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Family & Relationships - 2 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

2006-11-02 03:34:42 · 21 answers · asked by paloma 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My girlfriend is always telling me: pull up your pants you're not a thug! Does that mean you are a thug because you sag? does that make you look cool. i sag because i'm just used to it.

2006-11-02 03:34:16 · 8 answers · asked by ken 1 in Singles & Dating

If you not inlove with your wife but cant stand to be away from your kids what can you do. Is it wrong to stay just for the kids or split up and be happy

2006-11-02 03:33:17 · 27 answers · asked by dunebugger 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I asked him how his night was and he said weird. I asked why and he was like if I tell you, you'll get mad. I was like ok. He was just like i did something with someone that I know you won't be happy about. I thought he had slept with an ex and if thats the case, well we aren't dating so I can't really tell him not to or get mad. Just then someone came home and he was like I'll call you back and talk to about it later. Well I called him back 15 mins later and i was a little worried and hes like i didn't sleep with so and so if thats what you think (which it was). And I was like ok but then he was like I'll give u a call in a bit don't worry and stop freaking out (which i wasn't, I just wanted to know.) I just said ok and hung up. Well in all honesty, like I said, I'm not dating him so whatever he does is up to him not me. I want to call and tell him that to save some heartace for me and just so he doesn't think i'm trying to control him. Should I do it or not? Thoughts?

2006-11-02 03:32:00 · 6 answers · asked by Just a girl... 3 in Friends

I am 18 f. I want a friend not coz i dont have any but all that i have just r for their own mean. They all dont care 4 my feelings.

2006-11-02 03:31:58 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

It would be the damn coffee I just spilled all over my desk....crap!

2006-11-02 03:31:43 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What should I do ....

I am 13 . I went onto this correspondent thing to get a correspondent and met this boy ( I wasn't looking for love ) . But we fell in love with each other . I saw him on webcam etc ... I knew I wasn't aloud to give my e mail address to someone I didn't know but we no one is perfect . Anyway I told my parents because I felt bad for diobeying me . They didn't tell me off but just told me to make a new msn account and not add anyone I didn't know ( never seen in real ) I did as they said . I told the boy I couldn't speak with him again and I was devestated and so was he. I told my friends and they said that the would add him . So what I did is I wrote messages to my frinds who then copied and pasted them eto the boy ( bf ) . It got soo hard . I added him again . Knowing I shouldn't but this was love ! It was harder then me . Anyway we have now being talking for a couple of months and our relastionship is getting stronger everyday . continuing ... below

2006-11-02 03:31:25 · 7 answers · asked by La parisienne ! 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

I recently got engaged in October and have set a date for 2008. Since my wedding is so far off, I'm unsure as to when I should ask my friends to be my bridesmaids? I think a few of them are starting to wonder but I also don't want anything to happen and change my mind on who I am asking (most have been long term friends but you never know!)

2006-11-02 03:30:40 · 12 answers · asked by JJ 1 in Weddings

I've been growing a Bansai tree for 4 years and it's now eight inches tall. Is this a good size or should it be bigger or smaller?

2006-11-02 03:29:10 · 15 answers · asked by cig_bock30 1 in Singles & Dating

just because you realle felt like it

2006-11-02 03:28:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

im living with my aunt and uncle.

2006-11-02 03:28:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I like a girl and i am nice to her and she is nice to me. I am thinking about asking her to go to the movies or something of that ballpark. I am having one of my friends ask what she thinks of me first so i know how to appraoch her if she is even interested. What should i do if she is interested, She is not interested, or doesnt really care? Also my friend wont make it obvious. He will start talking to her about something thing and bring me up. Thats how he will approach it. Will this hurt anything at all? Or should i just go and ask? Also when i say hey to her in the hall she seems really enthused to say hi. Also when she sees me when i am alone she is verry happy to wave at me.

2006-11-02 03:27:42 · 9 answers · asked by gopackgo51 1 in Singles & Dating

I went with her friend to homecoming but her friend ended up being pretty stupid so we arent together anymore. I chat online with this person a lot and we walk together in the halls almost everyday. I have really become to like this girl. I want to wait until Turnabaut to see if she will ask me to that and if she doesnt, should I ask her? Social class is very important in high school so i will tell you a little bout myself and her. Im a sophmore, honors student, and have been a varsity swimmer since freshman year. My social skills are somewhat lacking in that im really shy and not talkative but many people say that once they get to know me, im the coolest person they know. Now she is a junior, average class student, and a varsity cheerleader. She is very outgoing and likes to have simple fun. Also, many people in my school think that she and her group of friends are stupid. She is also kinda short and she is asian. So, do I stand a chance?

2006-11-02 03:25:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

i just curious as the new craze in men is going to beauty palours and being waxed and totaly hairless from the neck down. i just want to know if women prefer hairy guys or bare guys?

2006-11-02 03:24:40 · 19 answers · asked by the _reporter 2 in Singles & Dating

What would you do when you have a boifriend that treats you right but your particular friend don't like him, because you usually have the terriblest relationship, and this is your first good one?

