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Family & Relationships - 31 October 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I broke up with my boyfriend this weekend. He was sad at the time but accepted it. last night on the phone he was saying we could work things out and that things were not that bad. I got really upset at this and had to stop myself saying its all your fault, you ruined it,your selfish and cold etc. How can I get him to move on, I dont want to destroy his confidence, but I was very unhappy and am now very pleased we are no longer together.

2006-10-31 23:56:26 · 23 answers · asked by IwishicoulddeleteYahooAnswers 2 in Singles & Dating

the words that its his heart and that it should stay between the two of us. He knows that you don't own a mobile earliar. Later he agrees to let you share it with your parents and his parents. But he keeps checking it regularly. And he keeps repeating that its his love and that when he is away this mobile will keep us together. He wouldn't let you have another one. What would you do girls?

2006-10-31 23:54:21 · 14 answers · asked by 28March2007 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-10-31 23:51:08 · 12 answers · asked by jezdolly 2 in Singles & Dating

when siblings fight and there are no parents to mediate, how do you get ahead without really rocking the boat.

2006-10-31 23:51:06 · 11 answers · asked by gutsa 2 in Family

I called her sunday -she said she was at work and was a little abrupt- We spent 2 hrs at dinner and exchanged #'s .
I don't know if she changed her mind but I will try to call her
for a 2nd date and find out.

The only other thing I could think of is I gave her a hug goodnight-and she may have been a little surpirised-but I don't think
that could have been it .

what should I do ??

2006-10-31 23:50:19 · 15 answers · asked by don;t know 3 in Singles & Dating

2006-10-31 23:50:16 · 8 answers · asked by crazy suzy 2 in Friends

2006-10-31 23:49:19 · 9 answers · asked by crazy suzy 2 in Friends

Decided to divorce her. I've been a Mr. Mom and she's been the sole supporter to this family. He's cut off all my credit cards and has completely pulled herself away. i sent her separation papers. And she came unglued and said she wanted everything. I've never known someone to be so mean. I guess she thought after six months she could just come back like nothing has happened. I've moved on with my life. We have so many assets I know it's gonna be a battle is there any suggestions. She has left and started a new life. For no reason will I guess she was just board. It's been very hard getting back on my feet. I've decided I want everything possible as I feels she has abandoned us It's not just me our kids have been left to their both adults just starting out and her being the sole supporter. we've all had hard times without warning this happened two days after my 24th anniversary I would always love her but I no longer even know who she's become is a wrong to want revenge.

2006-10-31 23:47:05 · 25 answers · asked by unsure 1 in Marriage & Divorce

but she also wants to kinda give him a hint that she likes him ...ny great ideas?????

2006-10-31 23:45:28 · 8 answers · asked by jezdolly 2 in Singles & Dating

why is it us mothers spend every second of the day bringin our kids up makin sure they well looked after an happy,yet its the fathers (lots absent) who get all the praise from the children hmmm?

2006-10-31 23:44:00 · 27 answers · asked by Jane Louise B 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Please be specific. I welcome all comments.

2006-10-31 23:43:16 · 12 answers · asked by Mr. Main Event 5 in Singles & Dating

i am willing to do the same

2006-10-31 23:43:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

do you find bigger women attractive?

personally, i like a girl to be slim. not skinny and not large but in beween. nothing better than an athletic (but not too muscular) body.

2006-10-31 23:43:03 · 11 answers · asked by arrrthelifeofapirate 3 in Singles & Dating

Me and my husband has an arguments last night because my baby is crying so much and we dont know why..My nanny came to me to get the baby, I gave it to her because maybe to her she will not cry. My husband told me like "What you/we gonna do if the nanny is not with us? He said it was just a joke, but to me, I feel I am insulted because it seems to me that I am incompetent mother and wife to my son. Am I really too sensitive? What do you think about it? We came from a different nationalities.. he is american I am asian.. But eventhough, we are happy together, just the language barriers sometimes causes problem. He thinks this I think that way...

