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Family & Relationships - 20 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

My sister thinks she's totally in-love with this guy. He's SUPER NICE & GREAT that's not the issue.
1. She's never had a real boy friend before him.
2. She's pushing 22
3. He lives 7 hours away
4. She painlessly willing to wait till he finishes school... maybe 3 MORE years.
5. They haven't known one another for more than 1 year

I THINK IT'S NOT MY BUSINESS, BUT AS A BIG SISTER IT IS MY DUTY TO PROTECT MY BABY SISTER. I want her to have BOY FRIENDS and know what she wants and FEEL desperately in-love that she can't stand to be apart from him for more than 5 minutes -LIKE I DID! True love is out there. Setting at 21 for the guy no one else wanted isn't going to be WONDERFUL 6 months into a marriage.

2006-11-20 03:09:00 · 6 answers · asked by hbiggenes 1 in Singles & Dating

me and this guy was just messin around one day and he came over and he didnt have a condom and he tryed to get in but he couldnt cause i was a virgin and i placed his d i c k on my hole so like he wasnt in yet but i could just feel it being right there and then he got mad and just started fingerin me and the next day my period came on does this mean im pregnant, does that mean he popped my cherry or wateva u call it someone please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-20 03:08:57 · 9 answers · asked by peace l 1 in Singles & Dating

It has become a habit. i sneak out every friday. i get drunk, and then just go home with anyone who asks. I don't know why i'm doing this to myself. maybe I'm trying to prove something, I'm just not sure. Though now it has become like an addiction. I need to know how to stop.

2006-11-20 03:08:41 · 17 answers · asked by Jamie 2 in Singles & Dating

me and my boyfriend want to get married but his sister and my brother had a thing a while back together. and she cheated on him . so now my bro i married to some other girl. but she (my bf sis) has two kids and he still loves thoese girls, and i want them in my wedding. to top it off my parents cant stand her . how can i have a wedding with out her knowing. she said they all have to get over it .i think thats an exuces for her to see my bro and his wife. i presonally dont care for her that much, and we have a beautiful little girl together, i feel bad for her because she would have two of everthing one with my family and his. help if you been thourgh this!!!!

2006-11-20 03:08:08 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

and placed it on my "engagement" finger, when i asked him what he done that for he just smiled and said i'll ask you properly one day, when i questioned him he just said "see what santa brings" does this mean he'll do it at xmas, or is he just putting it off?

2006-11-20 03:07:31 · 35 answers · asked by Clare 2 in Weddings

I want to do something nice and new, please give real suggestions, not "bang her"

2006-11-20 03:07:31 · 6 answers · asked by my_names_do_not_work 2 in Singles & Dating

Ok I like this guy whos is my friends twin brother and shes ok with it but he has never had a girlfriend and he said hes not to sure on what to do and I don't know how to help him. I don't know weather to just make a move and let him follow or what? Any one got any ideas let me know because I don't want to mess this one up, he to nice of a guy and a good friend. Thanks.

2006-11-20 03:06:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My husband recently got a job offer making six figures in his home town. The company was willing to pay $20,000 in relocation. But his work history for the past 4 years is unstable. He has lost 7 jobs since 2002 in the range of $70,000-90,000 mainly due to showing up late and excessive absences. He even lost 1 for using the corporate credit card for personal use. So I told him that my son and I would join him later because I wanted to make sure that this job would last before I move and give up a my stable job. After receiving the relo money, I can only account for $5000 spent. After 2 weeks, he was broke, but nothing to show for it. He paid the movers with a bad check and said when he got his first paycheck, he would settle the balance. I received phone calls from family that he had not been going to work consistently or on time. On Nov 2, he was fired and blamed it on me calling his work number too much. The moving co is about to auction our stuff and he wont talk to me.

2006-11-20 03:06:54 · 19 answers · asked by Erica W 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My bf complains a lot of the time that his balls ache during the day becuse he needs relief, but we have sex all the time...is this a common thing amongst u men?