2006-11-02 03:24:06 · 20 answers · asked by ♥Imani♥ 2 in Friends

i dated a girl for 5 years we broke up and then my ex- best friend started dating her i didnt think that was very respectable thats why he is an ex-best friend would you date your best friends ex?

2006-11-02 03:23:58 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Husband left me while pregnant to attempt to have a life w/his ex-wife. She just used him for all he was worth and sent him on his way. We got back together. I have forgiven him to the extent that I can and work on it daily. At times I feel he loves me and really feels remorse and tries to ease my pain, but...

My question is this, is it unreasonable for me to demand that he not speak w/her on the phone when I'm not around. He was on the phone for over 20 minutes w/her supposedly arguing yesterday. A lot can be said in 20 minutes. If he's over her then he should let her go and not feel passionately enough about her to argue like that! Am I wrong? I know I'm insecure and it hurts so badly. I want to let the past go but there she is ...in our lives! They have a child together so there is no hope for her to ever just be gone.

2006-11-02 03:23:43 · 25 answers · asked by Just Me 4 in Marriage & Divorce

What does this mean Iknow my inner self is warning me of something but I just can't figure it out anyone else experiencing the same thing if so tell me what you think is going on please ..

2006-11-02 03:22:53 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

It wasn't a horrible split at all - we still talk - we only really split coz i was moving back home across london, and we're both quite young to settle down as we both have things we want to achieve.

But is it bad to go and stay with him every now and then for a night or two?? Or am i just walking into trouble?

2006-11-02 03:21:12 · 22 answers · asked by brunette1706 2 in Singles & Dating

I mean something you feel like doing but it's could seem too shameless with a guy you like

2006-11-02 03:21:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I dated both, but now i would only date older guys. Younger guys are players, liars, cheaters, don't respect girls, beer drinkers & trouble makers . Older guys are mature, wise, thinkers, put girls first over anything, ador & rarely cheat ,know how to dress elegant & respect women & also they are attractive & know how to satisfy a girl in bed . I'm also a believer that age is a number & should never matter in a relation between two,if they like each other & get along well. Who agrees ?

2006-11-02 03:20:44 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I would like to get married around Valentine's Day. I need some food, decor, invitation, and ceremony location ideas for someone on a tight budget. Thanks.

2006-11-02 03:20:14 · 10 answers · asked by littlebettycrocker 4 in Weddings

I live in a major city, am 37 yrs old and make just under $50K.

2006-11-02 03:19:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

I started working at my current job which is a private family owned construcion company since Jan and have become accustomed and comfortable. Recently- i had a abit of an issue at home- the bed springs of my bed started coming out so i needed money to buy a new one. OF course i didn't ahve the money to do so and i proceceded to talk to my boss's wife (who happens to be an interior designer who has connections with great furniture companies) about getting one through her. She offered a few she knew about that would be cheap for me but only in queena nd king sizes. My rom is not big enough for theat so i told her i'd get back with ehr but regardless- it would be without matresses. She told me she knew someone that would get me the matresses for cheap and that she would talk to the guy. The problem was- no matter how cheap the price for anything she was gonna get me- i ddin't have the money on my hads so- i spoke to her husband who is also the owner of the company (it's 2 busine

2006-11-02 03:19:17 · 9 answers · asked by Ms.Budonkadonk 4 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-02 03:19:04 · 32 answers · asked by sunny 4 in Friends

stars"? last night my wife had dancing with the stars on. i much rather would have been watching boise state play fresno state. on espn. i was going to go down in the basement and watch it but i didnt . although i think tonight i will boycott and go down in the basement to watch west virginia lousville. do a lot of other guys find themselves in this situation where they feel guilty watching television in another room than your wife but cant stand what she is watching and would much rather watch football?

2006-11-02 03:18:59 · 8 answers · asked by Mark 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My wife has had sex with me then the same day or next day ask me to pay a bill for her. I started to notice a direct correlation between love making and her past due bills or bank overdrafts being placed on my pillow, computer etc.

I confronted her about it and she said YES, she did make love to me to soften me up then ask for me to pay a bill or give her money. Is she using me? Is this deception?

2006-11-02 03:18:30 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

It's like EVERY girl I know that gets a new love interest in her life or boyfriend and everything/everyone doesn't exist anymore of course until they stop "talking" or break up, then they come back like nothing happened. That is such BULL!!! Why do women do that? It's so sad!!!

2006-11-02 03:18:30 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Let's assume for purposes of this discussion that it is unrealistic to expect people to be faithful for 50 years. You have kids with your wife, you have alife together and you love her and the kids. Can't you see other women but at least try to hide it from her? It seems to me that to be brazen and obvious is to deliberately hurt your wife.

Are there men that have had affairs throughout the marriage, kept it from the wife and the marraige remained in tact? If I just had to have something new, I would keep it out of town and history. Thanks.

2006-11-02 03:18:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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