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Family & Relationships - 26 November 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I am older (50), female, divorced and just having some difficulties in my life that I would like to be able to talk to someone about--someone (or someones) who are supportive, not mean or that cut you down. I can't afford counseling right now but I feel if I just had some understanding people to talk with, I could handle this stuff. Any suggestions?

2007-11-26 11:19:18 · 21 answers · asked by llewen 3 in Marriage & Divorce

What should I do?

We're getting married in 76 days, and she's asked me where we're going for our honeymoon. I havn't told her, and although she has some ideas, she hasn't pushed wanting to know. (I'm not too sure if she's even heard of the resort we're going to... I didn't till I drove past it one day).

So I'm wondering, what is the tradition or convention when it comes to honeymooning? Who knows, or how importent is it for everyone involved to know well in advance?

Also, I have no reason to keep this from her, other than for the surprise factor.


2007-11-26 11:16:22 · 16 answers · asked by shawnzmojo102 4 in Weddings

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Rommates mad after 30 day notice?? thoughts??
I told my rommmates that i wouldnt be living with them by the first of January.. Im giving them thirty days notice. I never signed a lease so im not contracted by any means but they are sooo mad at me and keep harrassing me about "how could you do this to us!" all this crap...dont you think 30days is enough notice? why are they so angry? I just dont want to live there, nothing personal

2007-11-26 11:14:24 · 2 answers · asked by lexa 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

if that is the case, I love me so that would include you,,,,,,,,,,,,,i'll always love me, so i'll always love you, as long as wecan agree to disagree

2007-11-26 11:13:04 · 1 answers · asked by At peace with myself 3 in Singles & Dating

who knows how to have fun, but has class too?

2007-11-26 11:11:38 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

if a woman asks a guy a favour and he agrees to do it even if he is not that comfortable fulfilling that favour,does it mean that he likes her to the extent that he agrees to impress her.

2007-11-26 11:10:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

what can I do to fasten my period?I was supposed to have it in the beginning of the month.I have not had any unusual contact with any boy.has this happened to you?

2007-11-26 11:09:57 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

my dad said if i ever marry or dat a black man then i am no longer part of the family. well i am in love and plann on movin to live with my man how do i tell my dad. should i pack up and go? should i dump my man to make my dad happ? i am in love and do not know what to do. i do not want to lose my dad again. but i want to be happy and i am happy with my man.

2007-11-26 11:09:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

What's the best way to get a date for prom?
Everyday i pass by this guy in the halls and he turns his head and smiles at me, i don't know if he is trying to be nice or not, or if he just likes me. Can't help if i'm cute, but anyway whats up with him? I'm 18..don't know what to do
P.S. i know it's kind of early for prom..maybe i can get him before prom
k..got to go feed my cat..
please answer question..
thanks peeps!

2007-11-26 11:07:48 · 17 answers · asked by DDR 2 in Singles & Dating

i have been married to my husband for 2 and a half years, we have a 5 month old boy. we have had great times, and some really rough arguments and fights..
during an argument today he told me to get the **** out of his face ( i wsnt in his face) he called me a ***** and told me that the only reason he is still with me is because i have pittied him into staying with me.
i feel so hurt, i have worshiped the ground he walks on but cant keep going through this. i think its time to call it quits.. he told me twice that he hates me today... and that im a slob and i wasted 2 years of his life.. wow
talk about mean..
what do you think?

2007-11-26 11:07:41 · 37 answers · asked by john & jane d 1 in Marriage & Divorce

If a guy was being made fun of by another guy which would be the most attrative thing for him to do?
a)ignore it
b)talkback in a vulgar manner also
c)punching him in the face
and also will you like the guy any less if he was being made fun of?

