tried to join a sorority about a year ago, to put it lightly I put up with a bunch a bs...from statying about 18 hours out of a day, to people calling me an outcast because I had an homework assignment to do, to people calling me weak because I'm shy but I got accepted, and the vice president called me and told me the great news , and she would memic everything that I said, and I thought wow, how rude, but to cut to the chase, i got accepted paid my fees, but pulled out at the last minute because my mom , sister, and older brother came to live with me and everyone was oughta work so I basically was supporting them and I didn't want to get kicked out of my apartment, plus I wasn't passing my classes, and plus the day I left, what really did it, was one of the girls came up too me and told me that my hair was ugly and I needed to get it done badly that point I was done, so fast forward a year later and I see all them at a school event, and I was sitting in the stands, and some-
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6 minutes ago
and they all at some poing turn around and look at me, but don't speak..and I don't know is it because they are mad because I didn't finish or, because I slipped up and messed with this guy that happens to be one of the girls sorority members should I still try to join them after I graduate considering all these factors
3 minutes ago
I ran into a few of them at my graduation and none of em spoke,... accept when i ran into one of the member's at a restauraunt, she gave me a hug, and was like congrautlations, I told her I apologized for everything for not going through with joinin, but I was going throguh alot, she just sort of jsut waned her hand, and told me to not even worry about it, and wished me the best ,and walked
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