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Family & Relationships - 2 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I am inlove with a man who is way older than me. I'm 22 and i think he's 58... I don't know how to let him know that i'm interested in him romantically... He's a very open minded person but at the same time i dont know how to approach him because he recently got divorced..

2006-11-02 15:49:28 · 18 answers · asked by norma 2 in Singles & Dating

i know he loves me, but i know for sure that i love him more, we going strong since last 2 years, and i have no regrets, but sometimes it pinches that he shud love me more, but as his love for me goes increasing, so does mine, so at the end i also give him more than wat i get. does it happen with u?????, do women tend to love more?????

2006-11-02 15:49:08 · 8 answers · asked by hmmm 3 in Singles & Dating

I have a good friend who is chinese. I think he is a very nice person! But he is always worried about how people see him. How can i help? He is a very good person underneath.

2006-11-02 15:47:41 · 13 answers · asked by Magda W 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I have been with the love of my life for 4 years, I am completely in love with him. We like all couples have had our ups and downs but have made it. Unfortunately recently his mother has stated clearly to him that she does not approve of me and doesn't under no circumstance want him to be with me, I'm trying to be understanding & to find a solution, but unfortunately I feel he's quite comfy with her dominance over him, she won't let him talk or see me. I see him once a week or every 2 weeks, he calls and texts me when he gets a chance. I am heartbroken now because its been like this for a month now, I luv him and respect his mom. The last time I saw him, he didn't seem so stressed out about the situation & just tells me he doesn't know what to do. I feel he's not as worried as I am.I been getting real sad it interferes with my everyday activites.how do i tell him how i feel and make him understand without disrespecting his family or making him feel sad or mad? what should i do? we're19

2006-11-02 15:46:48 · 8 answers · asked by latina ♥ 2 in Singles & Dating

Last December my sister-in-law & I volenteered to throw A family Christmas Party this year but I haven' talking to her about it since last years party.I have been trying to contact her but everytime I call I get the machine or one of the kids (16 & 12) answer & say that she's not home or taking a nap. I just find it hard to beleive that's all she ever does. Anyway... because we (my husband & I) haven't been able to make contact with her, we have gone a head & started making the plans & rented a hall with out her. So today she emails me to say "HI" & to see what we are doing this weekend ~ I was going to respond with a message asking if & when she wanted to get together to start planning this party but decide that I have made enough efforts. I will continue on with my plans for the party & wait to see if she mentions it this weekend. SO MY QUESTION IS WHAT SHOULD MY NEXT STEP BE IF SHE DOESN'T BRING IT UP? GO ON WITH OUT HER OR REMIND HER ONE LAST TIME? HOW WOULD YOU HANDLE THIS?

2006-11-02 15:46:12 · 13 answers · asked by justaskme 3 in Family

My uncle and his family got involved in a fatal car accident in the highway. Instantly my uncle, his wife and baby boy died but one child (AGE 12) who got injured in the save accident luckily survived. He had been taken to Hospital and now recovering. He did not know that his parents and younger brother already died. So far people are telling him that your parents are also in hospital. But this week he will be released from Hospital and some one need to tell him the truth. Can any one suggest please, how to inform him that they all are dead?

2006-11-02 15:45:57 · 7 answers · asked by just4love 1 in Family

I just recently got out of a relationship in which I was ready to be fully commited and my guy told me he was too scared for that... So now we are just friends, but Im lonely and I miss holding someone at nite and I miss spending my time with someone and I'm ready to have something in my life.. sometimes. So, I think about dating and if a male even asks me to go somewhere I get so overcome with fear and I start thinking I am going to screw up my friendship with my ex by moving on. He isn't dating and I dont know if he even wants to, but I feel like waiting on him because there is a chance that someday he may be ready.. I dont know what to do because I'm tired of being alone but I dont want to be with anyone but HIM!!! And I CANT talk to him about it because he said that if I have feelings for him at all then we cant be friends because he is not willing to hurt me and that I have to be able to handle it because if I'm hurting then he is and he cant handle that. WHAT DO I DO??

2006-11-02 15:45:05 · 12 answers · asked by curiousone 1 in Singles & Dating

I'm planning a date and would it be a good idea to carve pumpkins after halloween?

