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Family & Relationships - 6 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

This life is ful of mysteries! What if after the first time she/he decides to dump you, you forgive, the emotions start all over again and then they wait until you open up, become so vulnerable and then they hit you where it hurts most, again? Can that stop you from going back or into another relationship? Not to someone who has feelings for others, people with sincerety in thier minds, they learn to live again!

2006-11-06 00:48:08 · 24 answers · asked by Eljose 1 in Singles & Dating

Your therapist says there is nothing wrong with living together without marriage. Your family is very religious, and they say they would accept it, but they would never like it. Actually you are a religious woman yourself. Anyway, you know you dont have many options as you are divorced, over 30 and it is not easy to get relationships... Anyway you dont like the siutation, and when you have to make plans for this 'living together' arrangements, you make them with a heavy heart and no enhthusiam. Should you do it anyway? Should you think: "At my age, at the 21rst century, what else should I expect to find?" Should you think you can get used to that later, and that living together can not be as serious as a marriage but it must be better than living alone? But if you tell yourself all these things and deep inside your heart you are still sad cause despite of what everyone says, you are not that person? You are conservative, you are yourself? :-( Which advice would you give to a friend

2006-11-06 00:47:12 · 6 answers · asked by Graça 3 in Singles & Dating

well there is like a big party gonna happened (befor the marrige) after 2 months from now and I don' know what should I be worry about... help plz

2006-11-06 00:47:12 · 2 answers · asked by ~Dream Killer~ 1 in Weddings

My friend owns her own house and her only son lives with her (he is 23). He is mentally abusive to her and can sometimes even get a bit physical. She has asked him to leave on severall occassion as she is scared to go home to to her own house.

He hasnt worked now for 3 months and demands money from her, eating her food and using her electricity etc. She has asked him to move out and and has even said that she will give him some money if he goes. But he wont leave and wont give her the housekeys back. She is at the end of her rope and doesnt know where to turn. He has threatened her, and her property if she kicks him out. Whats are her options?

2006-11-06 00:46:57 · 19 answers · asked by Lottie 2 in Family

I have just been reading an old question about why people cheat when they are in happy marriages, and most of the answers seemed to be "there is obviously missing from the marriage"
I dont accept that, were all human I have been married for nearly 4 years and love my husband to death our sex life and all the other stuff is great, but that doesnt mean were not attracted to other people you can't just turn it off once you have a ring on your finger men especially as it is in their nature to spread their seeds,
Did you know that when we fall in love it is actually a hormone that is released from our brains that makes us bond with that person, women produce it continuously but men only produce it for around a year and after that they only produce it when they have just orgasmed (thats why they normally tell you they love you at that point)., So if you are not making love with you partner they won't feel this bond with you and find it easier to go elswhere what are your views on cheatin

2006-11-06 00:46:30 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2006-11-06 00:45:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

There's a girl who is 20 and i'm 3 years younger. She did give me clue that we should get attach, but i'm just not ready. I don't want to lose her and i do know she really needs a bf. There's also another guy who is in his 20 and he likes her too. I don't want him to snatch away from me...Help...what do i do?

2006-11-06 00:44:38 · 11 answers · asked by Red Beret 1 in Singles & Dating

It kills my hands cuz I have carpal tunnel and besides, I think the man should do that anyways!!

2006-11-06 00:44:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Ok first of all you're 19 and you're dating a 43yr old man who's been your best friend that you met online three years ago. Three years ago he dated your sister who was 14 at the time but she broke it off three years later.(I'm not any of them)

Ok since you are dating he's been calling this other girl on her twenties that you don't know about at all, he'd call her three to four times a week and they'd talk until midnight or later,. But how would you feel if your boyfriend was asking this girl what she looked like down there? wanted to know what every inch of her body looked like? And she didn't bring this on but you don't know that.

How would you feel?

2006-11-06 00:43:48 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-11-06 00:43:10 · 19 answers · asked by James E 2 in Singles & Dating

just out of curiosity , what do you sleep with ?. ie bolster, pillows, soft toys ?

i have 1 bolster and 3 pillows as well as a comforter and a blanket. haha , there;s never enough room on my bed. lol

2006-11-06 00:42:47 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

How do you determine if someone is looking for a quick **** or seriously interested in getting to know you without offending them.

I’m not looking for a one night stand, a hook up or anything like that (never appealed to me), but then again, I’m not looking for marriage tomorrow! I just don’t know how to determine this without offending the person (trust me I did that already and put not only my foot in my mouth but my ankle and calf too!)

I’m 29 years old, so I should have my “game” together, but I spent 7 years in a relationship and have been single/dating for the last 2 years. I dunno, any advice is appreciated.

2006-11-06 00:41:54 · 16 answers · asked by Lil Jello 3 in Singles & Dating

ok seriously,, why is this question suggested to go into the gay and lesbian section.?? and ive been called rude......

