My dream is to live in my own Palace of Ice, and I myself as the Snow Queen! Not an evil Queen of course... well, perhaps cunning enough to set winter all the time. And plus, cold temperature all over my palace could somehow preserve my natural beauty, an eternal youth! LoL!!
I prefer cold climate to warm one, and I enjoy winter than summer all the time ^_^ . I really wish I could control the Cold Weather and Blizzard. My element is definitely Water and if somehow I have the power of Ice Storm and Sub-Zero temperature....
Well. my Palace of Ice and my figure as Snow Queen would be such legendary. My Palace is magically hidden and only those with pure heart and noble intention could ever discover it.
I'm a tall, slim, blue-eyed, and silvery blond as the Snow Queen. Lots of men are dying to witness in first hand my pale and fragile image or even be my lover, while uncounts women are desperate for my secret of eternal beauty.... =)
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Mythology & Folklore