2007-11-26 11:06:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i went on holiday with my boyfriend. he is fifteen years older than me and we have a daughter.i have two other children from a previous relationship .everything went well for the first few days we had a great time .then i saw a change in him. he got really jeaulous i was having a good time i was just having fun trying to make my childrens holiday special it was there first time abroad .he moaned he was tired all the time stayed in his room and left our daughter out in the hall knowing i was not in the hotel myself he went for a walk outside . then he came to find me to blame me for leaving her .when she was in his full care .i was so mad at the thought harm could of come to her i dumped him there and then ,he ruined our holiday .so i left him at the airport on the way back and made my own way home . i could not belive the change in him while on holiday .i keep asking myself why .i no i propably did the right thing but it hurts so bad how can i get over him .i have loved him for ten yrs

2007-11-26 11:05:55 · 4 answers · asked by tray 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

All of my friends r 13yo girls.And i can't get them gift cert. b/c im already getting a couple of friends other things and i don't want them 2 fell like i put less effort into their gift.
Brianna-used to be 1 of my bfs but now we arent as close because she says i leave her out all of the time.She doesn't wear makeup or even use scented lotion because of her strict mormon beleifs
Ashley-I though we were close since i was 4th down on her freinds on myspace but then she didnt invite me 2 her birthday party. Idk if i should get her a gift b/c it might look like im desperate if i get her a gift and she doesn't get me one.
Courtney-She is kind of dorky and i met her through bri, i hung out with her last year when i first met her, and now i know it's bad but i hang out with her 60%of the time because she is good friends with the guy i like She is really into basketball
Sam-She is my bf and has practially everything her room is full of junk so i don't want 2 get her something useless

2007-11-26 11:05:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Im in my early twenties and he is over 10 years older. We have went out on date once and he is very charming. I get the impression that he is a nice guy but wondering about his motives.

2007-11-26 11:05:14 · 17 answers · asked by ebielola 1 in Singles & Dating

Have you ever faked an orgasm? Why? What were you thinking? Or have you ever had one without touching?

2007-11-26 11:05:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

I have been married for a year and a half. My parents are divorced and never really had a functional pattern of relating, and I don't feel like I have a baseline of what is "normal." Of course, toward the beginning of our relationship, we were blissfully happy and thought we were different than every other couple - and so lucky to have found true, healthy love. Now, a year and 1/2 later, all of the bad patterns have surfaced. He has a father who is emotionally abusive to his mother, and I sometimes get the same kind of treatment. When I stand up for myself, he says I am being a "*****." We probably have sex about 1x a month- he says he's just lost his sex drive (though I think it's really just that I'm 'old news,' because the women in his porn seem to arouse him.) We have a lot of blaming happening- a lot of "you started it." How much of this is normal?? How disappointed were you in the early years of marriage? How do I work through it and overcome feeling l deserve better?

2007-11-26 11:04:23 · 14 answers · asked by Ramona 1 in Marriage & Divorce

he always stares and me and tries to flirt with me.
i am a good student with a gpa of 4.0
well, we had to right this 7 page report and as my dad was admitted in the hospital i did not get the time to finish my paper....
i finished it last night ...in a day i wrote a 7 page paper!
so i email him my paper and he graded it today..
and guess what ????? i get a 100!!!!
i mean that was not my best work and i know that!!!
do you think that he gave me that grade coz he likes flirting with me or something? man.that sucks!
i mean i know that i deserve a 80 or something
what do i do? i even got a 100 on my midterm.....even though my essay was not perfect
thanks for helping me out u guys!

2007-11-26 11:03:19 · 12 answers · asked by Just another gal 3 in Marriage & Divorce

I had sex with both of my roommates and now there is a lot tension in our house. I was drunk out of my mind both times, and I wouldn't have remembered much about what I've done if hadn't they both personally told me about it. I know I have a drinking problem and I'm trying to deal with that.

They both have boyfriends and that's adding a lot of stress to the situation. They've both came on to me afterwards. I'm bi leaning heavily towards women and I actually came out to them about a month before our sexual encounters. I don't know what to do. They are both really hot and I'm attracted to them. But I also sense a little bit jealousy from them toward each other whenever one hangs out with me a little too much. This is driving me insane. I don't want new roommates.

2007-11-26 11:01:51 · 3 answers · asked by . 1 in Singles & Dating

Okay, so there is this girl that I'm going out with. The only problem is that I didn't mean to ask this girl out.. And, she goes to another school. We have known each other for along time, and I don't want to break her heart. There is this girl at my school that I like ALOT more!! And I want to go out with her because she likes me alot, and i like her alot!

