Someone sent me this on MySpace yesterday. I"m not going to respond to him and I'm going to block him but what do you think about this message? It's the weirdest thing I have ever heard.
"Hey I was just reading this email, and I got that awesomest baddass coolest idea, ya see I think you should say fu*k your boyfriend and moving to Texas and move instead to a trailer park with me here in Michigan, where in 4 months time you get pregnant, contract herpes, and a crack addiction ... baby I'm in love with you, hehe umm I think you would look hot in a moo moo. You're fine girl ... at least get naked and sit on my motorcycle. Lol hehe. Damn I'm good. How can you turn that down? You're hotter than a DVD player in a crackhouse ya know that?"
21 answers
asked by
♀♥♂☮Trippy Hippie☮♂♥♀
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