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Family & Relationships - 14 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

when you Say "HOLLA"... DO YOU REALLY MEAN IT to the girl you said it to? If you told your Her Friends to tell her to "holla....!" at you, do you mean it or are you joking around??? AND WHY DONT YOU HOLLA YOUSELF?

2007-03-14 16:39:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My parents have helped my wife and I out but in the back of their minds they have always thought about the money. But my wife grew up with parents who always struggled and went without for their kids to have better lives. Hell her parents just gave us 5 acres of land but my parents wouldn't even agree to sell us any of theirs. My wife can't understand why my parents are the way they are because she never had to deal with that. Her parents put them first and mine would gladly help us, for a price. What do you think about that?

2007-03-14 16:39:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I'm ready now, but I'm just wondering about the rest of you.

2007-03-14 16:39:05 · 22 answers · asked by jay 3 in Family

my bf flirts with other girls wat do i do?

2007-03-14 16:38:52 · 17 answers · asked by STAR 2 in Singles & Dating

Hi, I am 29 and my spouse is 30. Married for 8 yrs. In the 8 yrs, 4 yrs spent at my mum's place due to quarrels. 2 yrs he was in prison due to mischief and bad coy of friends and I stayed at his mum's house to be there for his family when he is not around. And now it is 1 and a half years that I am staying with him in our own place. We have no kids as I have some complications and he has yet to get tested. In this 1and 1/2 years we have been quarreling as well. But all quarrels end up with me pacifying and just mending it. But the main issue is that he loves his night outs and alcohol drinking with buddies. On the average its 3-4 nights out a week and I dont normally know where. But if I am out as well then he tends to ensure he knows my whereabouts. So only if I'm home then he switches his phone off and jus misses in action. Now he says he will remain like that, i dont know how to survive this relationship. Is there really life after a divorce? I feel bad even thinkin abt a divorce.

2007-03-14 16:38:26 · 9 answers · asked by Kathy K 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i dont but i already told my friend advice but others think its ok. ITS NOT!! tell me what you think?

2007-03-14 16:37:11 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I have been dating my boyfriend for almost 5 years now. (Since 19th grade). To my knowledge he has never cheated on me. I feel like I am holding to tite of a reign on him. He just turned 19 and was recently hired by the fire department. A bunch of the firemen want to go to Myrtle Beach for a few days this summer. At first I was like " heck no, you know yall ain't gonna just sit on the beach and talk, they'll wana go clubbin...He seemed sad so the next day I told him he can go and that I trust him (not that he HAS to have my permission). And although I'm being supportive, in the back of my head I'm picturing them at strip clubs and grindin on girls at night clubs and it upsets me. I know he is the one and we will be together 4ever, so I feel like I need to let go and let him live the way he wants to without cheating. I think he needs to sow his wold oats BEFORE we get married.Am i setting myself up 4 being cheated on?How do I let go?HELP!

2007-03-14 16:36:10 · 9 answers · asked by Jenny H 1 in Singles & Dating

it may seem that it shouldnt matter,but he knows how strongly i feel about honesty,not lying or ripping my heart out and stommping on it,and saying well i said im sorry what else do you want i wanted honesty,not lies deception,because now im wondering what other stories did he tell if he made up a story and got caught how am i suppose to believe in him,his words he doesnt seemed bothered by it and says deal with it,i thought that with this much time behind us i would know hed be straight with me,no games-now though im wondering what else.when hes at home he distant and cold me &son6 whom he insists will wind up in a prision one day cause he gets in trouble for talking at school,he is arrogent,pompous and loves to belittle others by using words like profunctory profusal-thourough inspection,he thinks its funny that people dont know what hes talking about.he moved out of the bedroom two months ago said i moved around too much at night so he bought a bed for the 3rd room and sleeps there

2007-03-14 16:36:08 · 10 answers · asked by resigned 5 in Marriage & Divorce

I have a dear friend that our whole circle of friends have decided she was not good enough for them .My friend is really sad for this .What would you say if this was your friend?