2006-10-31 23:42:10 · 9 answers · asked by just me 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Me and my husband has an arguments last night because my baby is crying so much and we dont know why..My nanny came to me to get the baby, I gave it to her because maybe to her she will not cry. My husband told me like "What you/we gonna do if the nanny is not with us? He said it was just a joke, but to me, I feel I am insulted because it seems to me that I am incompetent mother and wife to my son. Am I really too sensitive? What do you think about it? We came from a different nationalities.. he is american I am asian.. But eventhough, we are happy together, just the language barriers sometimes causes problem. He thinks this I think that way...

2006-10-31 23:41:53 · 7 answers · asked by just me 3 in Family

He's 29, good looking, brill personality, kind, thoughtful, caring & really makes the girl feel special, but he's been single for years, he's dated but it never seems to work. What do you think he's doing wrong? Or is it just he's too nice?

2006-10-31 23:40:28 · 16 answers · asked by Bubbly Blonde 4 in Singles & Dating

just famous people please, fathers, mothers, siblings dont count....

i have thought about this one and i really cant think who i would choose...

2006-10-31 23:40:27 · 16 answers · asked by arrrthelifeofapirate 3 in Marriage & Divorce

i feel frustrated and ignored .he does not have time to talk to me. any free time he has he spends exercising. i do not think he would brteak his exercise schdule even if i am dead . what do i do
p.s. i still love him

2006-10-31 23:39:50 · 17 answers · asked by SJM 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-10-31 23:39:19 · 6 answers · asked by cinderella d 1 in Singles & Dating

where shall we go to celebrate this matter?

2006-10-31 23:38:53 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Its a guy she works with, and she said that she wants to be with me, and that she isnt going to talk to this guy anymore, but then I'll catch her again. I'm not the jealous type, but the stuff I have heard them talking about isn't innocent. The only reason I am still with her at this point is my 15 month old son. I guess the real question is,"When is too much too much"?

2006-10-31 23:38:47 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Me and my husband has an arguments last night because my baby is crying so much and we dont know why..My nanny came to me to get the baby, I gave it to her because maybe to her she will not cry. My husband told me like "What you/we gonna do if the nanny is not with us? He said it was just a joke, but to me, I feel I am insulted because it seems to me that I am incompetent mother and wife to my son. Am I really too sensitive? What do you think about it? We came from a different nationalities.. he is american I am asian.. But eventhough, we are happy together, just the language barriers sometimes causes problem. He thinks this I think that way...

2006-10-31 23:38:16 · 7 answers · asked by just me 3 in Family

I am married. I love the man I married. But I just started my new job and I found a guy that is giving me way alot more attention then my husband is doing now. And as hard as it is to say but my husband and I's relationship and still going down hill. What should I do?????????????

2006-10-31 23:36:36 · 10 answers · asked by jjfabls69 1 in Marriage & Divorce

when you have caught, is it all over?
how long does the chase last?does the length of the chase mean anything?

2006-10-31 23:35:05 · 12 answers · asked by XCuteX 1 in Singles & Dating

for my 16th birthday party i'm having a pool party. should i ask this guy i like to com?

2006-10-31 23:34:19 · 10 answers · asked by bear 1 in Singles & Dating

One of my dear friends mother was killed in a car accident. she ran into a school bus while on the phone driving into the sun and going around a curve. she didn't deserve death... she was only 36. our entire school class went to see her the morning of the accident. i am having a hard time dealing with this right now... and i know the family is too... the funeral is tomorrow. do you have any advice for me to get over this? do you know of something i can say to the family to comfort them?

2006-10-31 23:29:36 · 9 answers · asked by vitamin r 3 in Friends

we are away from each other right now, and for a few months longer. he said being away from me is liking being in prison and he's counting down the days till i come back. he knows he will be free again and with me. he also said that he was talking to another girl at the weekend, that he wouldn't do anything but it made him think how much he misses sex and how easy it is just to touch someone. that he was jealous of the people he saw together. he didn't stop talking about the girl until it upset me. then i said i had to tell him something about that night, how i felt. and he thought i'd gone off and kissed / slept with another guy. i said i felt like i needed a hug last night, and he said 'well, you could have had one. who's fault is that' i just meant i wanted some tenderness, and i left feeling kinda unfufilled. he didn't think that we'd ended it badly. but i did. what do you think is going on?

2006-10-31 23:29:21 · 7 answers · asked by maria h 1 in Singles & Dating

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