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Family - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Family

How do I tell my parents that I'm not happy with my half nephew living with us? Imean I never get any attention. And I never got any attention when he wasn't living with us. I made stuff up, I lied and I did horrible things just to get attention from my parents and the rest of my family. I know that they love me, but is their love worth my life? I was sexually assualted a year ago and the judge let the guy, who sexually assualted me, out of jail. That really took a toll on me. But yet it seems like my parents don't care about me or what I do. So what should I do? Please serious answers.

P.S- the only reason why my family took in my nephew was because he was going to get taken away from his mom because she can't get her lazy butt out of bed and go find a job. I'm a middle-schooler and it's hard on my life with everything going on at school and evrything going on at home.

2007-01-03 12:02:50 · 14 answers · asked by .Forever Young. 4

First, please no flaming. My decision to terminate my pregnancy was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was excited although it was not planned or expected. I was engaged and was looking forward to having our baby. Soon after telling the dad, I saw his dark side. I never would have guessed he could be so volatile. I decided to end our relationship, not just for me but for my 4 year old. I figured if he could turn on me, he would more than likely do the same to her and that just wasn't a risk I was willing to take. I needed to break away from the guy but could not afford to have another child on my own and being unmarried and pregnant is career suicide in my line of work. It would have cost me my job which was my only means of supporting myself and my toddler. I did what I thought I needed to do but I still feel horrible. I don't want to lie to my family and tell them I miscarried. What would be the best way to tell them?

2007-01-03 11:49:55 · 7 answers · asked by Persephone 2

A family I'm not especially fond of wants me to babysit their kid-who is a brat-I'm willing to see how it works out,the moneys good and I could probably be a positive force in the kids life... I'm not sure I even want to do it-but then there is my guy who is playing my daddy and rejecting any plans I have to earn cash-the reason I need a job is because my guy does nothing to help me get a running car-he doesnt want me to work or drive...even though I have to drive our daughter to school everyday(in my moms car)should I baby-sit for the money and teach my guy -he's not my boss or respect his decision and forget about babysitting?

2007-01-03 11:38:36 · 11 answers · asked by cassiepiehoney 6

Basically long story short she is an unhappy *****. excuse the language. I have been with my girlfriend for 3 years and her mother does nothing but yell and scream and carry on for stupid things. She does nothing for her daughters self esteem always putting them down. I lost all respect for her and its a good day if i even say hi. She says now that she hates her daughter and i because i am rude and dont say " HI mrs. Mary everytime i walk into her house. Its a very unhappy place and i hate going there i hate her mother but i love my girlfriend so much. What should i do?

2007-01-03 11:33:19 · 9 answers · asked by Adam 5

My mother has no one. It's pathertic, really. She talks to the television and her cats. She's made no attempt at meeting anyone or making any friends, ever. And why should she, she has me, right? I'm a 29 y/o man who made the tragic mistake of letting my mother move in with me this past summer because after my roommate and her b/f moved out and I told her that I wanted my g/f to move in with me she said, and I quote; "I knew it, I knew you were going to leave me here alone to die in this neighborhood by myself!" Followed by Oscar worthy sobbing. I don't like my mother, I love her, but the sound of her voice makes me want to throw myself in front of a train. I'm miserable and it's effecting my work, my relationship and my mental health. She can't afford to live in the house I rent by herself because of her limited SSI and her unwillingness to stop impulse buying and look at her situation practicaly. This can't go on any longer. I will end up doing something drastic and terrible.

2007-01-03 11:31:32 · 7 answers · asked by elliotk420 1

My m-i-l died on Dec23rd! Do you think it's too late to take her presents back?

2007-01-03 11:20:15 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who do you think shouuld be the head of the household. Is it the man or woman? and why?

Family headship is not a shared responsibilty. It's the role of the man.

Actually according to God's word. The man should be the head of family. His decision is the final. His wife cannot tell him what to do. There has to be one head of the family. Two captains cannot stir the same ship. Family headship is not a shared responsibility between married mates. One has got to be the head. It doesn't mean that the bible demeans women. You know it's far from that. This way is just God's arrangement. Even if the husband is disabled or not making money as his wife. He is still the head of the woman and Christ is the head of the man. Wives are told to be submissive to their husband but not slaves.

