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Family & Relationships - 12 June 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

The one promise I made about our wedding to my fiance is that he can wear a kilt. Originally, we chose the red version of his family tartan. Now, looking at the colors of the kilt, I'm realizing that its going to be a pain to match the colors and get them to coordinate. The wedding is next summer, and fortunately, I haven't really ordered or paid for anything major that uses that color scheme. (Just invitation samples and bride and groom t-shirts). There is a blue version of his family tartan that is lovely, but I had originally had my heart set on a red and white wedding. I've always loved that color scheme even before I agreed to let him wear a kilt. Looking at it now, however, the colors of that kilt look too dark for a summer wedding and the things I've found that I like in red don't match the kilt at all. I'm considering switching to the blue. Tell me what your opinions are. Can I pull off a blue and brown color scheme with the other kilt? If I can, I think I'll be happy with it.

2007-06-12 04:36:15 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

2007-06-12 04:33:14 · 216 answers · asked by Fruitful1 3 in Family

My little brother is currently in the hospital with a knee injury. I am sending him a gift box and I would like to include a list of people wishing him well. Please include the state in which you are writing from if you feel comfortable.

2007-06-12 04:32:38 · 6 answers · asked by funnyhaha 2 in Friends

My heart went out to you when I read your question. You deleted it, so I couldn't answer you. My dad did the same thing with my mom. He manipulated my sisters & I into not wanting to see her, while he was sending her nastygrams. He would tell us that she wanted to seperate us, or to "steal" us away from everyone.
I resent & sometimes hate my dad for what he did. Eventually we saw her again when she came to visit us. My dad stopped being an *ss when he found someone else.
My advice to you is to continue trying to talk to your daughter. Try to go down to see her. Make the visits through your mom/bro, since you do not want to have contact with your ex.
Don't force her. If you do, you run the risk of pushing her away from you, as well as giving your ex the chance to say more horrible things about you.
KEEP THE VOICE MESSAGES & CONTACTS THAT HE'S SENT YOU! You may need it for a legal battle, as well as proof later for your daughter.
Don't give up. I believe that you can make it work.

2007-06-12 04:30:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am going out with a guy I like a lot. Hes so sweet. But he has been having issues.I got his AIM password and I looked on it .I dont know why. So I went on there and I looked at it. wow. One of his "groups" was "girlfriends" and there was 21 PEOPLE!(I AM his GF!!)Then I looked at another "group" and it was "Hot Girls" and I am like "Well I wonder who is under that..and so I asked my friend to get on my AIM so I could see what I was under.(Becuase I am HIS gf)Luckile I was under "girlfriends" but you see other people were under it too such as my best friend and more of my friends.
We have1 class together in school. He flirts with a girl while I am sitting right there. He flirts with her like every day. And She is under "girlfriends" in his list on AIM. So I am scared.But I still love him so much and he dont know that I know his AIM deal.and he says he loves me but do I believe him? I dont want to break up with him.I love him alot.
please help.(without me breakin up)
Am I to yonge?..12

2007-06-12 04:27:37 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

For the record I have not shown any interest in men either.

2007-06-12 04:24:16 · 6 answers · asked by mattpfrog 3 in Singles & Dating

I have been seeing this guy for about three months but things have gotten kind of serious. I'm 29 he's 40. We have had lots of fun together and he has even met my daughter in which she likes him a lot. He had told me he was divorced and has two kids which I'm ok. Now the story has changed and he has been married twice and has a child by each woman. It took me a day but then I decided ok I wil deal with it. He travels a few days during the week having to go to both places that each ex wife lives one is re-married the other isn't. He has been acting weird lately and i had booked something that cost $200 for his b-day and we had an argument so he didn't go but paid me back the money. He was supposed to go on a trip with me and my daughter this weekend to the beach but now isn't going and we were goig to split the trip and I have charged the hotel on my card. I feel that something is not right with this guy and don't feel I should continue to date him. Any advice would be helpful.

2007-06-12 04:21:34 · 12 answers · asked by Venus 3 in Marriage & Divorce

or a turn off.tell me what u think guys

2007-06-12 04:21:06 · 7 answers · asked by jenny 1 in Singles & Dating

1. Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.

2. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

3. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

4. Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

5. Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britney Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

2007-06-12 04:20:08 · 38 answers · asked by Armless Joe, Bipedal Foe 6 in Marriage & Divorce

When a girl is not interested in a guy, she still treats him very well and explains very clearly to him about their relationship...just for friends...

Why does other girl just ignore a guy's call, e-mail etc when she is not interested? That guy may have known and contacted with her for a long. And the suddenly forever ignore will make the guy feeling very upset, uncertain, lost etc...Is this a bad girl? Is she just wants others to suffer or what? Any opinion?