2006-11-20 03:06:50 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-11-20 03:06:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

So heres the situatuion.met this boy 4 years ago when i was about to turn 11. Well, we went out on and off for a year then decided that we were "meant" for eachother [teenage love] any ways the whole time i knew him a treated him wrong butwe were happy with each other. Well two years ago, he went to jail because someone falsly accused him of something he didnt do. Well, i have not talked to him or saw him since then. But he had 5 brothers that would come to my house and update me on news and stuff and they allways told me that he said he loved me.. Well tommorrow he gets a home visit and im scared... or should i say paranoid? Anyways im soo scared that hes not going to like me or we wont even talk because i am really laid back and shy now... and none oof my friends will go over to his house with me so im going to be in a room full with his family... I have no idea what to do.. i saw a picture of him and i know that he has changed.. im just scared to go over there and scared if i dont Should i let him be with his family today?

2006-11-20 03:05:42 · 14 answers · asked by ? 4 in Friends

Human relationships are wrought with conflict. The trouble I see with western society is that so few understand that staying married and building a successful marriage takes work, wisdom, time, and effort.

Jumping from relationship to relationship doesn't work because wherever you go, there you are. In other words the problems you had in your first marriage will follow you into the rest of your romantic relationships.

The key is to work on yourself to learn to effectively communicate and share your whole self in a loving way with your spouse, even when it isn't easy. Nothing worthwhile ever is.

2006-11-20 03:03:57 · 11 answers · asked by Myrmaad 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Its is something Iv not been able to understand and I dont now. I had been seeing a lovely man for a few weeks after knowing him for a year or so. In the course of our dating we became quite close. He took me to london for a lovely weekend then on two more occasions to attend some appointments. He would not allow me to pay for anything, in fact on one lunch date, i paid the bill whilst he went to the gents and he told me off, telling me that when im with him, i dont pay for anything.

Well now we have split up. It didnt work out because I couldnt handle his insecurities. He grumbled about aspects of things he didnt like about me and made me feel i was not good enough so i felt that if he couldnt accept me as i was, then i was not suitable for him. Anyway, since then he claims that i have used him emotionally and finacially. How is this? I was very serious about him and i never "use" people. Why did he really say that? He wont answer me why, he just maintains that i used him.

2006-11-20 03:03:49 · 30 answers · asked by Bobbie 2 in Singles & Dating

What do you think is happening when a young, rich, popular and handsome guy who can have a supermodel for his gf is attracted to me (ok pretty with average body but short) from the first time he laid his eyes on me and everytime i'm within his sight he has to look at me. When i stood next to a big breasted tall beautiful girl he only had eyes fo me...what is this? he's my boss...my position is pretty lowly...way low.

2006-11-20 03:03:30 · 13 answers · asked by shortbecometallat19 1 in Singles & Dating

I hang out with my friends. Even if I am just with the girls, he freaks out and thinks that i am going to cheat on him or something. It gets us into some very bad fights, and I have told him how I feel about him doing this before but it continues to happen. When he is with his friends he goes out and parties and drinks and is around tons of other girls, and I am okay with that. What should I do? Does it mean he doesn't trust me?

2006-11-20 03:02:39 · 45 answers · asked by Katiie Babiie 2 in Singles & Dating

is okay to have a crush on someone 10 years older than you, or is it wrong to the fullest part of law??
He knows I have a crush on him it dosent bother him just his girlfriend of 3 months!!!!

2006-11-20 03:02:36 · 20 answers · asked by skull 3 in Singles & Dating

I have been told a guy likes me but he never really talks to me that much, i think he might be shy but i'm not sure. Could he actually like me or not???

2006-11-20 03:00:42 · 12 answers · asked by x--becki--x 1 in Singles & Dating

Ok i went out with this guy and we brok up,but i still think i love him!! should i ask him out or should we just be friends?

2006-11-20 03:00:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am having problems with my husband because he's been jobless for half a year already. I wouldn't be this upset if I saw that he's putting effort into looking for a job, but he hasn't. It's been half a year already, and I want to quit my job, too, but I can't because then how would I pay the bills? I do Data Entry and my hands are already killing me. If I saw him get up early and take a look at the newspaper for jobs, then I would understand...but all he does is sleep in and play his PlayStation videogames. It's driving me mad and it's killing my admiration for him. Any advice on this situation? I'm thinking about giving him a "scare"...which I wish I didn't have to do, but it looks like the only alternative right now.