2007-03-14 16:36:07 · 20 answers · asked by zone 3 in Marriage & Divorce


2007-03-14 16:34:42 · 13 answers · asked by STAR 2 in Singles & Dating

Dear girlfriends from Nepal and Myanmar out there. Could you help me to choose a birthday gift cause I m not familiar with the custom gift for these type of girl. thanks a lot.

2007-03-14 16:34:16 · 6 answers · asked by Alberto 2 in Singles & Dating

I am doing this whole internet dating thing. (yes I know the becareful) My question is I am 5'8'' and this guy I have been talking to says on his profile that he is 6'0'' and he says that is wrong, that he is 5'10''. What I'd like to know is that such a big difference in height? would you girls date someone who isnt that much taller than you? I am just kinda disappointed because I thought he was taller, but we have sooo much in common.

2007-03-14 16:34:13 · 25 answers · asked by Beth 3 in Singles & Dating

Lately, my boyfriend and I have been having some communication problems in our relationship. He kept telling me that I needed to be more open with him and tell him how I feel. So, a few days ago, I said something to him that unintentionally hurt his feelings a lot. He stormed off without saying anything. I talked to him the next day, and he sounded really hurt. He ended up saying that we shouldn't be together anymore. I tried apologizing and saying that I didn't mean to hurt him, but he wouldn't even listen. I feel horrible for causing him so much pain. At the same time, I can't believe our relationship is over. I have feelings for this guy. I don't want to lose him like this. I don't know what to do.

2007-03-14 16:34:07 · 5 answers · asked by sun_chips 1 in Singles & Dating

k so here is the thing, my mom like never lets me hang out with my guy friends cuz they r guys and im a girl, so i told one of my friends next time he gose to the movies invite me and see if my mom will let me go and if she says no he could ask her. so he said ok and what shouls he ask my mom and i said idk and said ok how about "hey could i take so in so to the movies" and i said hmm and he said wait why do u wanna go to me movies with me anyways im not ur type remember. i didnt mean on a date i meant just with a bunch of friends and when he said all that it was just an awkward moment for me. so we started talking about something else but thats still in the back of my mind and i dont know what to do cuz i dont want him to think i like him cuz i dont, no offense but he is kinda ugly. ugh please help me!!! what should i do?????

2007-03-14 16:33:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I have been hanging out with this one girl for the last 3-4 weeks, it went very very good at the beginning. However, i guess i have rushed too fast. I was going to set up a very nice romantic date but i guess she got werid out about it because she just broke up with ex about 2 months ago. Things got a little bit downhill and she doesnt seem as interested in me as before and now i am the active one who does all the texting and calling. Now, i have heard that she likes some other guy and she is going to prom with someone( she grauated a semester early and she goes to college now). we are on springbreak now, the last time i talked to her was 6 days ago. it was me who texted her but she didnt text me back. I also called her that night because i got bored driving, however she didnt call back, i still didnt hear from her the whole break. Now here is the question, should i wait for her to call or text me and tell me whats going on? or I should call her to ask whats going on?

2007-03-14 16:33:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

me & my boyfriend just started goin out & were goin to hang out all day (well most of it) & i dOnt no if we should kiss OR just hugg soo what should we do

2007-03-14 16:33:46 · 3 answers · asked by ALLie_lOVEs_yoU_0702 2 in Singles & Dating

After my last posting - life after getting rid of "jerk" boyfriend. Some people adviced to find a decent person. Is it that easy? Does that really happen?

2007-03-14 16:33:06 · 8 answers · asked by sweethoney 2 in Singles & Dating

I am curious to see what people think about cheating. It seems as if more people are falling victim...and it is ALWAYS the good one's this seems to happen to.

I mean, it seems as if the logical thing to do would be to just be honest and let the other party make the decision of whether or not to deal with it. But then if you choose to do so, doesn't your conscience tell you otherwise? How are you able to ignore it?

This is just a random thought and am looking forward to your answers.