2007-06-12 04:20:07 · 7 answers · asked by Greattobehere 1 in Singles & Dating

I have never been with another woman but my wife and I feel the urge to discover what its like with another woman, is it ok to try it once and satisfy my curiosity or just live in this depression that I will never know? can any lady out there help me?

2007-06-12 04:19:02 · 26 answers · asked by Cuz 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My best (male) friend started going out with a stripper. Now, not being a prude and selling sex toys as a side job (see? I SWEAR I'm not a prude. I DO get the "stripper" allure) I don't get it when you look at the baggage. She's 8 years younger (okay, a plus to men) but:

Married with a hubby in Iraq
Has four, yes FOUR, children
The youngest baby is from a different daddy than the soldier daddy
Gets my friend to babysit every weekend while she strips and lives with him on the weekend.

From her perspective, she's lucked out. A guy with a good job who doesn't mind her situation. But for me, on the outside? It sounds like a huge trainwreck. So my question is, Is the "stripper" thing enough to balance the other stuff? And, after a while wouldn't the "my girlfriend gives lapdances to other men" thing start to make you jealous?

Do I just not get this because I'm a woman?

2007-06-12 04:16:48 · 29 answers · asked by Karen 2 in Singles & Dating

my ex cheated on me with a 15 year old girl not only that he ditch me for other girls and i know i was being stupid but i really love him i been thru alot since i was 14 and when i got with him i didnt trust nobody he show me how to trust now i wishing he didnt come in my life i was pregnant by him and the baby die he left me than we hooked back up then i got pregnant again and he cheated on me with my cousin that i cant stand him we got in a fist fight me and the girl and i lost my baby thru all the ddrama we still stay together now its really getting crazy cause now he cheated on me with this 15 year old girl plus i went to jail behind him because the girl was talking mad stuff and i told her i was going to kill her i moved to san marcos got my cna license and everything but just when i think everything couldnt get worse he moved in with her i love this boy but he needs to grown up you think if i let him alone for a while he'll changed or shall i say **** him(excuse my french)

2007-06-12 04:15:58 · 39 answers · asked by Raven_SO_F*kin_Sexy_09 1 in Singles & Dating

My husband is purchasing a 2nd home and using our first home equity line to generate the fund for this 2nd home purchase. I've been having my own credit card debts (total close to 40k) that he does not know.

The loan agent said that may use my name for the loan cuz they think that my credit score will be better than my husband's. I'm so freaking out now cuz I know my credit score is not great at all and I'm so so so nervous that my husband will know my total credit card debts.

Should I call the loan agent not to disclose my debts to my husband or he will automatically know that its my own info and will now tell my husband know (the loan agent will run my credit check and will see all my debts).

This 2nd home I will not have my name on it but my husband thinks it does not matter and my credit should be used if it helps get a loan.

What should I do now? Should I CALL the loan agent and inform him this or I just keep praying that my husband will not know? Pls advise. Thanks

2007-06-12 04:15:55 · 21 answers · asked by xpi11 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I just had a baby about a month ago, and yes I gained about 20 lbs. that have NOT COME OFF!!! I have a small frame so those 20 lbs. look like 50!!! My son is embarrassed to be seen with me now, because some of his little friends called me fat and he does not want them making fun of HIM! I do live in San Diego and the majority of mother's in the area where I live are thin so compared to them I look like a whale!! I'm so disappointed that my son is being this shallow and selfish, I didnt raise him to judge people on the outside. I've never had anyone embarrassed of being seen with me so I'm not sure how to handle this. How do I handle this situation... I know he's a little boy but I'm still so very disappointed in him and I'm hurt that he would be ashamed of me because of my weight :(

2007-06-12 04:07:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

My g/f, "Patty" and her husband "Ron" have too many issues to deal with. He doesn't like spanish women, but yet married one? She is very lite complected so therefore looks (and acts) white. Her and I have been friends for almost 10 yrs.

Main problem is he can't stand me and I have never even met the man but once, when their son was in the hospital. I don't even know why? I have never done ANYHTING to make the man think I'm a horrible person or anything. The only thing he doesn't like that I can figure is, he doesn't believe that a woman can have several children ( I have 4) and be a stay at home mom (which I am). In his eyes that is not natural. It is degrading according to him. I love my friend and she loves me (not sexually at all for the pervs out there).

Anyways, "Patty" allows him to be VERY controlling of everything. She has 2 sons, one is autistic,(18) one is a spoiled brat (11). She allows "Ron" to basically treat her as if she is a child.

