Quite a few people go from grade school to middle school to high school with the same people. You have created quite a heavy reputation for yourself. But, it is not one that can not be repaired. It will take a bit of work, but you can do it.
First of all, you are going to have to stop hanging out with the boys. Stop acting tomboyish. Do not walk like the boys and do not sit like the boys. You probably even recklessly eat like them, so stop it. Whatever behavior that you have learned from the boys, stop doing it.
Sit down with your mother and discuss the proper dress attire for your age. Have her teach you how to sit and walk like a lady. If she approves, she might also suggest makeup techniques for you. Ask her to help you become aware of yourself when you have tendencies to slip back into your boyish mannerisms. Watch how she use her table etiquette and learn from her. Speak softly, and not boisterous, and when you laugh, laugh gently.
There is one thing, though, that you can emulate from the boys, and that is to adapt their mathematical skills. A girl with a head for math is bound to get a guy.
Do all of this for yourself and not just to get the attention of a boy. Be patient with yourself. You have a lot to learn.
2007-03-14 17:23:12
answer #1
answered by DARMADAKO 4
Well if you have an athletic build there is certainly nothing wrong with that! But you could threaten guys a lil bit. As much as guys Say they want a girl who's athletic and likes sports... what we really want is a girl...... not another boy! Now that you are in highschool its time to step out of the childish tomboy phase and enter womanhood. You dont have to give up your sports by all means keep yourself active, it will ensure a healthy, and attractive body, but make sure you give off a girl appearance. Girls and Boys are like two magnets, if you allign up two north poles they repel each other much like a normal boy and a tomboy, BUT put a south pole and a northpole together and they will attract much like a normal boy and girl should
Dont worry too much about getting a boyfriend, you have all your life to worry. When you do just make sure he's not a butthole and he respects you. Also just on a sidenote, dont sleep with anyone until your ready to get married..... you think its hard getting a boyfriend when your a tomboy try getting a boyfriend when everyone finds out you sleep around!
2007-03-14 23:56:28
answer #2
answered by Stupendous Man! 4
Well, a lot of guys don't always see a girl who is "tomboyish" as being someone who is "attractive", because he stops thinking of her as a girl, and more like "just another of his buds". I of course don't know what any of your guy friends are like, but they probably care a lot about you like a really cool friend, and if they do feel any "love" for you (or any girl in your shoes), it would kind of be like loving a sister or a cousin, and it would just be too "awkward" for them to be "attracted" like that, or that they don't want to risk ruining/losing the friendship if something went wrong. Anyway, you will find the right guy for you someday, and until you do, just enjoy the friends you have, whether the friends are guys or girls, because they are the ones who are going to be there for you when it counts the most.
2007-03-15 00:14:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
To be perfectly honest, you probably don't come off as the date-able type. Since you're tomboyish, you probably don't flirt when you talk. So guys sort of see you as friend material, but not girlfriend material. There are some guys who see past that though, so don't go and change your entire personality just to get a boyfriend. You'll find one, don't worry. :-)
2007-03-14 23:51:36
answer #4
answered by Atrophy OS 2
I was the same way when I was your age but I had plenty of guys that had crushes on me. Maybe you are intimidating to them, which wouldn't be unusual if you are one of the guys. Sounds like you are going to have to make the first move-either that or stop worrying about it-I bet you a couple of the guys you hang out with like you and they just haven't told you yet. Hang in there and things will happen naturally-just keep being yourself-don't listen to these other people who are telling you to dress and act more like a lady-guys like women they can be friends with first and foremost.
2007-03-15 01:24:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
a guy ideally wants a femine girl to be a Gf and not another buddy he can pal around with
keep in mind when a guy gets a GF in highschool she'll be the source of contention as he tend to spend less and less time with his pals and more and more time with a girl, as he discovering what the other side looks, smell, feels like as opposed ot the rough and tumble word of guys
2007-03-14 23:51:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
they consider you a guy. you need to start showing them that you're also a girl.
change your attitude towards things and try to hint that you're interested in things like dates.
most important, still be yourself and see how it works out. first year off highschool isn't a big deal AT ALL!
2007-03-14 23:52:08
answer #7
answered by Just Ryan! 4
How new to high school are you?? I was always a guy-type person and further into my 'high school' career all the guys suddenly turned around and started hitting on me cause I was unlike almost all the other girls. No skirts, no curls, just me.
2007-03-14 23:50:16
answer #8
answered by Jenny A 2
im kinda in the same boat. But the guys that r ur friends already consider u one of them, and unless they liked u b4, they are pretty much off limits i guess lol, but most of the guys see that and i guess, rnt really into that, like, they wanna b ur friend, but not ur bf, wut u need to do, is start flirting with some of the guys that u mite wanna go out with, in ur group, to show that ur avialiable, lol, gooooooooood luk ;)
2007-03-14 23:52:01
answer #9
answered by aggiegrl 2
Probably because they just think you're one of the guys. Go for a different group.
2007-03-14 23:49:30
answer #10
answered by Zasm 2