Anbody with advice, please help me!! I'm desperate

2007-11-26 11:01:38 · 11 answers · asked by bigd8675 1 in Singles & Dating

I dated this guy for 8 months. He was more than a boyfriend to me. We was just alike. Lately we was bumping heads. He wanted a baby I did not. I already have a 2 year old. We both in school and he lives a hundred miles away. We debated it back in forth and I finally decide to try. I tried one month and it did not work. He wanted to get marry then after I said I did not want to have the baby he wanted to push back the wedding. We kept arguing. But I thought we was just going through a rough time but I guess it was the beginnig of the end. Last week, we was tossing the idea of taking a break back and forth. He told me no we will work it out when he come home for thanksgiving. I said cool. Monday he came into town. At 4:30 a.m. he writes a message about taking a break. He had me thinking we was going to work it out. He was home when he wrote it. It broke my heart. Cause he said we was going to make that decision together. Two days later he tell me he has feelings for another girl.

2007-11-26 11:01:13 · 2 answers · asked by Mrs.Juicy 2 in Singles & Dating

I am pregnant and my husband is really nervous. He is happy about it, but he says he is a little scared too. Is this normal? His parents were abusive to him.

2007-11-26 11:00:35 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I'm 17 and this is my second time applying for Circuit City. At my first interview I went to it was a total failure because I was busy because I was leving for thanksgiving break and all so I applied again at Circuit City... I applied for the following days (Monday 4:30-10PM, Thrursday 5:30-10PM, Saturday 2:00-9:00PM). Unfortunatly when I called the manager back for to set up another interview time he said he looked over my days and asked if I could work everyday (Mon-Fri @ 5:30-10) I said I could not, nd he said that he needs to hire flexible people and he told me to call him back when I'm ready. I mean I only chose 3 days to work because I usually get a lot of homework and I get home from school at 4 usually. I like to have time to do my homework so I applied for 3 days of work. Now I need your opinon... Do you think I'm lazy only for applying for 3 days of work or should I have applied for Monday-Friday?

2007-11-26 10:59:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

You are the only one with a reasonable answer. I just want to hear from any woman who has experienced what you are describing to see if it d o e s have an awakening effect. I am a man, I take viagra, (50 mg pil) and I simply am asking to see if some women have taken it, and what results, good or bad they experienced. I am looking for something other than zestra for my wife . This is an honest question seeking honest answers.

2007-11-26 10:58:54 · 2 answers · asked by Someone S 1 in Marriage & Divorce

okay I have been friends with this guy for years.
this year everything is diffrent he stares at me at lunch.
he looks at me diffrently than other people.
he says my name soo much it's so weird.
he touches my arm or tries to knock my books outta my hand.

he ignores me when me and my best friend walk with him,he only talks to her. FLIRTS EVEN.?
he will just totally ignore me.
Why is this??
if ya think you may know let me know please.

2007-11-26 10:57:42 · 8 answers · asked by uh huh confused 1 in Singles & Dating

my dad's gf is thinking about telling my dad to put me on BC.
the thing is im not having sex!!!!!!!!
brief of our convo:

her: i saw you and jorden blah blah.... think about birth control
me: no, i dont need it, not having sex
her: well its gonna happen & you're not gonna plan it. its just 'gonna happen' and if you arent protected ur just gonna be like oh sh**
me: BC increases my chances of getting and STD! i could die!
her: then use a condom too [[[here i decide not to mention that condoms dont protect against all STD's]]]

yeah anyway, i need as much info as i can get tht can convince her and my dad that BC is bad for me. plus im highly highly afraid of doctors and medicine.
im Christian, and am not planning on having sex anytime soon anyway, but she assumes i am gonna. grrrr pisses me off!!!!!!

2007-11-26 10:57:26 · 8 answers · asked by Kenna Coconut™ Actorasauress Rex 5 in Singles & Dating

So he comes home today and announces that he wants a baby and if I wont have her for him (it has to be a girl) that he has already found a serrogate mother. But regardless we are going to raise her together. Ok that sounds crazy in its self but...
We already have 4 kids (his 2 my 1 and our 1)
He doesnt help do anything for them
Our son is 2 1/2 and he hasnt helped me with daycare not even one cent
We fight nonstop (not in front of kids)

Why on earth would he even joke about having another baby?? I really dont even think hes joking - he went so far as to tell my 7 year old that we are going to have a baby.
He is insane!

2007-11-26 10:56:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am All ears.

Mine was pretty good. I got evaluated at work today, and got a great eval. Feel great, completed my excersize regiment ealier today, overall a pretty successfull day.

How about you?

2007-11-26 10:56:23 · 21 answers · asked by Mr.Riches 2 in Singles & Dating

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