Jst installed a new motherboard and CPU but my old reset / on/off switch and harddisk drive front panel led plug is wrong.
The old switch is 8 pins in a row, empty, black, green(Power LED),blanked, black, Yellow(HDD LED), black, Red(power/reset switch). It was originally a HP pavilion PC.
The new Motherboard is a ASRock 775i65G and has 9pin (2 rows of 5) plug, PLED+, PLED-, PwrBtn#, blank, HDLED+, HDLED-, GND, RESET#, Dummy.
Does anyone know what sort of plug this is and where i can buy a new front panel switch/led display that will fit. Also is there a quick way to fire the pc up by shorting the PwrBtn# pin to GND just to turn the pc on. I know that the atx power supplies don't need the power button pressed in once the pc is on, they will only turn off if it is held on for 4 seconds. This means it's got to be a momentary on switch so shorting the terminals should work, i just need to be sure of the terminals.
Any help much appriciated, really want to get it working tonight
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