2006-11-02 15:44:52 · 6 answers · asked by churnest 1 in Singles & Dating

There is a girl new in my school and she is very cute and she has a great personalitity, but we have one class together and we talk and cut up. I got her phone number, but i was just joking and she had me call her. I really just want friends right now, but i like her and i dont want to ruin what we already have. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

2006-11-02 15:43:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my ex and i brok up 8 mounths ago and she has been calling me every week even after i told her (f*ck off i dont want you in my life)

2006-11-02 15:43:39 · 12 answers · asked by hiemer19 1 in Singles & Dating

My mother in law is 50 years old, she hasn't had a boyfriend in 8 years and was married once.

She married her first husband (my husband's father) after knowing him 9 months and they had a rocky marriage.

Her only boyfriend after her divorce was an alcoholic. She broke up with him after 5 years and hasn't had a boyfriend since.

She has been on two dates in the last 5 years and both men never called her again.

Now she called my husband today and told him she wanted us to meet him this weekend. She also wants to have him meet the family at Thanksgiving.

She has known him for FOUR days!!!

She says he is "perfect" for her: never been married, has no children, has his own house and is an accountant.

We were shocked and felt it was so rushed. I am uncomfortable meeting her boyfriend of 4 days.

Are we overreacting? We want her to have a boyfriend so she stops trying to hang out with us all of the time, but this is way fast!

What do you think?

2006-11-02 15:43:05 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

the situation is that the mom took the kids and is now preventing the father from seeing them without a court order. is this in essence hiding the kids away a form of parental kidnapping what can be done legally to aide this ?

2006-11-02 15:43:04 · 7 answers · asked by tiny 1 in Marriage & Divorce

My girlfriend and I are relatively close; we've been together for over six months and I knew her before that. Anyway, at the moment, we live in different cities so we don't see each to often. In December I'll be in her city for about two or maybe three weeks. Here's my question:

I want to ask her if I can stay with her at her apartment while I'm there but am nervous she might think I just want to stay there so I can "make a move" or something. As of now the relationship hasn't gotten too physical and I am totally cool with waiting till we're both more comfortable before moving forward.

Would it be okay to mention my concerns to her and assure her that our relationship wouldn't change while I'm there and that I wouldn't expect anything different from her?


2006-11-02 15:43:03 · 5 answers · asked by sam 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-11-02 15:43:03 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Im just asking bcuz i just recently done this with my girlfriend and i dont know which is better for her. girls which is better. thanx

2006-11-02 15:42:15 · 9 answers · asked by Gonzo 2 in Singles & Dating

are coming over this weekend. Last time they were over things got a little outta control. We ended up playing strip darts and messing around. Only with our partners not swapping or nothing like that. I really liked it. My friend and his wife and I really liked it. I'm not so sure about my GF. We've talked about what happened and what will prolly happen this weekend, but all she really says is "don't worry 'bout it. What happens, happens" My question is... should I tell 'em not to come over (cuz I really don't think she's cool with it) or just take her at her word and let what "happens, happen"???

2006-11-02 15:39:22 · 30 answers · asked by mrbubbachowpuss 2 in Marriage & Divorce

When I was with my Ex-BF before everything was so great we was always doing things together and split up cause I found out some things and so I moved on, we have been split apart now for almost 6 yrs. and I have always loved him but he broke my heart before and he has told me and everyone else that I broke his when I left him and he has always loved me and he would do anything to get back with me, and now that I am here he don't want anything to do with me? Like I said before he tells me one thing and does another and I get so pissed off when he says he will call me back and or ask me to come over to his house and he does not follow through with it he always has something else going on or he does not answer his phone. But yet when we do talk he is telling me someday he wants me to move in with him and spend the rest of his life with him he knows I can make him happy, is it because he is so scared of getting back with me cause he thinks I might leave again?

2006-11-02 15:38:19 · 2 answers · asked by Ms. Daisy_Duke 1 in Singles & Dating

Seriously...I've been dating this guy for about 2 months...and he still won't tell his family about me! I mean...he doesn't even like it when I tell my family about him! Can you help? Why does he want to hide me...when he says that he's crazy about me?