2007-01-03 11:19:37 · 14 answers · asked by I'M GONNA GO PLACES 5

My boyfriend of 7years does not work, he is disabled. I myself work full-time. He does nothing all day but play video games on his xbox360 or watch tv. When I ask him for help or tell him that I need help with things around the house, he always has some kind of excuse. He can't even take out our dogs when I am at home on my days off of work. Not only do I work full-time, which are overnights, I do ALL the housework, including picking up HIS messes that he leaves, wash his clothes and his childrens, do not only all of the dishes but have to scrape his food off of his plates and such that he leaves lay all around. Yes, I have numerous times told him that I can't deal with it anymore and that I am going to leave him if he can't help out more and play his video games less. Each time I say that I am leaving he will tell me that before I take anything out of our place, yes just my things nothing else, that I have to pay back what money I supposedly owe him which is nothing.

2007-01-03 11:11:18 · 12 answers · asked by kerrberr95 5

I'm a little drunk right now, so please bear with me if I'm not entirely making sense...

Just over an hour ago I walked in on my Dad. Alone, in the living room with Babestation. I had already told him I was going to bed, but as I was washing for bed, I couldn't get this new soap to open, yadayada- I went down to ask him to open it for me. All credit to him, he did try and sort out the soap for me while keeping himself covered and after quickly changing the channel to sports. I saw that the top of his pants were zipped down and open after I noticed the channel he was viewing. I just said 'That's okay I can deal with it' and tried to get him to give up with the soap. Anyway, he did so I ran upstairs.

I'm f/19- should I be feeling this freaked out??? It's 11.30pm right now and as I said, I'm a little tipsy- I needed to swig a big glass of wine after that!!!

But please serious answers only- I really am FREAKED OUT.

Can someone please tell me what to do/how to feel? Thanks!

2007-01-03 11:03:26 · 12 answers · asked by Freaked Out 1

I am a high school senior and my brother is a freshman and I am in a very weird position. He is kind of a little nerdy and always gets picked on and made fun of. Well, its getting bad as some boys in his gym class one day were making fun of him in the showers and took a picture of him naked with a digital camera. He was like barely an inch (his size) in the picture and now the picture is being circulated around school. I unfortunately had to see it and now girls and guys are teasing him bad. The girls are waving their pinky fingers at him in the hallway (maybe I am niave, but what does that mean? ) and the guys are calling him names. He wont tell me who did it and he just wont talk to me or anyone. What should I do? He says he is embarrased and will just have to deal with it but I know its bad because he said its worse then when my other sister caught him masturbating in his bedroom to a picture of Tara Reid

2007-01-03 10:44:24 · 10 answers · asked by baureddy 1

What would you look for in terms of biggest benefits of being involved in or participating in a parent's group or club?In other words, what are you looking to get out of a club such as this?

2007-01-03 10:39:19 · 2 answers · asked by cresponina 1

my stupid little sister just got into 7th grade, i am in 10th grade and she thinks she can ppush me around......she has been playing the straight a's card, i know i dont have the best grades but i can still do things better than her!
my step-dad and mom might divorce so i will have to take care of her and my lil brother....how will i get through this without smacking her?

2007-01-03 10:35:52 · 4 answers · asked by blair 2

go ahead and kill myself or just let the bus do it?

2007-01-03 10:34:21 · 10 answers · asked by Martin M 2

I am dating this man who has a three-year old. She is almost four. Her mother and my boyfriend have been divorced for three years. He has been taking care of his daughter by himself for two years now since she was one. The mother and my boyfriend have joint custody with one week to her and one week to him. Seems he has her every weekend though. She cries when she goes back to her mother but runs to her father. Anyways, he doesn't spank her because the mother will take him to court. The little girl eats 10 popscicles and two ice cream cones a day. This is not how I would raise my child. She is adorable but bites and kicks other kids to the point they don't want to play with her. She will stay up all night and watch television and not let her father sleep. She bites the dog and kitten till they whimper. I really am falling for this guy but I am worried this little girl has something wrong with her and will hurt my children if I marry this man. What should I do?

