My mom doesn't support my life. She make me feel really bad about myself and undermines me as a person and parent. Therefore I don't have much to do with her and keep her relationship with my kids very distant. It doesn't appear this way on the surface, but her negative opinions of me and how I raise my kids run very deep, even though she don't always show it, and her view rub off on my kids. I used to try to communicate and work it out with her, but have given up as she believes that she is right.
I have told her to give me space. I have also told her to not make plans with my kids my back by phone or email. I saw her 2 days ago and told her we would see her in the srping.
Tonight she calls talks to my daughter. She has my daughter ask me if grandma could come by our house in an hour with Easter gifts! Because she had my kid ask me, I let her come. 2 days ago I saw her and told her specifically, I would see her in the summer, maybe sooner if I felt ready.I feel very very angry.
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