2006-11-20 03:00:05 · 13 answers · asked by Diana 3 in Marriage & Divorce


I think i'm falling in love with this guy, i know, and i'm 95 percent sure, he likes me too. My problem is that i haven't spoken to him for 2 days, and i really miss him, i don't want to call him, i don't want to look too interested, but i don't want to loose him either. I know i should relax, and probably everything is going to be all right, i just don't know how to relax. Why isn't he calling or something? I'm not very good figuring these things out.. i'm afraid i gave him mixed signals, or what? If i did it wasn't intentional, because i like him.. Is that possible, that he changed his mind? I mean, everything showed, he liked me too. Maybe HE doesn't want to look too intersted. What sould i do? (am i overreacting? how can i relax?)

2006-11-20 02:59:35 · 12 answers · asked by canabis 1 in Singles & Dating

There's this boy I've dated a while back for along time. Oneday we came to our disagreements and broke up. We are still talking to eachother as friends. But I think I still like him as a boyfriend. Does he still like me. He always ask me if I have a boyfriend. But he never ask me back out. Every night I think about him. He always sings to me. Do you think there is a chance that we will go back out?

2006-11-20 02:56:52 · 13 answers · asked by niya s 1 in Singles & Dating

Hello I'm going out with a turkish man that I met on holiday, he seems pretty genuine about me and we are both working really hard at keeping the relationship going. The only problem I have in my mind is that he is just doing it in the hope that he could possible get married to me and have a better life here in the UK. ok so its a big doubt in my mind as you read so many stories on stupid English women that have duped, I'm not naive, I just need some direction from anyone who has been in the same situation as me.

Love always sian.xx

2006-11-20 02:56:33 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok now i know why people want to kill themself on the holidays,
thanksgiving is my husbands birthday and his mothers birthday.
She is having the PARTY oh goody , always the same thing she has to have the party or crys and maks everyone feel bad than she complains about havng it,we ask if we can bring our favorite dishes she says no i don't like it. she insults me everytime i talk to anyone .. my daughter is comming from 2000 miles away to be there or i would stay home sick , I hate thanksgiving i would rather be home with people i love than be in the crazy house , what can do ? i think i'm going to flip out

2006-11-20 02:56:30 · 13 answers · asked by glitsyjewels 3 in Family

My mom told me I could invite some friends over and one of them has a girlfriend I invited her too. I was told she couldn't come I still want them to come though. . . It doesn't help the fact that me and him were talking and were going to go out but then they got back together. . .His girl is awesome but I think that he would try to hookup with me and so would his friend they have both told me they liked me and would for a fact get with me since I know this should I still let them come over with out his girl. . . I trust myself but if he's all over me I don't know if I could refuse becasue I really like this guy a lot but the way he put it "well he's(talking about his friend) is the next best thing but I'm bigger.. . .

2006-11-20 02:56:17 · 9 answers · asked by Smile 2 in Singles & Dating

One of my ex boyfriends got married early this month. I know this because his mom still emails me - 4 years after we broke up. The break up was my doing - he wanted to get married and I didn't. Less then a year later I met a great guy and married him, we've been married over a year now. Anyway, I have been waiting to get an email from my ex's mom regarding the wedding. 3 weeks have passed and nothing! No emails from her. Is this odd? Don't most people like to brag about their children's weddings to everyone they know? When I got married, I emailed her pictures from our wedding and everything. My ex has no problem with her writing to me and even gave her the OK to do so...do you think she's not truly happy that he's wedded now? Why wouldn't she write?

2006-11-20 02:56:09 · 20 answers · asked by Rachel 7 in Marriage & Divorce

My boyfriend of almost a year and a half recently told me he wanted to take a break because he's not sure what he wants right now, and he's not sure if our relationship was making him unhappy or if it was something else. I'm almost 100% sure that it's not a matter of him wanting to see someone else, because he also said that he's not sure if he wants to spend Thanksgiving with his family; he's thinking about skipping out and spending it alone. He's been acting puny and depressed lately. I feel like we had a very good relationship, and I wish he would let me be there for him, and he told me that he still wants me to be there for him ( I kinda have to be around anyway, we live together.) How much should I "be there" for him, since he needs a break from us, and is there anything I can do to make him see that he may be happier if he just let me be his girlfriend like I was before?

2006-11-20 02:56:08 · 4 answers · asked by *~HoNeYBeE~* 5 in Singles & Dating

when I look into her eyes I can see the whole universe.

Do you support my decision?

2006-11-20 02:55:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Will it be love at first sight for soulmates or does it take time?

2006-11-20 02:55:33 · 2 answers · asked by djat20 2 in Singles & Dating

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