2007-03-14 16:32:14 · 20 answers · asked by ♥MzMochaCutie♥ 2 in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend of now 8 months. IS still talking to his long distance EX who lives in another country like they are "in love" over email. Yet I have met all of his family and been to every family event. I saw his email to her and she knows about me and he said to her he isnt doing anything with me although I have been living with him for 8 months and he still acts like he is in love with me. Actions speak louder than words. Ive met his family and even got both of his parents good wishes to marry me if he decides to. PLus this girl is a high school senior who has gotten kicked out of schools left and right. Ive gradfuated high school and went on the college. Im in san diego and he is training to be a navy seal, which gets trained in san diego. He wants me to be in the Navy with him and I always have my foot in the door to his life especially with his family who adores me. SO who is he kidding? me or her or both? Im extremely confused

2007-03-14 16:31:43 · 4 answers · asked by Loveabovetheuniverse 1 in Singles & Dating

After having a conversation with my husband. I recently found that he belives that I am sexually selfish and/or lazy. He said that he wished that I was more sexually aggressive and assertive. But, he said he's always been sexually satisfied by me and this is something that transpired over time. Ok, clearly this confused the h*** out of me. What does he want? Be as detailed as possible. Oh yeah, I refuse to be/act crass or trashy. Its just not sexy to me and I know thats not exactly want he wants.

2007-03-14 16:31:39 · 12 answers · asked by ...huh... 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I know it wouldn't be libel as I have documented evidence. Any other legal reason why I shouldn't do this?

2007-03-14 16:31:25 · 10 answers · asked by beachpod 1 in Marriage & Divorce

He did me wrong in many ways, so I told him to move out. After all, I cant let someone treat me bad. But now after a week of not being able to see him and hold him and love him every day I feel like my heart is broken and battered. I miss him so much and its killing me. I really dont know how to get through the next hour, let alone the next day. The problem is that time is not healing, its making it worse. I have been keeping busy but the pain is always there. I really dont know if I can go on anymore. Should I try to get him back and lose what pride I have left after all his lies and cheating, or do I just continue to slowly die inside?

2007-03-14 16:31:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

How did it work out for you? Was it weird? How did you tell people if it worked out between you both? Do you think that people look down on the people who meet over the internet? Please tell me what you think... I need to know....

2007-03-14 16:31:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm just curious.

2007-03-14 16:30:24 · 24 answers · asked by YinxSphinxmen 4 in Singles & Dating

I've been friends with this guy for over six years. When we first met we went to the movies and kissed. After that he waited a month to ask to hang out again. By this time I was "seeing" someone. Since then i have been in two long term relationships. This guy and I still talk and hang out. I was currently single up til march 1. He asked me to be his girlfiend and how hes being waiting 6 years to ask me. Thats cute, but he hasnt dated anyone in 4 years. He didnt want to date anyone while being in college. We hardly talk, we havent hung out yet, and it feels so awkward. Im not sure what to do. I know im not 100% over my ex, whom i datd for over 3 years and we borke up cause of military/distance (his choice). I do like my friend but Im not sure if dating him is the right thing to do. Ive never dated a friend before. Any suggestions would be great!

2007-03-14 16:30:22 · 8 answers · asked by Aj 2 in Singles & Dating

I have been celebate for the last three years.. My friends laugh when they hear how long it has been for me and keep trying to hook me up with someone but I haven't done this to myself because I don't get asked out, I get offers all the time but I just don't want it at the time.. is this crazy or what..

2007-03-14 16:29:33 · 10 answers · asked by kalynn h 2 in Singles & Dating

I have a lot of friends that are gay or lesbian and people make fun of them for that and I hate it!!!! They are really nice and GREAT friends! What can I do to those really effin rude people??????

2007-03-14 16:29:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

ok So people my gf of 8 almost 9 months... got so mad at me in the begining of the relationship for having a myspace.. because girls would talk 2 me and she thought i would cheat... she almost breaks up with me..
so i delete it....
a couple months later..
i find out she has a facebook.
similar to myspace...
what should i do?
she is a hypocrite..
keep in mind i love her

2007-03-14 16:28:09 · 15 answers · asked by RICHBOY 3 in Singles & Dating

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