2006-11-02 15:37:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Guys how would you feel if your girlfriend just wanted to kiss but not go any further?
I've always been kinda shy but at the same time I never felt that I needed a boyfriend to be happy. I always put school and friends first. I always get hit on but I'm really picky and I didn't even have my first boyfriend until now at age 20. I even had my first kiss at age 20 and my then boyfriend couldn't believe that I had never kissed a guy since he thought I was so beautiful. But our relationship involved kissing but nothing further. I just feel like I'm not ready. My bf told me he could wait but he ended it soon. I wanna save sex for marriage but I also don't think I wanna go past kissing. It seems as though sexual inexperience and purity is not valued anymore and that guys just wanna "have fun" with the dirty girls but cringe if the girl wants to stay pure. Would any of you guys be able to tolerate only kissing and nothing more with your girlfriend?

2006-11-02 15:37:03 · 9 answers · asked by sweet kisses 1 in Singles & Dating

This guy is turning 24. He lives with roomates. He own a car, Jetta. Has a laptop. Works at home. Doesn't need anything as far as I know and doesn't know what he wants. HELP!!!!!!!
His B-day is saturday.

2006-11-02 15:37:00 · 9 answers · asked by angel20072002 3 in Friends

We just found out my son abused my daughter repeatedly. We knew he had done it once and he was prosecuted for the one time. Now we find out it happened often. It was four years ago and he is out of treatment and is married. He says it only happened once but my daughter has no reason to lie. I want to love both my children but am torn. I support my daughter but am uncomfortable around my son. What kind of mother does that make me? Should we go to the police? If I do my mother will never speak to me again and my son won't admit it. Help!

2006-11-02 15:36:57 · 8 answers · asked by loved one 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

My honey and I were in the mood last night, and I ended up giving him a bl0wjob...(and...i swallowed)

He's never been with anyone else, I'm his first girlfriend, and so I'm wondering if it's even possible for me to get any STDs if he has never contracted any from anyone else.

2006-11-02 15:36:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

want a nice girlfriend i hate being alone

2006-11-02 15:35:46 · 3 answers · asked by phnxjoe 1 in Singles & Dating

my girlfriend got flowers today at work and there was no name the guy just told the person who recieved the flowers to tell her that she is beautiful. she swears she does not know who would send flowers to her at work and that she has really not told anyone where she works. she works at kinder care a child day care place. could it be a parent?

2006-11-02 15:35:28 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Weddings

What ways are you coping, and if they involve an extra-marital relationship, what's your attitude about it? Feeling guilty, deserving, vengeful, all of the above or none of the above?

2006-11-02 15:34:58 · 11 answers · asked by You'll Never Outfox the Fox 5 in Marriage & Divorce

i have always allowed him to see the chidren.i feel like it is the right thing to do.he is not helping me in any way at all.even the child support agency in my town is no help at all because he has moved to a different state.he will not give me any information about where he works or his address.he comes back every other weekend to his parents house to see the children.i just do not know what to do.i can not afford a lawyer at the moment.

2006-11-02 15:34:43 · 23 answers · asked by susan b 1 in Marriage & Divorce

About three week's ago i found out my girl friend of five years was cheating on me. i made her move out the next day with out thinking twice about it. she has been living with a female friend who has done nothing but make her feel cheap and unwelcome, in fact she has told my ex that she has less than a week to find a new place to live. she now has no one to turn to and i feel so bad to see her like this, a once stong person seeming so helpless. what should i do

2006-11-02 15:34:06 · 27 answers · asked by The long Road Home 1 in Singles & Dating

How is date night any different for any other night? Hubby and I have been together for nearly 15 years and we have two children (3 and 6). Most nights we have very little to talk about and when we do have a day or night out alone (once a month or so), the conversation is gossip about friends, or stuff about the kids....nothing exciting or stimulating. So I don't get it? When two people know each other inside and out, what their opinion about everything is, how they'll respond to any question, how does this one-on-one time help stimulate things?

2006-11-02 15:33:02 · 21 answers · asked by chnchita 4 in Marriage & Divorce

Ha, since the Yahoo! idiots deleted my question (or some jealous person got upset and reported an innocent question).

I just got married 2 weeks ago and my husband is acting so much nicer and he says things are different now that we're married. Guys, why is that? We've been together for years and now that we're married I seem to matter so much more to him and his family as well?

2006-11-02 15:32:45 · 13 answers · asked by bridetobebrandie 4 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-11-02 15:32:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

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