I have told

2007-06-12 04:07:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I left my abusive husband of 23 yrs. ....verbally, mentally, and emotional abuse......I thought I had met my soulmate and left.
After 2 yrs. living with this man, I have discovered that he is ten times more controlling and is somewhat physically abusive and threatening at times. I fell in love I thought, for the first time. I fell in love with his good side. For 2 yrs. prior to our living together, he was the "perfect" person. Very romantic. Very attentive. No showing of a temper. No showing of male chauvinistic tendencies....nothing but love and laughter. You may think I just didn't see the bad side but that is not true. No inkling whatsoever, I promise. He cooked for me, wrote me love letters, sang to me, went everywhere with me, complimented me always, brought me coffee, brushed my hair and massaged my back , baked me a birthday cake, gave me jewelry, sat on the beach with me,....you get it right? Coming from a totally inattentive husband, you can see why I fell for him

2007-06-12 04:04:12 · 13 answers · asked by reggieduroc 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I am married and most times like the feeling of being with another woman, I dont want to break my marriage but is it bad to go after other women?

2007-06-12 04:03:36 · 29 answers · asked by Cuz 1 in Marriage & Divorce

theres this girl that heard a rumor that i liked her i thought it embarassing and said nothing to her the whole 2nd semester i didnt know her at all. well the next school year i approach her and asked for her number and she said ill give you my number later like monday she said and it was a friday. shes now dating some imature black kid in her class. shes indian. why do you think she was so cold and also lied and told me she had a bf when she DIDNT at the moment i asked her? the wierd thing is is that shes known as a hot girl but also really shy but she always flirts with me and never does anything- SHE doesnt treat ANYONE the same way. we both graduated just 2 weeks ago but i was wondering do yall think i ever had a shot or was she just playing. its so hard to forget about her cause i thought we'd always make a good couple. could she have also been on a little power trip since shes probably never had that?

2007-06-12 04:02:32 · 3 answers · asked by LDshayne 1 in Singles & Dating

I am going to my friend's wedding and it says that in her invitation. What does that mean? Does it mean they expect money?

2007-06-12 04:01:09 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

No horrible answers please if you can, its upsetting enough.
Scenario - boy and girl date for 5 years from age 19, girl finishes with boy on three occasions and sleeps with another man, cheated once by kissing other man. Girl had brief fling with man while couple were on a break, boy and girl get back together. - Boy and girl split up again, boy starts seeing other girl. Original girlfriend doesn't know this and wants boy back, boy sleeps with original girl then says he is seeing girl 2. Boy plays both girls off against each other, original girl falls pregnant, boy still sleeps with both girls, lying to one then the other in turn, 2 years this goes on for. Boy tells original girl that he can't take her back and be a family with their baby because she slept with other man when they were not together. This is not a question of who is more wrong, but please make your comments, this is about man thinking that he has done nothing wrong and it is just deserved,

2007-06-12 04:00:21 · 26 answers · asked by anon2008 1 in Marriage & Divorce

hello i am boy of 16 and i need to know what i should advoid doing in front of the girl i like, but at the same time i will get her to like me. i spoke to her last year and the past year we have not but she seems that she likes me what should i do.

2007-06-12 03:57:51 · 18 answers · asked by Carl F 2 in Singles & Dating

2007-06-12 03:50:49 · 15 answers · asked by Naren s 1 in Friends

Ok, not literally, but I'm so f*cking pissed off right now I can't see straight! I want to divorce him!

Alright see I got in this argument with him...its was hypothetical it was stupid...and today he woke up and he deleted my book! I was writing a book and I had 57 pages finished and he deleted it off my computer out of spite!!!! he deleted it then emptied the recycle bin! I can't believe he'd do this to me!!! I'm so angry right now I don't even know what to do.

I'm taking my kids to a hotel. Maybe some of you don't look at this as a big deal, but my whole life I've wanted to be a writer and this was my first book and 57 pages is a lot ok and it was on my laptop I didn't print out a copy. He killed my dream. I'm taking my 2 kids to a hotel for the night. Like he'd care anyways. He's too busy sulking!!! He shouldn't be sulking I should!

Any additional advice? I'm going to lose my mind...

2007-06-12 03:47:45 · 75 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I am recently single and have been at my job for about 4months. At my job, the women to men ratio is about 9-1, and out of the 10% of men that work there, probably half of them are gay. I am being heavily pursued by several women, and most of them seem to be married. I'm not really flattered by the situation, more like annoyed with it. I have never gotten myself involved in a relationship with a married woman, and I don't plan on it. I basically am looking for suggestions on how to get them to leave me alone while not looking like a complete jackass.

2007-06-12 03:45:41 · 21 answers · asked by Lyrikal 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-06-12 03:44:33 · 22 answers · asked by blossom 1 in Friends

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