. His wife heard us. She came to his house. He let her in! I said I was a friend. She went biserk, he called the cops, she cut him! I left. He found me walking he apologzed over and over, said she was lying their marriage is fake, she is crazy, he hasnt slept with her in 9 months. Hes putting a restraining order, and he wants me. Not her. I told him take me home. He keeps calling and apologizing, he says he wants me to come back. I want 2 believe him.
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