2007-01-03 10:31:24 · 3 answers · asked by Hmmpphhhh 2

My mom died in a car accident when i was 8. My dad started dating again when i was 10. He found this lady and got married to her. She abuses me and my sis, but loves and cares about my 2 step bros and step sis. My dad is in the army and goes away to Iraq all the time, so he didnt know that we got abused. One day we got this letter that said my dad had been shot and killed. I lost both of my parents and im living with my evil step mother. She had just recently kicked out me and my sis, saying we were nothing and didnt belong and other stuff. My younger sis is 6 years younger than me (10) and i have to take care of her. We live with my friend and her family. I want to drop out of school and take care of my sister. i want whats best for her. i dont know what to do. I feel like were run away orphans with nowhere to go. can someone please help on what to do

2007-01-03 10:27:09 · 21 answers · asked by Lauren R. 1

I have two children with my ex husband. I would never want him back and I have made this clear to my new husband as well as my ex husband. I do however feel we need to get along for the sake of our daughters. I am peaceful with him and I think that's how it should be. We have no physical contact what so ever with each other, only peaceful communication. It has become a daily argument between my husband and I. I'm just curious about how other people feel about this. I think it's in the children's best interest for me and their Father to have a peaceful relationship. Someone help please ?!? I have never cheated (my husband has) I have never chased after an ex (my husband has). I have tried time & time again to sit and talk with him about this, but he continues to argue with me. I told him I have to put my children first and that's what I am trying to do. We ar honestly on the verge of divorce over this and it's so unfair to me.

2007-01-03 10:19:08 · 19 answers · asked by Pretty Girl 3

I became an auntie for the second time on 29th December and that made my xmas and new year. Anyone else have nice things happen?

2007-01-03 10:07:57 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

im almost 16 and i do good in school. i wnat a car for my sweet 16 and my parents can totally afford for a car! let me know how i can convince...my dad already said he isnt even paying for hALF!

2007-01-03 10:05:41 · 3 answers · asked by sweetheart--xo 2

What i mean is there are 3 boys and one one girl, can having 3 brothers change the way you grow up, than it would having any sisters? and vice versa? having nothing but sisters?

2007-01-03 10:05:34 · 7 answers · asked by ♥Brown Eyed Girl ♥ 5

If Anyone Knows Tell Me Please!

2007-01-03 10:04:34 · 17 answers · asked by ITZchelseaRAWR<3 3

i went to spank my son on his bottom and he moved and i ended up hitting him on the lower back and it left a bruise is this abuse and can i lose my son over this, it has never happened before...

2007-01-03 09:59:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm adopted and was wondering what should i do i haven't seen my mom since i was 9 years old and i don't really know my dad what should i do

2007-01-03 09:49:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i am 15 and i bearly met my fater when i was 11 and he doesn't like me but what should i do tell him off?????

2007-01-03 09:45:11 · 6 answers · asked by R.I.P. LOCS 1

2007-01-03 09:35:26 · 9 answers · asked by Janel C 2


hi my question comes with a story. here it is: my dad left my mom when i was 3 for another women. he was with that women till he died. my father died when i was 12 and when they were pulling the plug on him my mom turned to this women and said ill need all his information so that i can start getting a check from his death! my mom harassed this women over stupid **** , saying that I/me wanted things . but i never asked for these things i never knew about them! it was things only my mom would have wanted! this women had already givin me the things that i asked for! anyways my mom told me that it was betterthat my dad died because she would be getting a big check (my child support check!) , so things were better this way! and now im 18 my mom called me today and asked me abunch of info on my dads death. she said she was elegable for his social sacurity check! OMG! she says she is going to talk to someone about it and start getting money from his SS! i think its just wrong! am i right?

2007-01-03 09:34:08 · 8 answers · asked by Dungonecrazy11 2

I have pics of us, if anyone wants to give me an opinion!!

2007-01-03 09:28:20 · 4 answers · asked by Nicole Brown 2

My brother is like 19.. or 20. He still lives with me. I'm 13 and I'm a girl, I'm just on my lil bros account. Anyways, just a few moments ago my brother spit on me after I got out of the shower, he always calls me names and stuff and my self-esteem is really low, and he's always emotionally abusing me.. and then when he does stuff to me, my mom doesn't even do anything, and then when I barley do anything I get screamed at and sometimes my mom pulls my hair.. then my old brother kicks me and my little brother scratches me.. is this even right???

2007-01-03 09:19:09 · 7 answers · asked by Brett H 1

shes having parental problems and wants to stay with a responsible adult

2007-01-03 09:00:13 · 22 answers · asked by tracey b 1

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