ok i left high school in 1997 all i wanted woz to earn some money, so got a job as an office junior that has progressed into admin assist and then customer service, as anyone else as an admin worker will tell u the pay is poor, i get bout £200 per wk for a 40 hour week i'm always asked by girls why havent u got a girlfriend, i'm told im good looking but i dont even bother asking girls out cos i couldnt afford to treat em or take them anywhere, and cos i cant afford my own place i'm still with mum n dad.....that aint gonna go down well.
so i've woke up know i need to do somethin but what, bear in mind i'm not the brightest but hardworkin n willing to learn, maybe i should just marry a rich girl any offers...lol no seriosley any advice i've been looking in the paper at jobs and i'm gettin no where.
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