2006-11-06 00:40:04 · 7 answers · asked by nodumgys 7 in Singles & Dating

im scared to

2006-11-06 00:39:35 · 26 answers · asked by alex m 1 in Singles & Dating

I've been with this boy for over a year and i am 7 month pregnant with his baby

2006-11-06 00:39:34 · 16 answers · asked by kisskiss78098 1 in Family

Or is a nice outfit OK?

2006-11-06 00:39:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I do have a decent income.Still it is becoming useless.

2006-11-06 00:38:13 · 11 answers · asked by vikas 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I was dating this guy for about 5 months and he is an amazing guy and was wonderful to myself and my 4 yr old but he has a past with drugs and lately he's been drinking which makes him act like a totally different person and I hate it. Over the past few weeks we've been a bit more distant because he's been acting unlike himself. Sat. we were going to spend the day together and when I got there the first thing he did was look through my phone and called the last few #'s from the night before which were my parents # and brother in law. We'll after he did that it seemed like he did a 360 and so I asked him if he wanted us to leave and he said yes. I left and he kept trying to call but I wouldn't answer. Finally he texted me that he got the point and basically we texted each other back and forth all day with really hurtful things. He started it and I should have stopped it but he was hurting me and I reacted. In one of his texts he told me he's been cheating on me. He's still trying..

2006-11-06 00:37:50 · 14 answers · asked by Tricia P 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-06 00:37:41 · 16 answers · asked by Siu02rk 3 in Singles & Dating

My ex husband got married earlier this year, I would like to find out when and where and who he got married to. Can the council tell me this information? Or the registrar?

2006-11-06 00:37:32 · 8 answers · asked by terryscopic 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I've been dating a woman for 5 years, we met online, had a long distance thing for a few yrs, and finally I have relocated to her State and moved in with her.
We have been living together for 6 months now, her friends have started hanging out at her house, she said they never did this until I moved in, well a few of her friends started making passes at me, and I ended up sleeping with 3 of her friends. I am starting to feel little bad about it, I dont want to tell her, but i think if i stop sleeping with her friends they will tell.... Buts its really getting hard to keep up with all of them plus my old lady,, any advice?

2006-11-06 00:36:54 · 12 answers · asked by MikeDONG 1 in Singles & Dating

A guy at work recently told me he's interested in me and invited me to church. He knows I have a boyfriend but he'd like for us to be friends (Rough patch w/ boyfriend, I'm intrested in him too but....). I haven't been to a service in 14 yrs, and unfortunately i didn't go due to work. Last night, Sunday, he told me he's a actual preacher!!! Honestly I was a little intimidated b4 because he seems to have everything in the world, and to like me, little miss dont have much, it was just a little intimidating bcuz i'm thinking he'd act differently if he really knew i dont have much. But now, I'm terrified. He's 28, preaching 4 7yrs, has a church staff, music production company, sings, writes, & produce, and i'm 20 doing a bunch of nothing. He's a nice person, but ....I just dont know what to do. Any ideas?

2006-11-06 00:36:41 · 8 answers · asked by jaye 2 in Singles & Dating

We know folks get together and become a couple, and attraction and stuff is important, but how important is compromising in a relatioship?

2006-11-06 00:35:47 · 19 answers · asked by Arthur D 3 in Singles & Dating

i like a guy n' he's my class mate i don't know if he likes me or no
he always stares at me wherever i am n smiles at me . i know his number should i call him up or wait for him to take any step
please suggest!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-06 00:35:36 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

gangbang. How do you react ?

2006-11-06 00:34:59 · 8 answers · asked by titifricotin 2 in Singles & Dating

I get told alot that I look like Freddy Prinze Jr or Keauna Reeves. Im Italian/Irish, dark brown hair (messy caesar style), and eyes. I have a medium build with broad shoulders and a nice smile (nice, straight teeth).

Does this sound attractive? If so, how is it that I cannot find a pretty woman who is also smart, funny and caring???

2006-11-06 00:33:45 · 15 answers · asked by Falling to pieces 2 in Singles & Dating

Is there a woman out there that would go the extra mile to do what you really like? NO!!!!! and if they do they cant get t right.

Get over it.

2006-11-06 00:33:02 · 18 answers · asked by I'm In Love With Delicious 3 in Singles & Dating

I met this guy and at first I was like UGH!!! but as time went on we clicked. We dated 3 1/2 months and I really thought he liked me. He always acted a little standoffish, and when he would let himself get close, he would pull away. He stayed at my house every night, and he paid for everything we did. He could never keep his hands off of me, and seemed like he felt something for me. He didn't like public displays of affection and didn't want to say we were dating. We were like seeing each other with sex added. He didn't like to be all up on each other, but if I didn't show him attention, he would get upset!!?? He was jealous, but would never say he was but you could tell that it tore him up to see me pay attention to other guys, and not even in a flirting way, just a friend way. Was I wrong to think he cared. He is with a new girl now and he acts completely different with her than me. But he asks about me, and I don't know. I worte him a letter and he said we could be friends.

2006-11-06 00:31:09 · 4 answers · asked by Daphne F 2 in Singles & Dating

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